Ughh I actually had a really bad e-stalker/former friend about a year and a half ago too, got bad enough i deleted any account with my personal info and decided to make up aliases from then on. (He moved on after about 2 or so months of me ignoring him completely-haven't heard a whiff of him since)
that was meh :( "It rubs the lotion on it's skin, or it gets the hose again"
I hate it when people borrow money and insist they will pay you back and then don't. I also can't stand it when you drive two hours with a car full of people and only one, ONE chips in for gas(scratch that, four hours, two there and two back). I am taking money for gas up front now because of this.
Ughh I actually had a really bad e-stalker/former friend about a year and a half ago too, got bad enough i deleted any account with my personal info and decided to make up aliases from then on. (He moved on after about 2 or so months of me ignoring him completely-haven't heard a whiff of him since)
that was meh :( "It rubs the lotion on it's skin, or it gets the hose again"
Ohhhhhhhhhhh baybeeee. show me your skullbie suit when your done. <3
Now that I have a new HP laptop, I'm really wishing I had gone ahead and spent the money for a apple.
Sure, it would have cost me three times the amount, and had to use more hard drive space for things like photoshop and illustrator, but I balance that against the fact that it would actually work. Because apparently, microsoft decided that the halfway decent thing they had going with XP wasn't a good idea. People were starting to get work done. Too many of the bugs had been resolved. So they brought us this beautiful little package that is vista. I bought a computer with 160 GB of rom only to find out that almost forty GB was already taken up by useless crap like 4 different game services. Granted, it may have been designed as an entertainment pc, but isn't 4 different services that all do the exact same thing kind of redundant? Not at all I think. Today's gamers have to be kept going, and one service alone is not enough to keep up with their typing speed. So I deleted all 4 of them along with various other unnecessary things for a working computer. I'm sure the people at Microsoft with little bugs in my brain watching me are having conniptions as they watch me gut all their beautiful lovely programs in order to free up my hard drive. Nevermind that I have a 500 GB external hardrive or that my entire music collection barely reaches 2 GB. I'm not wasting the extra space so that I can play Mario Kart any time I want. That's what Nintendos are for.
The thing that annoys me the most though, is that all I set out to do at 6 am this morning was to load CS3 and my tablet driver onto the hard drive. It's now 1230 am about 18 + hours later, and I've just managed to finally get CS3 running after having to download it from a third-party company ( I paid for it the first fucking time and adobe is being a bunch of assholes and refusing to support their product. ). vista still refuses to recognize the tablet properly and just keeps telling me to reinstall the driver or when it does accept it, decides that the cursor should no longer track properly and resets it on the screen every time I put the pen down again.
And to think, all I wanted, was to do about 2 hours worth of work so that I could make an acceptable looking award image to give to our winners in the DD Awards.
It's amazing how this one female, whom I have known since high school, thinks I can't read her to know what's going on in her life. Seriously, it blows me away that she really believes she can convince me of some of the things she says.
Through her actions and personality with me, I know when something's up. Like I was REALLY surprised she has a "really, really good friend" she hasn't seen in a while coming out to visit her and they are talking about possibly making it more serious. She's such a kid for being 25 with a child.
I sometimes think she forgets what I do for a living and that I've been associated with it since before I knew her in high school in one way or another. I read people for a living and get very nosy. I know her better than she thinks I know her and better than she thinks she knows herself. At times, I swear she thinks I'm supposed to act jealous or upset with some things when I really don't care.
It's that there are a lot of lonely creepy people online who have no lives.
Agreed, and they seem to cluster with other lonely creepy people and form lonely creepy groups…
my rant is that i forgot my tablet pen at home, ah well.
Welcome to the Internet and Internet Forums. Now…it's naked posting time.
Apparently, the best thing to do when you see that the bin is full is to simply drop rubbish right next to it. And here I always thought you took the rubbish out, silly me.
Apparently, the best thing to do when you see that the bin is full is to simply drop rubbish right next to it. And here I always thought you took the rubbish out, silly me.
To some people(like me) the floor is just a very low shelf…or garbage can.
I am dogsitting a friend's dog and she is just… too much energy! Also she keeps barking whenever she hears something outside, which is not ok because I am in a mid-terrace. I've got some training to do it looks like. No dog sonar in the house!
Apparently, the best thing to do when you see that the bin is full is to simply drop rubbish right next to it. And here I always thought you took the rubbish out, silly me.
To some people(like me) the floor is just a very low shelf…or garbage can.
Apparently, the best thing to do when you see that the bin is full is to simply drop rubbish right next to it. And here I always thought you took the rubbish out, silly me.
To some people(like me) the floor is just a very low shelf…or garbage can.
Before marriage I had housemates like that. I paid my rent and utilities (even chipped in to take care of them at times) and kept my part of the house clean. So when I went drill sergeant on them to clean up the rest I didn't get any lip because they owed me. It was a question of self-respect and consideration.
