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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

Looks like you were right ozone.

RIP Tigger the cat. I'll miss you you little spazz.
Found him today, covered up as usual in his bed.
That's terrible Sarah :(
My Tiger cat and your's both dead now. -_-
Not cool.

It was strange yesterday… It seemed like everyone in the train carriage was American! All chatting away… Everywhere I turned, an American! You guys are invading down here o_O

Posted at

I read it, and I felt bad for him, too. Considering I don't know him I decided not to give him an e-hug. I guess that makes me a bad person or something. But this IS the rant thread, and we can rant about anything here, no matter how trivial.

Aw naw, there's nothing wrong your rant, I just found it funny after scrolling down and seeing "my hair feels dry".

Sorry if I sounded rude/posh. I'm dumb like that. :/

Now it's my turn to apologize. Sorry for jumping on you like that, I have a bad habit of being very defensive lately. And that sucks about your wallet, especially your license.

Aurora Moon, I have the same problem. I'm a regular chocoholic. Unfortunately my metabolism is a crawler. D:

Posted at

so i'm in a different location than normal… she doesnt have my address….so she sent me an email….asking for it….to send the "D" paperwork. even after all this time, this is hard. i'm doing my best to not break down. even after all i went thru, i didnt think it'd hit me this hard. i thought that i would have at least two months. not two weeks. I have worked hard to keep what we had together. i do not think any of those ridiculous rules were meant for anything. Just maybe she thought I would not jump thru hoops for her. She was wrong. I would go to the ends of the earth for her. Too bad.

Posted at

Ohh I'm so pissed. My hair's been blond with slight pink tones since last Christmas, right? Well, my school just decided that the practically nonexistent pink residue offended them. So they made me dye over it. And I literally just bleached my hair about 2 days ago. So now my hair is dry and crappy. And if I try to bleach it back to blond (so I can dye it pink or whatever) after I graduate, it'll probably be SO trashed that it will break. I hate my school. It's just so ridiculous. I raise their frigging statistics and they pull this crap on me.

BTW, ignore my stupid avatar that keeps popping up due to DD's bugginess. That was temporary hair color spray and washed out before I even returned to school.

Wait, so is there some kind of dress code in your school where they can actually enforce such a rule? If they can point out to you in the school rules that hair of an "unnatural color" is deemed inappropriate, then that's one thing - but if no such things exists, they have no legal precident to ask you to dye it back or leave the school. In fact, I'm fairly certain that's illegal - especially after Bush's "right to an education" legislation.

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Everything was going so well, now it's all fucked up again. I'm contemplating suicide again, after five years. I've been here for about five months, and everything's already crashing down around me. I'm a failure at everything I do, everything I do is a fucking trial, the simplest things, things most people can do without even thinking, become monumental tasks as soon as I try. I was better off not doing anything, because at least then I could kid myself that I wouldn't fuck it all up again.

And again and again and again and again and again.

The worst thing is that I have absolutely no one I can talk to about this. I never have. I have to drag myself out of this pit of shite alone and like always I will fail. I even fail at giving up.

I swear if someone knocks on my door and runs off again, I will smash their faces in. No warnings, I'm past warnings. Fuckers going to bleed.

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… ok, I was going to rant about how some asshole owes me $250 for design work that kept me up nights to get it done on time along with school and everything, but after looking at everyone else's shit I've got nothing to be bitching about.

so i'm in a different location than normal… she doesnt have my address….so she sent me an email….asking for it….to send the "D" paperwork. even after all this time, this is hard. i'm doing my best to not break down. even after all i went thru, i didnt think it'd hit me this hard. i thought that i would have at least two months. not two weeks. I have worked hard to keep what we had together. i do not think any of those ridiculous rules were meant for anything. Just maybe she thought I would not jump thru hoops for her. She was wrong. I would go to the ends of the earth for her. Too bad.

I think I can imagine how you feel, a week after me and my fiance broke it off she was already with some other guy. Now looking back two and a half months later, our break up was one of the better things that happened for me at the time. Now I'm building a fairly successful graphic design business that allowed me to quit my job and I've got more opportunities in college and careers that before. She's having relationship troubles again already. It's not quite the same, but I know how it is to be tossed by someone you love.

It's tough, but you just gotta keep going and focus on the stuff that is important. That probably doesn't help much but it's the best advice I can give.

Posted at

thanks iba. most will say that words do not help, but for me, they do. and you can bitch about anything, i have some friends who are looking at this and making it a good thing. which is a confusing okay thing to do.

i am trying not to be alone, because alone brings thoughts, and thoughts are not good. It is hard, because i'm on the night shift. meaning i have been up for 3 hours now, and everyone else is still sleeping. but i have my five iron frenzy rockin on in the background.

