I belived as a kid that there where gaint craps *About the hight of a 6 year old kid.* lived in the crawl space in my closet. That if I ever opened that door, they would all come on and kill me.
I still kinda belive that…
And I also belived that a serial killer was some type of cereal that posioned people. *I saw some pictures of some type of killing where there were these bruises all over the persons limbs. Some how, I figured that those where the signs of the posion in ther cereal working its way in the body. @_@*
Oddly, I never did fear eating cereal.

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The silliest things you remember believing as a kid...
-I thought the world was going to end after 1999 back when I was little xD. That's what my mom told me so I believed it xD.
-My twin brother used to lie to me about there being a guy named The Honey-Smack man hiding in the pantry at our old house o_o And I believed it till I was about 11 years old.
I used to think Jesus was alive in the seventies and back then everyone got nailed to a cross.
I used to believe in the tooth fairy, untill I found where my parents kept me and my sisters old teeth. Yeah they did that.
When a pair of garden shears went missing, I believed they must have been stolen.
I still believe a lot of things that I believed as a kid, such as knocking on wood, keeping any promise I make to higher powers, ghosts, fortune telling, general horoscopes, etc. Superstitions that don't cost me money, basically.
Not fortune cookies though. Because fortune cookies are not Chinese. I don't know where the **** they came from.
They taste good, though.
I used to believe the universe is endless and eternal and static. I didn't believe the Big Bang at first.
I used to think Roger Moore became president of the USA and changed his name.
I used to think Puerto Rico is just to the east and a little bit north of Long Island. Cuz I went on vacation there; so it couldn't be very far. And Hawaii is just a little bit west of California or something.
I used to think Australia is to the west of Africa. Yknow, not below Asia. Cuz WTF is it doing close to Asia?
Okay, just remembered some more.
I used to think that History didn't go back that far since I couldn't comprehend a civilisation staying one way for more than 30 years. I also thought that the world also followed the same culture. Pretty much, for a few years there were cavemen, then egyptians for a decade or two, etc. And I was waiting for the world to become like the Jetsons over night which would be when I was eleven.
I also used to believe I could do magic. I used to stay awake for a few hours reciting spell words and concentrating as hard as I could, until I fell asleep. But I kept trying to summon stuff out of thin air like a better TV for myself or that every channel played cartoons non stop. Weird thing was, a few weeks later we got a new television and got cable installed, with Cartoon Network. Coincidence?
Last one, my mother hated us watching too much TV so she used to tell me and my sister that if we left it on for too long, it'd explode. I seriously used to watch three hours of shows and then switch it off. Then, a minute later when my mum or dad wanted to watch something, I got out of there, waiting for the thing to blow.
I used to think "the Poconos" mountain range was an island chain east of the Caribbean.
I was positive that my toys got up and had their own lives when nobody was looking. (Note: this was YEARS before toy story came out, but very similar nonetheless).
Occasionally I still catch my self wondering if deformities caused by traumatic injury (like amputations or scars) can be inherited by children.
I thought that if you had a good enough imagination, the world you imagined could actually physically replace the current one. I never proved the theory right or wrong though I grew out of trying to sit in my room and imagine a replacement world really hard.
I used to think the adults all had a daycare were they got money instead of snacks.
It was quite an elaborate system I developed were the best behaved and well-groomed adults got more money. Kinda like a pet-show, with managers being the trainers and the boss was the judge. Now that I think about it, I wasn't far off.
My grandad used to tell me these absolutely absurd stories, and I believed every single one. My favourite is the one about the mark on his forehead which he got when he deflected a bullet with his face. It was actually just a tiny chicken pox scar.
I thought that if you had a good enough imagination, the world you imagined could actually physically replace the current one. I never proved the theory right or wrong though I grew out of trying to sit in my room and imagine a replacement world really hard.
Maybe you did, and this is it.
Well jeez, imagine a better one! :P
When I was maybe three years old, I asked my dad if dinosaurs were still around when he was a kid.
I thought that the only reason Superman could fly was his cape, and I could do the same. I never could get a blanket to stay around my shoulders, though, which was clearly why it didn't work.
I thought that late at night, the world would become infested with ghosts and monsters and whatnot, and by sleeping we were somehow safe from them.