You know it's what considerate, healthy, mature, responsible people act like. ;)
Sometimes they need a little push in the right direction. :)
That's what sergeants are for in the army and a little dicipline in the civilian world helps immensely and makes the world just that much better. Be part of solution, not the problem.
Same shit, different day.
You know my work would be so much better if I changed what I was doing and how I did it. :dizzy:
Don't mind me. I'm holding back tears of rage and pain. Not because of emotional, but because of PHYSICAL KILLER PAIN. I just got out of the shower, started putting my workout pants on (they're comfy), and my foot got caught in them. I did what any self respecting man would do: I forced my foot out harder. Problem is, my foot slipped out and I kicked the door frame with my broken toe…which already looked worse than it did.
I play video games all day, and I never seem to get better at them. I'm Asian for God's sake. I should be naturally good!
Has ANYONE ever been pulled over by the Highway Patrol/Police…whoever - and the cop realizes HE/SHE has probably made a mistake? Or is that just not possible.
Here's how it went tonight:
(Me getting pulled over - AFTER I exit the Freeway) His loudspeaker: PULL OVER AND ROLL DOWN ALL YOUR WINDOWS
(At this point, I'm confused because I wasn't speeding, I'm sober (I don't even drink) and I'm literally a block away from my house) BLNTMaker: Yes, officer CHP Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over BLNTMaker: No idea. CHP Officer: You were riding close to the 'fog' lane. BLNTMaker: (After about ten seconds) What? CHP Officer: Yeah, you were driving close to fog lane on your exit. BLNTMaker: (After about ten more seconds - more irate) WHAT?! CHP Officer: Where are you coming from? (Flashing his light into my car) BLNTMaker: Anaheim. Sober. Wide awake. Here's my license, registration, proof of insurance. Why did you ask me to roll all my windows down. CHP Officer: I'll be right back
(This officer took what seemed like two seconds to go to his car and come back - I swear, not even time to run my license or anything) CHP Officer: (Handing back my paperwork) Um yeah, you just drive safely out there. BLNTMaker: Drive safely??? I'm almost home! CHP Officer: Yeah, good night.
You know, I respect the law. I even have respect for our boys and girls in blue…But this guy tonight was a complete jerk.
It's annoying when that happens, I suppose every profession has its share of losers. A while ago a friend and I were pulled over by a policewoman for no other reason than we were the only car on the road at that time of night 100% sober, awake, driving safely, not fast… Just pulled us over because she had nothing to do.
I have respect for the poor buggers doing their job, not the sorts of chuckleheads like that who're just making up the time.
That'd be like if the mods and admins here stated PQing everyone at random and saying "Hey you, um, you just be good now, ok? Make sure you do. I'll be watching you." -Pretty soon people would start leaving or actually being bad in reaction to it.
I hate doing sprite recolors… I don't pretend they're another character. When I have to recolor the characters for use in comics and sprites, it's so time consuming and monotonous…
Has ANYONE ever been pulled over by the Highway Patrol/Police…whoever - and the cop realizes HE/SHE has probably made a mistake? Or is that just not possible.
(Me getting pulled over - AFTER I exit the Freeway)
California Highway Patrol has jurisdiction over all highways. Streets are highways. Also, CHP has full jurisdiction over all laws occurring in the state of California and are fully sworn peace officers. They are basically the state police. If they see a burglary happening in a residential area, they have the authority to do something about it. If they don't see a robbery occur in a bank, they have the authority to do something about the robbery which was committed.
In other words, it doesn't matter where your driving offense occurred or where you were pulled over. Most officers won't pull you over unless they are comfortable where you are going to stop or when they want you to pull over. This can even be ten minutes after the offense was committed.
(This officer took what seemed like two seconds to go to his car and come back - I swear, not even time to run my license or anything)
Depends on what he ran. If all he did was a line check of your license, CHP has the ability to swipe your card and get information instantly if you are wanted through local, state, and NCIC. It can take moments or take minutes.
Most people don't realize this, but officers only need reasonable suspicion to pull over a car, not probably cause. An officer can pull someone over under the suspicion of a driver being intoxicated.
In this instance, however, I would hope he had more than you just driving too close to the fog lane. At anyone time, I could find so many reasons to pull over ANY car on the road. The CHP is the best with knowledge of the Vehicle Code, and even refer to it as "The Bible".
Now, I can't speak for this officer, but generally there's more than one reason for pulling over a car and the driver is only told one of those reasons. He should have given more than one, or at least said something along the lines of, "I witnessed you perform several violations of the driving code, one of which is…"
Also, he NEVER should have asked YOU if YOU knew why HE pulled YOU over. That's a really bad habit for officers to be in. Most drivers already don't necessarily know why they're being pulled over, and then you're being kind of rude by asking the question. An officer should always introduce themselves with their name, the department they are with, and then immediately with the reason for the contact.
