Okay. RAWR. Why are some people who are in power just SO obviously f**king stupid and arrogant and hypocritical?
That's how we get the job ;)
… I'm think of changing the name of my cat to "Sparky"… Seriously. He's a static electric beast. He already wiped the hard drive of one computer with his abilities. I tried to put hm on my lap just now, but he wanted to get down… Then his fur started sparking against my fingers so I thought it best to let him go.
I found a copy of The Neverhood, the only one I've been able to get that costs less than fifty pounds. I was hoping it would work on Vista, but obviously not. So I went to the fountain of knowledge (Google) to see if I could get it running. Half the places I checked said it worked fine under Vista, other places offered useless patches and even more useless advice. It's really a shame, because The Neverhood is a fucking legendary game and I really want to play it again.
On the bright side, mu university just returned my damage deposit, which I never actually gave to them in the first place. Hooray for free money.
I guess the room inspectors missed the broken lamp, irremovable blue tack stains, and the hole I accidentally made in the back of my cupboard.
That's amazing! So you really technically owe them that money…? groovy ^_^
I had the demo for Neverhood once… It worked fine on Windows 95. Maybe you could get your hands on a cheap old crappy comp with windows 95 on it? There should be some about somewhere. I wasn't that impressed with it really. But the plasticine look was quite nice.
Ah, student housing people. It's my sincerest wish that they all drop dead. Bunch of tight arse whiny bastards.
Heh, hehe, my residence councilor in Junior year of college (my trouble-making year) was ROTC. Talk about tough… until my brother's platoon commander showed up in uniform. A first lieutenant can really cow a ROTC cadet. After that I could do almost anything.
I hate when the student housing people just come in your room like your five years old. They always interrogate me at the worst time (like early in the morning, still half asleep in the business clothes from yesterday, in a room thats completely covered in art crap) Then you try and explain yourself for all the bad things at school you've done, not that they will believe you of course. And then you have to go into school and face people who don't really want to talk to you in the first place, otherwise you still woudn't be in this mess. After all this, you are still being threatened with them ruining your entire life. I paid good money dammit, just leave me the hell alone, and quit trying to punish me with bullshit!
EDIT: I'm so done with place, it makes me completely miserable to the point of shutting down.
Move back to Maryland and we can play boardgames and obsess over Joker together!
That's amazing! So you really technically owe them that money…? groovy ^_^
I had the demo for Neverhood once… It worked fine on Windows 95. Maybe you could get your hands on a cheap old crappy comp with windows 95 on it? There should be some about somewhere. I wasn't that impressed with it really. But the plasticine look was quite nice.
I know it works for Windows 95, that's what I played it on originally, but it seems a bit excessive to buy another computer just for it. I've tried running it on Virtual PC on Windows 95 to see if that would work, but the one I have going always runs out of space while it's installing, no matter how much extra memory I put on there. I can't run it from a real disc because my computer doesn't have a floppy drive. Unless I buy one, install it and then buy a disc.
Find a torrent for it on pirate bay or isohunt, they have modified versions for vista. since you already bought it you shouldn't feel bad. You prolly wont even have to mount it on daemon tools since you have the disk.
I feel really crummy today. And i've gained a pound, yuck. Also i can't believe my dad is my real dad, he's so self-centered and 'afraid of being the bad guy' it frightens me- a while ago he had to put in a new septic tank in the ground- dug it up with a tractor then covered it with dirt. When the rain season came the ground got soft and started sinking in- because he did a shitty half assed job covering it up.
Sure enough- my mom was backing up his truck in the drive way and the trucks tires fell into the sinkholes. And sure enough- my dad tried to cast all the blame on my mom(mad me very angry) just so he wouldn't be blamed for that terrible job he did. So i mentioned it WAS his fault he got so huffy it was pathetic- saying the dumbest excuses as to why it wasn't his fault. That was all he cared about, not that his truck was in a fucking hole, but it 'wasn't mi fault duuuur'. when we were coming back in the house he tried to close the door in my face, he saw the glare i was giving him and it shut his ass up completely since.i'm good at glaring
He shoulda been the open to sink the truck into the hole- he'd have nothing to hide behind.
