You just say that 'cuz you think he knows karate.
Also, will someone answer my damn questions in the template forum!!

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Rant or Vent here
I thought it was stereotypical that everyone thinks Asians can fight. Even if they don't look though, it's generally assumed they all know karate and stuff.
Then again, I might just be influenced by the media.
lol that was during the 80s when Bruce Lee and all those other kung fu movies were popular.
You know… when you watch those movies theres always a scene where the hero walks into a bar either by himself or with his girlfriend. Then a bunch of dudes make fun of him or his girlfriend. And then a fight breaks out and EVERY DAMN GOON in the bar knows karate. Though in an inferior level compared to the hero. Same thing applies to the minions of the bad guy. So thats where that stereotype came from.
But now… since Brazilian Jujitsu and Mixed Martial Arts destroyed the myths about the traditional martial arts… while at the same time traditional martial arts (karate, kung fu, taekwondo, etc…) have mostly reduced their training methods into very very soft methods (need profit. Who in his right mind would wanna pay to come home beaten and bruised?).
Like cmon. You go there to learn how to fight and not how to dance to some kata. To find a good dojo, be sure they do SPARRING. Not the tippy tappy type (one-hit-one-point-then-separate) but the continuous (like what you see in boxing or muai thai fights or UFC) type. A GOOD dojo makes you come home either with muscles sore as hell or with a few bruises or both.
Another thing that destroyed the stereotype once held by asians… is the number of asians coming here who are uber-passive (I was like that at first… and still have the annoying remnants of my old self in my soul… until I smartened and toughened up).
Why are they uber-passive? Because the asians that manage to come to North America are usually from an upper class or middle class background in their home countries (Immigration costs money). And these people are usually (NOT all… I've known rich kids who are NOT spoiled and actually care for the poor) spoiled by the parents making them soft.
So they come here and most likely they havent been punched in the face before… and at the same time with bad english (communication barrier). So there. They end up very very quiet and usually at the lower ladder of the "dating ladder/social ladder" or something. Further damaging their self-esteem. Asian women also keep going with the black and white men with ease while Asian men cant very easily go with the white and black women (unless they're into anime or something).
They come here unprepared. They lack the "player" skills and "thug" skills that most white and black folk have that gives them higher ranks up the social/dating ladder. I cant blame em cuz asian cultures in general are family-oriented and nice-guyness is respected and tolerated better than in North America.
That is why the people in North America start thinking of ALL ASIANS as soft because of their passive and quiet nature. Which is far from the truth because if you go to TONDO, PHILIPPINES, thats where the REAL GANGSTA FILIPINOS are. In the Philippine Army, their training methods are brutal and it shocked US troops who observed us. And in spite of fighting a commie and islamic insurgency at the same time with little shit from China sometimes… The Philippines has still managed to become a progressive nation. Other asian countries have reached progress too… even isolated commie North Korea… and Japan even after taking 2 nukes.
So ASIANS are NOT weak.
A filipino friend of mine back in highschool (Canada) once said.
"Puta bakit walang mayabang na pilipino dito? Puro kayo mga bakla!!!"
(Fuck… why are there no arrogant/tough filipinos around here? All of em a bunch of faggots!)
And the ones that smartened up… or the ones who were born and raised here… either decide to absorb the "gangsta" mind or just learn REAL martial arts and try to put up a front like they're some sort of calm-collected hero stereotype you see in anime. And others… simply just dont give a fuck and get it on and just isolate themselves and mingle with other asians. Or a combination of these things.
I dunno if its ok to plug comics here… but yep this is gonna be some of the stuff covered in MAG-ISA.
I think that's karate mythology from 80's movies… lol!
As for not looking tough though, Subcultured looks pretty damn tough to me.
wha? whooo meh? must be my spartan blood :)

i'm pretty much cool with most people and i feel that i don't have anything to prove…but if someone does throw the first punch i will defend myself, but before that happens i will try to deescalate the situation verbally.
For the last two and a half years, I've been told to "KILL! KILL! KILL!"
And asked, Q: What makes the green grass grow?! A: BLOOD! BLOOD! BRIGHT RED BLOOD!
