Besides the obvious 'pulling in male viewers' thing, of course.
That's funny. I would have thought that the titular massive fighting robots would secure that demographic.
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Besides the obvious 'pulling in male viewers' thing, of course.
That's funny. I would have thought that the titular massive fighting robots would secure that demographic.
Yeah, Transformers, fairly good movie, but I have to agree with the whole sucky character thing.
Hell, Jazz should have had more lines. He seriously only had two, I swear!
And it was a movie about transformers, Optimus Prime and Megatron all over the place in adds and posters and toys, but hell, they have two dimentional main character humans that I can name off the role, but not the character name.
That and since I'm a villain fan, more Starscream and Megatron woulda been cool.
If you went to see Transformers wanting a good story, get the hell out of the world I live in. Die. It was a movie based. on. toys. Get it? Story=no. The names should give it away. And they got their name on their home planet so they didn't take them up on Earth. If you remember-BUMBLEBEE, there are no bees on Cybertron and BONECRUSHER, they are made of metal even in their Prime forms. And they buld up Sam so when he gets his true name, Spike, and then gets his awesome battle armor it'll all be worth it. And Jazz dying, if a hero had to die, it should have been Jazz. No Optimus no sequel. No Ratchet, another bad name, no doctor and they'd die. Well…I suppose what's his name coulda died.
This is the wrong place for that though so…
Another fave cliche: Smartass hero
Bad cliche: Villian losing.
Can't promise these are my most hated and loved (I'm bound to think of others later!) but …
The super hero who never gets fired from his day job, even though he disappears from the office three or four times a day to go stop a mugging, save a child or rescue a kitten in a tree. (Yes, I'm looking at you, Mr Kent!)
The ending where the hero beats the bad guy by simply pummelling him, doing nothing different to what he's done in every one of their previous encounters, even though that approach has always failed in the past. (Yes, that'll be you then, Mr HellBoy!)
When the murderer is finally revealed to be (gasp!) the second least likely suspect!
When the final scene of a story comes as a surprise, even though there were just enough clues earlier on to make you feel you could have seen it coming if only you'd been as clever as the writer!
Favorite cliche - hmm. It'd probably be the comedy-relief sidekick. It's nice if they have personality and depth, though.
But no other cliche annoys me more than the little kid with all the answers. "I knew it all along, I TOLD you guys! But no one listens to me cause I'm a KID! *scoff/rolleyes*"
When someone who thinks they're tough challenges the hero and gets their arse kicked seven ways to Sunday.
Hero's with no heroic attributes at all/unlikely gang of misfits.
The final duel.
Insane villains, the ones who you know are utter psychopaths the second they appear (see every Batman villain ever conceived).
Dramatic revealing of someones identity.
Anything with aliens, time/space travel and alternate dimensions.
Villains who are 'good on the inside' as a pathetic attempt at depth. I wouldn't mind so much if everybody and their grandmother didn't fucking do it. Villains can still be 3D and be motivated by greed, hate, or just being plain nasty.
'Pretty boy' villains.
Anything in anime/manga.
Incompetent villains (look at LeChuck from the Monkey Island games, he's hilarious and he's evil although a lot of people seem to disagree. LeChuck opens the gates to hell, kills thousands of people and turns them into undead pirate slaves and traps Guybrush in a world constructed from his own memories after torturing him with a voodoo doll. Still think he's not evil?).
Tragedy as a replacement for character development.
Characters introduced for the sole reason of being killed off (even more annoying when everyone makes a big deal out of it).
Gay subplots. You want gay characters? Fine. You want gay relationships? Absolutely 100% peachy keen with me. Just don't make a huge fucking deal out of it. When one of my friends announced he was gay, everyone basically said 'yeah, ok' and we all got on with whatever we were doing. We didn't go 'YOU'RE GAY? CRAPPY SUBPLOT TIME HOORAY!
Lengthy exposition. Especially when the plots really fucking obvious anyway.
