Black_Kitty, a few years ago when I was still in high school, one of the teachers asked me if I wanted to get into teaching as a career. I said no. She told me that this was a very wise decision.
Thank you for inadvertently backing up her claim.
Haha~ :)
I think that's the general sentiment, even among other non-high school teachers. I told my friend a few years back that I'm going into high school education and I remember her shuddering. She then said that all she has to do is think back to how she was as a high school student and that's enough to convince her not to teach high school. (She now teaches elementary and personally, I think that's harder than high school. But to each their own I suppose.)
I actually like teaching high school despite my rant. I wanted a challenge, a chance to teach art/English, and a chance to go more indepth into the material. High school allows me to do that. It just eats up a lot of my time (for example I spent all day yestesrday creating a PowerPoint on balance in photography. It was gobbled up in class in half an hour) and sometimes things happen that make absolutely no sense.