Also: Cadence. The army's way of telling you you're fucked. I mean srsly…
I hear the choppers hoverin,
They're hoverin over head,
They come to get the wounded,
They come to get the dead,
I hear the enemy comin,
I hear the enemy tread,
I rise from my foxhole,
And shoot him in the head,
Yeah, we're brainwashed…
Has this ever happened to you?: You talk to someone a lot on the internet and are all friendly buddy-acting n' such for a good while, then after a time…they stop acknowledging any posts of yours and completely ignore you for no reason? It wasn't just paranoia either. I'm not going to name names, but this person never replied to me while replying to everyone else on his/her site. (It's no one here at Drunkduck, FYI.)
Okay, I'm not being too serious about this since usually people are just friendly acquaintances on the internet anyway…but jeez, that's a little rude isn't it?
This actually happened a while ago too…but I just saw this person's site again and felt like mentioning it.
Yeah, that is a little rude! :( *hugs the Sarah* You'd think if people had a problem, they'd bring it to you…? (Bloody people).
Which brings me neatly on to my own complaint, or rather, dual-complaint.
Twice in the last two weeks I've had a bit of a fight with a coworker (two seperate fights on two seperate issues, yay!). He's the supervisor of the call centre downstairs, and I work upstairs on the maintenance team (I don't technically outrank him, but technicalities aside he often has to take my advice and do what I say… and he certainly doesn't outrank me). TWICE in the last two weeks he's questioned my ability to do my own job, because I gave him an answer he didn't like - twice I've had to explain to him in great detail what our policies are, and why I'm right and he's wrong (in the nicest possible way)… and while I can forgive idiocy and even argumentativeness, if it's for the sake of getting our jobs right… BOTH TIMES he went over my head and complained about me to my boss! BOTH TIMES.
The snake! GAH. It makes me so annoyed. Particularly since he's so bloody rude about it! Thankfully, my boss is a sweetheart, and more to the point I was right all along (and he's just too thick-headed to realise it - why does nobody seem to have basic common sense these days?!)… so my boss took my side, and told him where to get off. I wouldn't mind so much, but seriously, if he has a problem with me he needs to bring it to me, not go over my head and whinge behind my back. Sorry mate, but those emails you sent to my boss? When she replied, crushing your petty arguments like the crap that they were, she copied me in. So I got to read all the rude things you wrote about me anyway.
Please stop being such a dick, you're making my life harder than it needs to be. When I tell you a thing - for example, the policy we have on guttering, or the reason you should get a surveyor to look at that roof repair reported by a layperson, rather than that crappy contractor who'll probably not have the first idea anyway… please take what I have to say seriously and don't just dismiss me. Amazingly, I know more about this than you do. (And this is amazing mainly becuase I've only worked here since January, and he's been here for at least two years, the twat).
And as a second complaint, would someone please kill all those bloody 'financial aid' companies? PLEASE? In the last two days they've called me twice, both times on my mobile, both times at work, and both times they knew my name… "hi there! We've heard you might be having financial difficulties! Would you like to consolodate all your debts into one low-payment monthly loan…?"
I am not having financial difficulties of any kind. I have no loans! The most debt I have right now is a couple hundred quid on one credit card that is only there because I only put it there two days ago and haven't had time to go to the bank yet. GO AND DIE IN A HOLE!
And how the bloody hell did you get my number anyway? My mobile number, no less! And my name?! Who told you I was in debt? Because they were lying to you! Take me off your sodding call list now, you wankers, and never call me again!
It makes me very upset. :D
Friends have pretty much started hanging out with a new crowd that I don't care too much for. I need new friends. >:|
I lost a few because of that.
I only got 2 friends on my own. My brother helped me with the last 13.
ARGH… I really don't want to go back to school… How can one place suck so much ass?! (sorry for language)
sorry guys but not to brag or anything but i have tons of friends. I don't know if they can be your freind because they probably don't live around you.
It makes me very upset. :D
If you work for one of those call centres you might as well throw your dignity off a bridge. :(
I don't actually get truly upset very often. Last time was back in January. But that's another story! :)
And yeah, I've worked for a call centre before, selling dental insurance. WORST JOB EVER. I'm so glad I don't work there anymore! :D
I ALMOST DIED TODAY!!! (10-25-07)
If not for a last second glance to my right… I woulda been SMASHED TO PIECES by a RED-LIGHT BEATER who was coming at about 90 km/hr on a 60 zone.
