Granted. Just granted, and nothing more.
I wish I was sexier than I already am!
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Ruin A Wish game
Congratulations, your wish has come true! Star Treck comes back on air again with the new Next Voyager Deep Space Enterprise Generation 9. In the first eppisode the Starship Finklestien is infested by a horrible bunch of tiny aliens that resemble dog crap and go by the name of "the Luclucluc".
From then no one ever bothers with Starwars jokes about your name.
I wish music was good again :(
i dont like your wish, so im going to respond to ozoneoceans wish…sorry =)
granted now that country music is back everyone still hates it, but its all that there is so everybody, save the few who like country music, kills themselves…
i wish other people liked country music i feel so alone in this big ol' world, save the majority of kentucky…and tennessee…maybe texas but they have the dallas cowboys…which makes them stupid…
Granted, now other people like country music, except for Texas who is pumped up on heavy metal and seaches for you for defying their beloved whatever team.
I don't like you not responding to luclucluc's wish, so I'm going to respond to it. :)
Granted, now you'll never be sick again and you'll live life day after day going through cities and states, leaving people wondering why you never got sick. They'll assume you're a witch, and you'll be beaten with rakes in a game called beat luclucluc with rakes for immortality and constant health. BTW, they thought you were immortal.
I wish for a big Drunk Duck party.
granted. you are now the greatest racer of the games. but you soon start thinking that normal driving is also a race, and soon you get pulled over for speeding so many times that you eventually go broke, meaning you die of starvation.
i wish for a hamster that won't bite me
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