Good to see that there sense of enlightenment is working out for you there.
If you were maybe referring to me i'll say that No book in the world could convince me that watching my mom being treated like crap and doing nothing will make me happy. ;)
It is disturbing that there are people in this world who get depressed over something they have no control over.
You can only change your life and how that effects others, not the world. The world is out of your hands unless you change your little slice of it until you can have the influence to change the big things by setting realistic goals and going one day at a time until you are in the position to make bigger changes.
In the meantime concentrate on your little slice of life and how it can be the best and happiest for you and your friends/family. You see there's nothing wrong with being happy where you are and making your slice of life the best it can be. Seize the day and live it.
Want to be rich? Earn more or desire less.
Goals are deceptive, the unaimed arrow never misses.
(See signature for another aphorism that makes life so much easier to live)
Oh so easy for you to say…
Ask yourself if it really is that easy or is it just a lifetime of effort and finally realizing how wrong I was for so long.
Pshhhh. Who said I wasn't doing all of those things? You depress me too.
I used to be the most depressing person in the world. My nickname was once Marvin after the Paranoid Android in the Hitchhiker series. People who knew me back then, don't recognize me these days.
If you're going around finding things to be depressed about, guess what sunshine? You ain't doing all those things. *gets out pom-poms*
Rah! Rah! Go you! Go me! Yippee! *falls flat on face*
Okay so I'm preachy and not a very good cheerleader. * hits self on back of head repeatedly* I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself. Life is pain, so woe unto the world all depresses me…
*cue sarcasm* Wow that made me feel so much better. ;)
I can't change you, only you can do that. Just enjoy what life offers you and grab hold of the good things and don't let go when life dives into the shitter. Then there are always mood altering drugs.
See with all the angst in this thread I think someone's got to offer some consolation and hope. After a lifetime of pain I like to do that. ;)
Did I ever mention that my life is in the shitter right now? Yup, but I'm working on it and I cope from day to day because sitting around and feeling miserable isn't very helpful. I wouldn't wish my current situation on anyone on this board. At least you have a decent comic that's worth reading. ;)
So I finally managed to get (completely legally) the stuff I need to install 95 on Virtual PC, and set it up with a custom VHD that has a reasonable amount of space on it. Wheeee! Only for some reason, it won't let me install the doodad I need to set up a sharing folder between it and my real PC. So now I need to find a blank CD to move it over because it won't accept my external hard drive or my pen drive, which makes sense really. I don't have any CDs (or at least, any that I can find) lying around, for the first time since I started using them. Oh well, I need to go out for more plasticine tomorrow anyway.
So close. If this doesn't work, I will eat my dog.
Good to see that there sense of enlightenment is working out for you there.
If you were maybe referring to me i'll say that No book in the world could convince me that watching my mom being treated like crap and doing nothing will make me happy. ;)
No I was talking about you going all huffy over gaining a pound. Maybe you should put the fork down, fyi
Switching to Firefox 3 helped some of my problems, but not all of them.
——– When will some people get it through their head I will get a girlfriend or start dating when ~I~ feel like it, if I ever do again? Oh, no! Croi Dhubh hasn't really been dating for quite some time! No, no, no! Croi Dhubh hasn't had a girlfriend in a while!
Who…fucking…cares…really? Well, granted, the ones asking when I'm going to find some "nice girl" or I'd "meet someone if" I "went out places more often." Yes, because everyone wants to meet some tramp in a place like Coyote Ugly to take home to the family.
Most of the time my family doesn't like the females I introduce to them anyway, so why are they some of the people bothering me about it? When I feel like I don't care how much money I go out and spend while picking up women again, I will do it. It's just not me to do that anymore anyway.
