Kyupol is the internet equivalent of the crazy hobo who yells things at you on street corners. Don't attempt to reason with him, or tell him he's nuts, because he'll just throw a whiskey bottle at your head.
Is it a full whiskey bottle?
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Ya, haha, he's crazy. -_-
Stop picking on him now. k? :)
My rant: why are there so many different bloody size systems for jeans? Not just between countries, but brands and styles??? It's anoying.
And how come the backside on men's jeans tends to hang right down in such a stupid way?
As much as I like the band Megadeth, I don't why they release a greatest hits album after they release a full length. Quite pointless.
Plus, Greatest Hits albums are the most useless albums a music artist have. Since, it's the age of mp3 leaching… who needs them?
my rant of the day :p
Oh wow, what the fuck did I miss?
Not going to add to it. My rant is about my roommate. As some of you may know I am stuck in a crap college. Too much money for too little, I'm going poor fast, blah blah blah. I had a shitty roommate at one point in time. He was like a dog. Territorial as fuck, would often say the entire room was HIS because he paid his tuition off in full (ignoring the fact that the dorm fee only pays for half of a room, hence two people living in one room and no fee for RA's who are bunked one per room). Anyway, his dumbass dropped out, and he lost all his money, and I laughed, and it was glorious.
But now I have have a new roommate. Things are going Ok, I guess, he's a really cool guy and I get along with him just fine. Except his sleeping habits are insane. He insists on staying up till noon, all the God damn time. His classes are early, mine are late, and since I'm a light sleeper, he's been keeping me up on his schedule. I've been absent from countless classes, should be ejected from at least two, and have had two C's drop to F's. I'm slightly losing my mind, calling people at five am to babble on about random stupid nonsense, sweating and shaking constantly, etc. I honestly think it's doing physicle damage to me, as on average I'll get 15 or so hours of sleep per week. They're spaced out too, in about two hour naps through out the day. I only get decent rest on the weekends when I'm upstate with MY GIRLFRIEND.
To make matters worse, I don't ever get the room to myself except for 1am to 3am. He's sleeping all the fucking time during the day, often leaving me to quietly type, not watch TV or play games, and sit in the dark for hours until he gets up. Three weeks. Three fucking weeks he's been doing this and I can't take it. If I don't kill him before this month is up, he can count himself lucky.
I'm actually seeing a therapist now for this. Desperately trying to get sleeping pills. I've talked to him, so don't bother bringing that up. He gives me the whole "I'm sorry I know I'm keeping you up" thing, but fuck if he changes it.
Can't fucking wait to move out.
Is there anyone in the world who sleeps properly? Anywhere?
I keep missing classes because I seem to be nocturnal. I just find it so much easier to sleep during the day than at night. Even if I'm knackered by evening, I just can't get to sleep if the sun's down. I am failing because of this.
Lefarce, you should murder your roommate. In the face. Repeatedly.
I told my colleague last week that when Dante wrote the Divine Comedy, there was actually a tenth level. It's called high school and it is the most horrific level of all. You would think that the sufferers of that place would be the students but oh no. You see, students actually graduate from this hellish state. The real inhabitants are teachers who are forever stuck in this cleverly disguised place.
When I was in high school, I had to memorize over 50 slides of art history. And it wasn't presented to me in some interesting and imaginative manner either. It was shown to me on a screen (and sometimes the slide are blurry too) and the teacher would read off what it was, who it's by, what year it was made, what period it was from, and then a small blurb about it. And I would write it all down and desperately try to sketch it out in my notebook because he's just about to press that button now for the next slide and oh God! Wait sir! Just one more…
Nowadays? Some of them can't even remember what a line is. Has time really changed so much? Am I totally old now? ;___;
They also have no sense of humour. ;___; I totally made the most awesome Renaissance PowerPoint and linked prominent artists to the Ninja Turtles. What a way to break this nerdy teacher's heart. </3
Oh my stars, I think I'm crazy.
Long story made less long, I discovered that no matter what I do, I will not able to reach an A* for my Biology GCSE. And GCSE's are like big deal, qualifacations and everything. So the best I could get is an A.
"But isn't an A good enough."
That's irrelevant. The thing is that I went through the five stages of the Kubler-Ross model.
Denial: "Wait, what? Let me check that again."
Anger: (Swear words and punching)
Bargaining: "I should talk to my teacher and see if I can do it again."
Depression: "This sucks, why?"
Acceptance: "Fine, A."
If I treat school subjects in the same regard as death and tragedy, then…
call me insane all you want.
You only validate everything I've believed in all along.
I am me. I am free.
The Large Hadron Collider… which has a 1/50,000,000 chance of creating either a microsingularity (black hole), a new form of dangerous matter, or ripping a hole in the fabric of space time. Any one of these is a potential extinction level event.
I agree the odds are small, but on the other hand… once you say "oops!" you've already passed the event horizon. There are no take-backs. You've just doomed all life on Earth… as well as the Earth. Is that worth it? I don't particularly like the idea of these scientists playing the lottery with my life (and all of yours) every time they use it.
Now, had they said, "we have explored ways to safeguard against this and feel the best way to move forward is to construct this thing on either Pluto or Charon" I'd feel a little differently. But they're instead spinning a revolver pointed at the Earth that has 50,000,000 chambers, overlooking the fact that in Russian Roulette, the bullet could be in the very first chamber.
What good is anything they can find out for us with this thing using it on Earth if there is nobody left to benefit from it? Imagine if you were told you had the chance to cure cancer, "but while you're working on it, we're going to put a digital safety on these bombs implanted in the heads of all your friends, colleagues and family members (who, by the way, don't get to opt out if you say yes), set randomly to go off once in 50,000,000 attempts at detonating them all." would you say yes? I wouldn't. I couldn't.
These scientists aren't trying to cure cancer. They just want to attempt to recreate the events that occurred just after the big bang to help them better understand astrophysics. Anyway, that's my latest rant. Probably not as important as non-standardized jean sizes that you can just try on in the fitting room anyway, but then I'm not as important as Ozone.
I fear stuff.Here is some soothing reading for you. No the Earth probably won't explode/implode.
But the energies they're using are minuscule compared to what happens in the galaxy all around us every single day. It's like worrying about an atomic explosion when all you've got is a cap gun.
The purpose is to test the bounds of physics. Contrary to what a lot of people seem to think these days, we don't know everything about everything. Through these experiments they can test some of the bigger theories.- and when you get right down to it there's a lot of that knowledge (on the smaller scale), in the workings of the internet, through computer component design and modern communication methods.
The only thing I have to rant about right now is that I'm never happy with my artwork -_-
I fear stuff.Here is some soothing reading for you. No the Earth probably won't explode/implode.
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