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*puts text small to not disturb actually important problems in the thread*

Fuck sometimes i want to quit the comic, I thought about dropping the comic before to make a new one before the feature-but now it's going to shit lately.
but it's like, 'what am i doing this for? sure i like that i'm making people happy, contributing to the yuri community, and having a hobby-'

but now i feel nothing i make is good enough, and the plots moving slow, and i'm getting carpel tunnel, and i keep turning down invites to fun activetys to go home to my precious shitty dail-up internet. (i wont admit this on the pages of course)

I mean webcomics aren't even cool. you meet some cute guy and ask what he does for fun 'oh i maek webcomic! :D' yeah, real suave. Sure it's awesome on the internet, but what do i get out of this webcomic? a little internet popularity. nothing more.

Oh and i got banned from 4chan for th 100th!(it's probably 80 times actually) only a 3-day ban as usual.

Posted at

To understand this post you must know that I work in a call center and answer at least a dozen technical support calls a day. Strong language ensues.

[spoiler]Oh my fuckn God. I have a new #2 on my list of all time hated calls. The man dragged the call out to 2 and a half hours past the end of my shift. He kept switching computers during tasks, and either ignoring what I said or dumbassing it when he at the wrong computer. God effing dammit! He managed to pull every goddamn trick in the book guaranteed to piss off an agent. To my credit I didn't lose my cool but eventually I quit helping him and made it clear I was no longer going to cooperate with his bullshit. And ya know what? I can already feel a bad review for some reason or another despite the fact I helped him more than I should have and definitely more than somebody else would have.
What a mutha fuckin asshole New jersey welfare state money-moochin son of a bitch. he is officially one of two guys I would love to break the laws of physics just to reach through the phone and break his face for.

Le pardon moi french! [/spoiler]

Posted at

My roommate has a job interview tomorrow. That's not my real rant, because she needs a job and I'm happy for her. – But I applied to the same place a week before her and I never got called for an interview. I send applications everywhere and no one calls me. I feel so useless and unloved.

My sister says it's because I have a masters degree and all the places around here are unskilled labor, bottom-of-the-barrel, part-time jobs. I hate to think that's the reason – that the time I put into my schooling has somehow translated to being unemployed for much longer than the average high school grad (or even dropout). Of course, if that's not the reason, then there is something inherently unemployable about me, and that's probably not a good thing either. *Sigh* I hate that my parents pay my rent and my student loan interest, and I have to eat top ramen every day. I miss being a student. Everything was better and easier when I was a student. My university gave me a decent job teaching labs. I was good at it too. I was good at everything. (And I still am – except for applying for jobs! I'd be so friggin good at any job if someone would hire me!)

To compound things, my well-meaning dad keeps sending me "encouraging" emails with a list of all the job hunting advice I have to read everywhere, and it makes me want to cry and vomit all at the same time. Not only that but also the "Godwillleadyoublahblahblahprayerblayblah." I'm a spiritual person, and he means well, but I don't like people telling me about God. I pray. I was baptized. I know God, so please don't go "spreading the good word" to me! It doesn't make me feel any better – and I hate it when my dad sounds like one of those religious propaganda pamphlets. Ugh.

Posted at

*puts text small to not disturb actually important problems in the thread*

Fuck sometimes i want to quit the comic, I thought about dropping the comic before to make a new one before the feature-but now it's going to shit lately.
but it's like, 'what am i doing this for? sure i like that i'm making people happy, contributing to the yuri community, and having a hobby-'

but now i feel nothing i make is good enough, and the plots moving slow, and i'm getting carpel tunnel, and i keep turning down invites to fun activetys to go home to my precious shitty dail-up internet. (i wont admit this on the pages of course)

I mean webcomics aren't even cool. you meet some cute guy and ask what he does for fun 'oh i maek webcomic! :D' yeah, real suave. Sure it's awesome on the internet, but what do i get out of this webcomic? a little internet popularity. nothing more.

Oh and i got banned from 4chan for th 100th!(it's probably 80 times actually) only a 3-day ban as usual.

skullz, you should be doing your comic only to please yourself. if you feel too restrained by it maybe you should take a break. i don't do my comic to make others happy, i do it to make myself happy - but it's nice that other people like it. i think in the long run you need to think about what means the most to you - free time or comic.

Posted at

Couple of days ago I was walking to high school and the kid in front of me was smoking- and I was close enough to smell it. Next he puts out the smoke by pressing the end against the "Drug-Free Zone" sign (Would've been ironic if it was no smoking sign). He probably didn't notice me during that day.