I had an advance green arrow… meaning I was in the right of way going to do a left turn. If my turning speed was 30-40 km/hr like what most drivers do, I'da been just in time to be smashed by that fucking idiot red light beater. On that instance, I was doing a slow turn like what noob drivers do. Cuz I was a bit sleepy. :( But hey… that slow turn saved my life.
I had every reason to turn at 30-40 km/hr. It was a green arrow going left for godssake. But luckily I looked to the right when I was somewhere in the middle of the road… and I just had to hit my brakes… stopping my car and watching that idiot zip past me.
Fuckin idiot drivers. Beating the red light is just the WORST driving habit you can ever do. I'd understand running stop signs or not flashing signals or speeding maybe 20 km over speed limit… but beating the red light like fucking cmon?!?
Anyway glad that I'm alive… (the irony of it when just a few years ago I was suicidal and wished God to just make me die so I wont commit a sin by killing myself… :( )
And today I got a near brush with death.
THAT IS WHY EVERYONE HERE THAT DRIVES, PLEASE REMEMBER THESE THINGS: (stuff they don't really teach you in driving schools)
- When moving through intersections, look through the left and right… and move at a slower speed. ANTICIPATE red light beaters and careless left turns from other cars.
- ANTICIPATE stupidity from other drivers. Pay attention to the wheels because some of them dont signal when changing lanes.
- Try to make eye contact with the pedestrians WHO STAND AT THE EDGE OF THE ROAD with their minds up in the clouds or talking in a cellphone! You never know when they will just cross the street and you end up running them over. Like cmon… WHY THE FUCK STAND AT THE EDGE OF THE ROAD when there's like ALOT OF SPACE for you to BACK OFF!!! IM NOT A MIND READER AND I DUNNO IF YOURE GONNA CROSS THE STREET!!!
- IGNORE THE ASSHOLES WHO HONK YOU BEHIND when youre trying to make a left turn while its unsafe.
@SarahN - I know… that sux. Friends online who stop talking to you. :( You develop a sort of attatchment to them in a way. Just like how online 'enemies' form Especially in forums where theres lots of debate. Like in a Filipino forum I regularly visit… there's ALWAYS debates between communists and pro-government people that end up in flames after about 3 posts. (Yep. COMMUNISM IS ALIVE AND WELL!!! DO NOT IGNORE or UNDERESTIMATE communism.)
Speaking of online friends… I had this 2 friends I knew online.
One was an American soldier… the other was a Filipino communist. I knew them because they were among the people who read my old Brood Knight comics. They'd rather email me or discuss it with PM on the respective websites where they were active.
Anyway… this American soldier guy I havent heard from him since this whole thing in Iraq happened. And this communist… I havent heard from him since about 2002.
It could be assumed… that these two people who were somehow part of my (online) life are DEAD as of this moment because of the dangerous nature of their jobs. :(
You'd be surprised at the kinds of people you meet online.
lol at office politics. lol! I know what you mean because I experienced difficult co-workers especially when I was working at McDonalds. fuckin mcdonalds I had a number of people there I didnt like and I felt like shooting them in the head… :(
When I worked at a retail store, I didnt like the Filipino supervisor. He would taunt me and talk shit to me in TAGALOG. He knows that when I get pissed and attack him, he could easily deny it because not everyone understands Tagalog.
lol anyway I'm at this cool job right now… and I dont get any politics. I work at isolated shifts most of the time… and I enjoy my independence. :)
It makes me very upset. :D
If you work for one of those call centres you might as well throw your dignity off a bridge. :(
I don't actually get truly upset very often. Last time was back in January. But that's another story! :)
And yeah, I've worked for a call centre before, selling dental insurance. WORST JOB EVER. I'm so glad I don't work there anymore! :D
I know about 10 people who all work for a call centre place selling insurance or something. They are selling their souls for 7.50 an hour. :(
I could rant about my last job, I worked in a chip shop, they treated me like crap, they overworked me and underpaid me. I hated everyone who worked there, and I almost cried one time I hated it that much. I would have killed myself had I not told the manager to do the same thing. :D
Thank God I'm not anymore in that auto garage!!! WOOHOO!!!
During my last few days… I wasnt really given any shit. However I was still annoyed by that asshole's DISRESPECT OF WOMEN.
Like cmon. He was talking to another guy… the other guy saw a woman walk by with a hood on. Other guy said he recognized her and said she's a whore or something.