Lastly…the "Yeah, good night" thing is always, for some reason, perceived as being rude. An Officer should never say anything of the sort and should, instead, say something like, "Thank you for wearing your seat belt" or even "Please drive safely."
whats a fog lane? at least he didnt try to pin you on anything bogus
The fog lane is the area to the right of the lane when you near an off ramp. It's there to let truckers and drivers know how far the exit is by use of a series of reflectors. It usually begins with three reflectors, then goes to two, and then on when the exit is there. You are not allowed to drive, stand, or park in the fog lane.
How dare you Croi Dubh actually explain to we poor non-police officer types that the CHP officer was doing his job, albeit not quite as well as he could be, but efficently nonetheless. They are evil, stupid jerks who exist only to bother, pester and harrass law-abiding citizens as we go about our peaceful business!
You'd think he was trying to uphold the law, protect the public or something.
I was once stopped at a Point Pleasant Police sober driver checkpoint (Jersey Shore, they're needed for all the drunken bennies around in the summer) My girlfriend was waved through. I was in full uniform and of course I was pulled over. Since I was on active duty, just to mess with him, I gave him my military ID and driver's license.
He said, "Move along specialist" (I was an E-4 at the time) He had three stripes so I said "Thank you sergeant" and saluted (Acknowledgment of an order in a vehicle) (The same thing happened nearly word for word in Lawrenceville when I was pulled over for passing on the right and going 45 in a 30)
That wasn't as fun as being pulled over by a NY State policewoman for going 80 in a 50. She lost her hat to a gust of wind and then was at a loss for words when an E-5 and E-7 stepped out of the car in uniform. I retrieved the hat and I almost got her phone number. :)
As a civilian, I'm nice, friendly and respectful. I almost always get a smile and even the occasional apology. It really unnerves them when you're clearly in the wrong if you thank them for pulling you over and doing their job. I had expired tags and could have gotten much worse citations than I did. I had also forgotten my current insurance card.
whats a fog lane? at least he didnt try to pin you on anything bogus
What Croi said… "The fog lane is the area to the right of the lane when you near an off ramp. It's there to let truckers and drivers know how far the exit is by use of a series of reflectors. It usually begins with three reflectors, then goes to two, and then on when the exit is there. You are not allowed to drive, stand, or park in the fog lane."
Thing is, I was making my exit and those lines extend at the top of the exit where it forms three lanes just at the off ramp. How much time was there for me to realistically "drift" in the fog lane.
He didn't go back to his car. He took my paperwork, went to the back of my car and came back. He didn't go to his computer, didn't swipe anything. I watched him the whole time because I was really pissed off at this point. Jurisdiction or NOT.
Not only that, there was no one in my lane on the freeway. It just looked like a case of "I've got nothing else better to do, so I'll harass THIS guy" Thanks Oz.
I don't know, maybe its because the last time I got a ticket was 1992. I just don't get tickets. Hell, I don't get pulled over. It's not that I've never been caught, it's just that I actually obey the law. Yeah, even in California. So, I've never, NEVER had some guy blaring his light at me and THEN, yelling on his loud speaker, "PULL OVER TO THE RIGHT, RIGHT NOW!". It was unnerving and obnxious. If he turned his lights on, what makes him think I wouldn't pull over??? I'm EXITING and the lane I'm turning on faces a traffic light. If I'm not speeding or driving erratically (He clearly noted that) why would I be under suspiscion to run?
It seemed like a power trip to me, especially since he let me go with, "Uh, drive safely". When what he should have said was, "Wow, my bad".
Croi, if you're an officer, understand, I do have respect for any officer of the law and what they do, but this just seemed really ridiculous.
Also, he NEVER should have asked YOU if YOU knew why HE pulled YOU over. That's a really bad habit for officers to be in. Most drivers already don't necessarily know why they're being pulled over, and then you're being kind of rude by asking the question. An officer should always introduce themselves with their name, the department they are with, and then immediately with the reason for the contact.
Seriously? I was under the impression that cops always ask you if you know why you were pulled over, because they are trying to get you to confess to something. If you confess, it makes it that much harder to fight a ticket in court. Remember folks, in the US you have the right to remain silent. Don't wait to be Mirandized before exercising that right!
Also, he NEVER should have asked YOU if YOU knew why HE pulled YOU over. That's a really bad habit for officers to be in. Most drivers already don't necessarily know why they're being pulled over, and then you're being kind of rude by asking the question. An officer should always introduce themselves with their name, the department they are with, and then immediately with the reason for the contact.
Seriously? I was under the impression that cops always ask you if you know why you were pulled over, because they are trying to get you to confess to something. If you confess, it makes it that much harder to fight a ticket in court. Remember folks, in the US you have the right to remain silent. Don't wait to be Mirandized before exercising that right!
There's also search and seizure. I love the US Constitution. Imagine the surprise I got when teaching it to a bunch of "at risk" youth. They didn't know they had the right to remain silent or to refuse what they believe is an unwarranted search.
If you do it right the cop may think you're a lawyer and most won't ticket lawyers because they hate having to go to court. (I know lots of lawyers and I mean lots including not a few legislators. I can show up in court with a lawyer who's best friends with the judge and prosecutor and the ticketing officer just doesn't want to be bothered.)
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