I used to think that if someone touched a power cord, regardless of whether or not it was wet or even plugged in, they'd be electrocuted to death.
I love this thread.
I thought of another one:
I probably heard too many of my family's WWII stories, or saw too many PBS documentaries, or something, but…
When I was probably seven or eight, I would lie away at night and imagine that every airplane I heard fly over me at night was going to inexplicably firebomb my small town. I was also pretty sure that the semi-trucks I heard on the highway were tanks, too. I was certain that sooner or later, our town would be like Pompeii or something- that everything would be perfectly preserved under layers of volcanic ashes, which were somehow related to the afore-mentioned firebombing. So I would make sure my room was arranged perfectly before I went to sleep, so that hundreds of years in the future, when archeologists were excavating the ruins of civilization, they would be able to discern what kind of person I was and what kind of culture I lived in from the artifacts I'd left behind.
man, i used to hear weird scratchin noises in my closet when i was a kid. and as i remember em, they went from the top of the door a long ways down, but i'm willing to say that was imagination, like there was a mouse in there or something, but whatever it was, it made me sneak downstairs to sleep a lot of the time.
so i started sleeping on the couch in the living room, the thing is, after that, i was sure Freddy Krueger lived in back of that couch after a while. man i was a pretty paranoid little kid.
i thought atari was better than nintendo and that it was holographic. also i thought it didn't need a tv to work and i could interact to it. then when we got to america we bought an atari in a garage sale. i was very disappointed. what the fuck is this shit?
i grew up in a small island.
-Cthulhu, I already went there lame-o :P
I used to think only a couple of countries won WW2…
I never realised it was a joint effort with so very many like the U.S.S.R. India etc. and a zillion little volunteer militia groups all throughout the world, from the Philippines to Serbia.
I'd always thought it was John Wayne and a few of his mates. :)
- that WWF wrestling is real. Yes. All the punches and kicks and the drama involved is real.
- Santa Claus (I absolutely believed he was real) and the tooth fairy (I was 50-50) is real. I stopped believing in it after I lost a tooth and didn't tell anyone. And after I caught dad red-handed on being "santa claus".
I thought I could fly. I watched superman and then tied a towel around my neck, climbed a tree then screamed 'Superman!' and jumped. I remember my sister cheering me on telling me I could do it but I couldn't. I ended up on the ground with a gash on my head from landing on a branch. Oh the second thing is when I was a fan of Knightrider, of course I thought the car was able to think on it's own, and my friend told me that they were selling Kit at the local car dealer. I couldn't believe it, they were selling Kit! Well, needless to say it wasn't Kit but it was a Trans Am. I told my mom we have to get it and told her about the features of Kit. Wow, my parents probably thought I was nuts, lol.
I used to wonder what's outside of earth, so I came up with the idea that earth is surrounded by a sphere of black, where all the stars and moon are, and that everything beyond that is gigantic empty whiteness. Oh yeah, and the image you see on the moon never changes cause it's the reflection of our side of the planet and to see a different reflection I'd have to travel to some other continent :)
Also, whenever a program mentioned a "World War", I automatically assumed it's fake.
Next… If you stood on someone's grave, a skeleton would climb up from the grave and pull you under. And that German skeletons (I live about 50km away from the border) are vastly different than ours and that one attacked a classroom, punnching through the wall and the chalkboard rather than walking through the doors.
I'll post more if I can remember any.
I used to think that all bodies of water (aside from swimming pools and bathtubs) had no bottom, and the earth was full of water with continents floating on top. As soon as the water got deep enough to where there was no light, monsters lived there, and they couldn't leave the darkness but could reach tentacles up, grab your ankles, and pull you down until you drowned. (I was afraid of water. I never went swimming if I could avoid it.)
I also thought the moon and sun both gave off their own light and were the same size and equally far from Earth. I thought all the stars were equally far from earth and not much different from each other in size. (Blame our constellation globe for that one…)
Now, my parents, both science teachers, did their best to inform me otherwise, but I didn't believe them. Mom told me grass was green because of chlorophyll and it was a good wavelength to absorb light energy for photosynthesis. I believed all that, but I also decided that God just liked the color green, and that was why most of "nature" was green.
I believed that there were black holes on earth in various locations (Bermuda triangle for one). Dad (physics teacher) egged me on and suggested that our whole universe was already inside a black hole.
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