Then Mr. Asshole yelled at her… "WHERE'S YOUR PIMP!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA"
Man… I just imagine myself kicking the shit outta him then dragging his broken body across the street. Then I would call that "whore" and tell her to finish him off. (I have some fetish for bdsm lol… and it would be great to see him handcuffed and get his neck crushed between her legs…) He deserves total humiliation.
If you wanna disrespect a whore, do it to the REAL WHORES WHO PASS THEMSELVES OFF AS NORMAL!!!
Not to the ones who make an honest living… Not to the ones who deliver the goods when you pay em cash.
They deserve respect like anybody who makes an honest living.
Anyway I'll probably ask my brother if he can find me a 2nd job. lol :)
Here's a rant about my recent movie-going experience:
Laura and I went to go see Saw IV in theaters yesterday (on Halloween), as we haven't been on a date in forever and a half. Now, bear in mind that she loves the Saw movies (except for the third one), and I think differently. I enjoyed the first one just fine, but like the Scream series, they just didn't need to make any more of them.
The first flick was fine and dandy: two guys trapped in a room trying to figure out how they got there and why. The second flick was a huge rip off of the movie Cube (a highly superior film as far as I'm concerned). The third flick was a cookie-cutter sequel, trying to explain stuff that didn't need explaining and show aspects of a character who is more creepy the less you know about them. Mostly, it was a gross-out gore fest with little plot. This fourth "episode" in the Saw series is better than but not dissimilar from the third flick, further expanding upon subjects that didn't really need clarification and asking questions about things that we the audience were not aware were even questions. Mostly, it allows Hollywood to make more money and keeps horror makeup artists in the business until a movie worth working on comes down the pipeline.
I won't go into the details of the flick so as to avoid spoilers, but suffice it to say that I was curious how this movie would play out because Jigsaw died in the 3rd movie (hope I didn't spoil it for anyone). Obviously, someone new has taken on the role and has been testing people - as some random character's backstory is explained and other character's loose ends are tied up (usually through dying). The ending just didn't make any sense in this flick, and without giving away the "twist" I think I can just say this: The series needs a timeline. A chronological series of events that shows what happened where and when, and why.
I'm sure that after they cap off this newly revealed killer of the Saw movies, they're reveal that Jigsaw (played masterfully by Tobin Bell) pulled a Keyser Soze on the audience and never had brain cancer and never actually died. Just wait, there's your ultimate twist right there. ;)
A comment on the trailers: It appears that M-TV music video directors are no longer content to have their work be exclusive to 2-3 minute quick-cut minis, because there's another Step Up movie coming out. Now, when I was in high school no one was able to dance like this - even if they tried. And certainly no one was trying to show off that they could dance like that if they could. Dancing has about as much street credibility as a face full of acne. So when I saw the trailer for Step Up 2: Electric Boogaloo, I instantly tasted some vomit.
This flick is so far removed from my world (and as far as I know, reality in general) that it really has no place in theaters. Sure, the fact that people can do those moves is impressive and I could never do it in a million years. I'm not saying don't make the movie, I'm saying why try to loosely fit some urban city plot around a series of music video sequences? The movie's already been made 8 times in the last 3 years, and countless times on M-TV in 2-3 minute installments. If rappers wanted to move like N-Sync, then hire their dance coreographer and learn to dance. Don't make a movie about it. Stay to your music videoes, and for the love of god don't follow in the footsteps of those before you who somehow accidently fell into directing a real movie (or what should have been a real movie, but was - in that director's hands - an abomination of celluloid).
I'm sure someone wants to see a movie like this, and that's what direct to DVD releases are for. That, and Leprechaun sequels. But I hate to see Hollywood so starved for new film (and revenue) that they can only spit out remakes or older (better) movies, remakes of TV shows, remakes of foreign flicks (like Jessican "no talent" Alba in The Eye), and crappy dance movies.
Even the comic adaptations are starting to get old with me, mostly because they're not honoring the source material (hint: Wanted isn't about a Fraternity of assassins that save the world like the movie would like you to believe, it's about a secret society of supervillains that rule the world). It's getting to the point where comic companies are even producing their own films now (ie: Iron Man) because they're no doubt sick of Hollywood's interference in their creative properties.
In summary, Hollywood sucks and I had a good time with my lady. How was your Halloween night?
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