When I'm out and some chick wants to talk to me, then it'll happen. I just don't feel the desire to go out of my way to pick someone up and I probably still won't in quite some time. If someone is really that interested in me, they'd strike up the conversation or call me.
I'm quite content riding my motorcycle when I want to, working on my comics when I want to, and if I have the time, playing up to 20 hours of video games a week. Yes, that's a part time fucking job at those hours, and it's so damn worth it.
Strangely enough, I was about to bitch about the same thing as Croi.
I just don't understand why people are even asking. Yes, I did break up with my fiancee over 8 months ago. Yes, I'm over it. No, I haven't gone gay. No, I'm not just being a workaholic. Yes, I really do enjoy what I'm doing that much right now, and no I just don't find the girls around this town all that appealing. So sorry for having slightly elevated standards and not just wanting a trophy girl to hang on my arm. Maybe I should get more interested in blonds. I have an affinity for intellect, so what?
The biggest kicker is; these people know I'm moving out of state in less than a week and they still ask why I'm not asking female coworkers out on dates. Crud, all my stuffs already packed and I've all but sold my car. What the heck would I take a girl out to do with no cash, no car and nothing but my laptop still unpacked? Show her how good my LAN connection is? Stun her with how large my hard drive is? That sounds like a real hot date right there. "Hey babe, did you know I've got over 650 GB of ROM packed into this little hotrod of a laptop here?" :sleepy:
To top if off, my family got a little overzealous on packing and packed everything. I mean, not even a freaking pencil left to draw with. I never realized how much I doodled in my spare time until now. I can't even find the scanner's software to finish formatting my new laptop.
A lot of people think I'm gay because I don't really show any interest in the opposite sex.
- - - - -
I finally got the Neverhood working! Yay! It's a lot more difficult than I remember it being, especially that stupid music puzzle. And there was a weird glitch that stopped me from viewing Willy's twelfth disc, even though I picked it up, so I have to start again. Although it's hard to get mad about that, considering how marvellous the music and animation is.
Ahahahaha, you guys and your girl troubles… or pestering. Btw, that wasn't really a laugh, more like a sigh because I sort of have the same situation going on. It's definitely not as serious but I find that as a girl, I'm expected to be crushing on someone 24/7… and the pressure for a female to get married is heavier than the pressure on a guy- just from conservative thinking. :\
And just because I don't ever date anyone doesn't mean I'm gay. Maybe I've been too picky… but sorry for wanting to know what kind of person the guy was before jumping into his arms. >_>
I barely show interest in women these days because of:
a) They're all (almost) carbon copies of each other. While I may get attracted on the physical level, after that, when rationality kicks in, she is no longer attractive. 95% of the time.
b) If ever I feel the initial stages of attraction to her, I try to kill it right away. You know… break eye contact and hold your breath around her. A woman's smell can make me horny. I fear being manipulated or brought into the system because God knows if we're gonna fight in the future and she decides to call Big Brother to take me away in handcuffs on trumped up charges of wife beating and/or rape (while she takes control of all my assets).
Wow, thank god I'm not the only one right now. While I do enjoy the company of the opposite sex quite a bit, I'm just not in the mood in my life when I want to deal with all the shit that comes with it.
I don't have girl troubles though, Jellomix…thank god
b) If ever I feel the initial stages of attraction to her, I try to kill it right away. You know… break eye contact and hold your breath around her. A woman's smell can make me horny. I fear being manipulated or brought into the system because God knows if we're gonna fight in the future and she decides to call Big Brother to take me away in handcuffs on trumped up charges of wife beating and/or rape (while she takes control of all my assets).
If you wouldn't insist on trying to date my sister, you wouldn't have to worry about this! J/K…you aren't trying to date my sister. Still, don't. Or my cousins… You know what? Don't try and fuck with or fuck my family, and I won't fuck with yours *LOL*
I hear you Croi, every time someone so much as makes eye contact with my sister, I stab them in the face. I don't care if she's imaginary, I couldn't live with myself if she got hurt somehow.
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