I'm really uncomfortable around smokers but that image really got me thinking… what happened to human morality? I always took into the fact that the mass have stopped caring, but this really got me concerned about the school I go to.

Posted at

I'm really uncomfortable around smokers but that image really got me thinking… what happened to human morality? I always took into the fact that the mass have stopped caring, but this really got me concerned about the school I go to.

It's always been that way. People do like to talk about how much better it was, but we all idolise the past.

Posted at

i've been idolizing the past lately….it was….better, or maybe it just seems that way cause it really sucks right now. but also, because the part of the past i'm starting with till now, i was coming out of a different dark time in my life. life is cycles, or so it seems. i just hope this crappy time doesnt last as long as the last one. i have not really been around long enough to actually say, that life is cyclicle…..(if that's the right spelling)

Posted at

i've been idolizing the past lately….it was….better, or maybe it just seems that way cause it really sucks right now. but also, because the part of the past i'm starting with till now, i was coming out of a different dark time in my life. life is cycles, or so it seems. i just hope this crappy time doesnt last as long as the last one. i have not really been around long enough to actually say, that life is cyclicle…..(if that's the right spelling)
A crappy period in life is just nature's way of saving up for a good period in life.
To understand this post you must know that I work in a call center and answer at least a dozen technical support calls a day. Strong language ensues.

[spoiler]Oh my fuckn God. I have a new #2 on my list of all time hated calls. The man dragged the call out to 2 and a half hours past the end of my shift. He kept switching computers during tasks, and either ignoring what I said or dumbassing it when he at the wrong computer. God effing dammit! He managed to pull every goddamn trick in the book guaranteed to piss off an agent. To my credit I didn't lose my cool but eventually I quit helping him and made it clear I was no longer going to cooperate with his bullshit. And ya know what? I can already feel a bad review for some reason or another despite the fact I helped him more than I should have and definitely more than somebody else would have.
What a mutha fuckin asshole New jersey welfare state money-moochin son of a bitch. he is officially one of two guys I would love to break the laws of physics just to reach through the phone and break his face for.

Le pardon moi french! [/spoiler]
I've had the same thing happen to me… the guy annoyed the hell out of me, and I wish there was some way to break his face without getting fired.

Posted at

Dear idiots who don't know how to properly compress a goddamn comic:


A single page of an online comic should not be close to two goddamn megabytes for a 700x400 page. PNG WAS NOT MEANT FOR THIS SORT OF THING, USE A DAMN JPEG.

Posted at

Dear idiots who don't know how to properly compress a goddamn comic:


A single page of an online comic should not be close to two goddamn megabytes for a 700x400 page. PNG WAS NOT MEANT FOR THIS SORT OF THING, USE A DAMN JPEG.

i assume you're talking about me? i didn't know it upset you that badly. now i do it just to piss you off, see. it's not and never has been my goal to make people like you happy.

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What I hate is that with three months of high school left, I'm failing three out of five of my classes. I also have to get a better job to get more money for college. LIFE IS MAKING ME MISERIBLE!!!!

Posted at

What I hate is that with three months of high school left, I'm failing three out of five of my classes. I also have to get a better job to get more money for college. LIFE IS MAKING ME MISERIBLE!!!!

If it's any consolation, if you're failing 3 out of 5 classes, college won't be an issue.

Posted at

I'm pretty sure you have to be able to spell the word "miserable" to get in as well.

unless you're going to like…community college.


Posted at

I'm pretty sure you have to be able to spell the word "miserable" to get in as well.

unless you're going to like…community college.


Sorry about that. I is no good at spelling….or grammar.

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Try not to be too jerkish guys. SnakeByte's not doing too well there, no need to rub it in. :P

I'm loosing enthusiasm for my comic. The art style is too complicated… I wish I knew how to tone it down and make a page in a couple of house like most people on DD because I'm getting bored with drawing it.

Posted at

I feel like all of my artistic motivation has been sucked out of my ear lately. A few things have happened in my life in the last couple of months that reminded me of stuff that I was trying really hard to forget, and it's made me really depressed. (I can't really get into specifics here, because there is an off-chance that the parties involved will read this, and I don't want to create even more drama.)

Depression seems to work for some artists, but it tends to just knock me out completely, and I can't seem to get anything done, which makes me even more frustrated and less likely to work…which puts me farther behind and I get more depressed because I don't have anything done. I've tried everything I can think of to snap myself out of this, but nothing seems to be working this time.

Not that I expect rambling about it on an internet forum will help either, but I suppose it's worth a shot.

Posted at

I believe that there is a conspiracy against me.

Today, everything when bad in class, I had to drive for two hours b/c of school and I nearly got late for school.

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Moonlight meanderer

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