Every time I go to the store, they're out of fresh pineapple. Really? Fresh pineapple is THAT popular in Texas? Mrrrrr.
To be fair, I could get it in the mixed fruit cups, but…they're practically all grapes with a few bits of pineapple and strawberry…and I *hate* grapes.
*L* No, he's always done that with my name. It's like his "thing".
… "So, you're all for helping to protected the trees, huh?"
Failed English is fail.
Wow, I made on typo compared to a failed attempt at mockery…which resulted in another failed attempt at mockery.
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Please cool it on Cori a little bit eh? Yes, he's shown he can be a little… abrasive… but this thread is about people getting stuff off their chests and it being ok to do that (within reason), not about attacking them for it.
Please keep that stuff to a minimum.
I wanted to warn rather than delete that stuff, because it makes good reading. :) But still, that's enough ok?
I'm ranting back and getting off my chest, too. You ruin all the fun…you make that little quail thing cry
I don't really blame them, Croi Dhubh! If you had said that to any of my friends or myself I would have probably gotten a little angry too. That's a pretty degrading thing to say.
That's one of the least "degrading" things I've said to someone.
Then you don't seem like a very nice person. A normal pick-up line is bad enough, but here you are taking this thing that this woman is obviously passionate about and using it to insult her and demean her by making it obvious you're talking to her only for sex and couldn't give a s*** about her cause.
Man, what is it that makes you go out and be mean to a complete stranger? What do you gain by that? Is your life so sad that you need to boost yourself by putting someone else down?
( …and here comes the rant to go with it: )
Every once in a while i meet people that seem to pride themselfs in being an asshole to others and seeing it as his or her personality. They have no respect for others but demand that you threat THEM with respect. It's tiresome to say the least.
What am I ranting about? Life. It just seems like I can never get the girl I want. And funny thing is, I don't know what's wrong. I'm not incredibly ugly, or an a-hole either. :\
And my want to draw is starting to increase, and so I keep switching between wanting to draw, and not wanting to draw…Ugh.
Most of the banter in questionablecontent annoys the hell out of me, but I can't seem to stop reading! people who think they're evil and dangerous but are really quite helpless, it's just, GRRAAH!
QC is a terrible comic, it's not even good in a bad way.
Every time I go to the store, they're out of fresh pineapple. Really? Fresh pineapple is THAT popular in Texas? Mrrrrr.
Well, YOU wanted it :)
You know me. I'm just not very keen on the "one stop shopping" threads. ;)
I bet you hate kittens and puppies too.
I need new walking shoes but want to wait another month 'til I'm back in the US to buy them, they're much cheaper there. But the shoes are wearing out too fast. :[ Insoles have helped a little, but they're wearing out in the back and my feet are starting to hurt after long walks.
Tomorrow I find out whether I got an annual bonus, and if so, how much it is… although I want that money to pay off a credit card, I'll have to see if paying twice as much as I should have to for shoes is worth it…
Well the results are in and I'm fine! No one can find why I blacked out!
(Possibly low blood sugar at that time or misperception due to amnesia or heat exhaustion but nothing major.)
But I miss my little purple Saturn SL2.
Now to get that Subaru Outback or PT Cruiser I've always wanted!
And I'm going to Philadephia next week on vacation and wandering around looking at historical stuff and getting mistaken for a goddamn tour guide all the time.
I should just keep my goddamn mouth shut, take pictures and smile like I can't understand or speak English.
And then I am considering homicide. Whether or not I kill my comic.
I have the same problem with women's athletic shoes. The men's versions last MUCH longer for the same price. That's a potential solution, anyway ^.^ They're certainly not as cute.
My TV sucks. This school year sucks. I get 14 emails a day from someone I don't even know. My hair is too fucking short. I'm 2,000 pounds, I constantly poke myself with my own tusks, AND MY FREAKING LAND IS MELTING!
Sometimes I worry I lost my touch with animations or I do an animation, then do one part really good, and consider scrapping everything else on the project and starting over, leaving what I thought was really good only.
Sometimes I worry I lost my touch with animations or I do an animation, then do one part really good, and consider scrapping everything else on the project and starting over, leaving what I thought was really good only.
Do it, and then take every good part and edit them together into one film.
Rant: I tore the banister of the wall. . . again.
Edit: if 'McMugget' reads this, please don't harass my brother on Xbox Live, as he is not me. If you have a problem with me, PQ me or something.
I'm happy. I finally found the complete archive of the stories from Into the Purple Abyss. I've been looking for years since the website went down.
Back in the day, I was going to write my own parody having been inspired by the writings, and now that I've re-read them, I can get started. I'm not doing anything in connection to the stories, and it's not even the same subject, it's just the dark nature of something "wholesome" that I'm doing.
Sometimes I worry I lost my touch with animations or I do an animation, then do one part really good, and consider scrapping everything else on the project and starting over, leaving what I thought was really good only.
Do it, and then take every good part and edit them together into one film.
It's already a mash-up. I'd be left with just two scenes if I did that, but the two scenes are better than the others. I just may do it and find new material for the other eight scenes…argh.
So I just had to go to the hospital because I couldn't breathe properly. The thing is though, that when we called the emergency doctor, he told us we could either see them tomorrow at nine, go to the casualty in Halton, or let them come here. I'm seeing my dad tomorrow, so I couldn't go then, and my mother wouldn't let them come here because my brother made a mess of the house last night and apparently that's more important than her sons health, so we decided to go to the Halton casualty.
Turns out there isn't a casualty in Halton for five years. So the taxi driver who took down there didn't mention this, which is ok. The hospital employees who we asked for directions to the casualty didn't mention it either. The kicker though, is that the same fucking doctor I spoke to on the phone is the one who finally told us this. The who told us to go there in the first place. Obviously he denied this, and he was a bit of an arse about it too. I wanted to point this out to him, but my mother didn't.
Sure, he eventually had a look at me at the possible cost of his job, but if he'd fucking told me that the place DIDN'T EXIST then we would've had no problem at all. At first though, he basically told us to go away, while I was bent over and wheezing and coughing my fucking lungs out. He didn't agree to let me in until I collapsed in the middle of the car park. Turns out I might have asthma. I really, really hope not.
While we were waiting for the taxi, some drunk guys asked us if we were girls. It was mostly aimed my brother because long hair = girl, in this dump. I don't get why they asked me as well though, didn't the fucking beard tip them off?
And then, on the way back, we had to walk this gang of lads. One went 'blergh' at me, and then kicked me in the arse when I didn't jump.
The worst thing though, is that when I got back the plasticine I was using had melted into a big clump, which makes it really irritating to work with.