Extra fun happy endings where everything is just super dandy and everybody lives happily ever after. I don't mind happy endings, but why can't the heroes best friend who made a heroic sacrifice JUST STAY FUCKING DEAD? Why can't they not manage to save everyone? Why can't there be any sort of permanent damage? Somehow stabbing the villain in the face reverses everything back to how it was before, minus one villain and plus cake for everyone.
Forgot these two:
The 'fat guy'.
Wow, I didn't realise I'd written so much.
i love the types of cliche i use in my comic. like someone stepping in just before someone is killed or something like that. i hate the cliche where the entire story is predictable. some cliche is needed in a story but not too much.
I love it- LOVE it when the main character gets their ass kicked. I don't really like them coming back and destroying the villain afterwards, but I just like the vulnerability.
I'm sorry, but Nadya's -so- taking a punch to the face. Pretty women deserve to be as violent as big, burly men too.
I love dimension and timeplay. Can't get enough of that stuff.
I really hate the evil being that's so evil he/she loses all dimension.
I also hate when the hero isn't held accountable for whatever wrongs they've done.
I love gritty, gruesome fights like in the Bourne movies. Lots of fists flying and blood, and over in about 20 seconds- like real life, you know?
I love- LOVE a strong female lead character.
I hate it when in a movie, characters that should die don't die due to 'redeption', girls that are seen as the most beutifuliest woman in town, but really isn't that much of a looker, and they just seem to be sssooo prefect.
And another is that everyone in the movies always seem to have a lot of money. Always dressed nicely, and don't have to come to work for days on end… Really, what the hell?
hey that is a great manga!i love the types of cliche i use in my comic. like someone stepping in just before someone is killed or something like that. i hate the cliche where the entire story is predictable. some cliche is needed in a story but not too much.
You like Deus Ex Machina?
You disgust me.
Here's some things I like and hate at the same time:
1) The hero making jokes or smartass comments in the middle of a fight
Usually common in superhero comics. I like it if its done in moderation… but too much of it makes it suck.
2) Screaming the name of the moves
- Common in Japanese anime. Again… moderation its cool but too much of it sux.
Favorite cliche - hmm. It'd probably be the comedy-relief sidekick. It's nice if they have personality and depth, though.
But no other cliche annoys me more than the little kid with all the answers. "I knew it all along, I TOLD you guys! But no one listens to me cause I'm a KID! *scoff/rolleyes*"
I'll add some hate/love/neutral comments.
Color Coded characters. You know how the fire mage wears red and the water dude wears blue? I'm okay with it in certain ways: If normal clothing isn't affected by this wackey cliche, it's okay with me.
I'm not sure it's a cliche, but I love mature kids who can fight, are polite, and are NOT sassy.
She quiet characters, that are nice. I don't care about their appearance. With the most honest love of people, perhaps a bit on the kicked puppy side. We don't have enough of those in real life.
Characters that act sassy, cruel, mean, insult slinging, or whatnot for absolutely no reason other then the author thinks they look cool. I hate it enough when real people do it, I don't need to read about my experience in middle school over and over. I'm okay with slightly rude for a reason, but it's got to be a damn good reason.
Loudmouths and braggers, as soon as they pop up, you know they're going to get their butt kicked so hard, why bother any more with it? A little more subdued arrogance is allright with me.
As a side note: Why are people saying, 'You disgust me' or 'People who ' ' should die'? I mean, we're talking about cliches. It should not matter, (though I know it is sadly true that to some it does) what a person likes or dislikes. I mean, for best this discussion is curiousity, or research for comic makers to figure out a cliche most people dislike and avoid it.
Favorite cliches:
When the hero and villian continuously battle it out but can never kill each other- not out of mercy but because they're just too evenly matched.
When a hero has a nemesis. And not some corporate exec that sends out cronies to kill the hero for him, I mean a REAL nemesis that goes in himself and just will not stop trying to kill the hero.
Women that appear sweet and gentle, but can easily kick the villain's ass.
Stories where the horrible monster loses, but does not die.
Hated cliches:
Stories that end with the forces of good making a permanent victory over evil, rather than just surpressing it temporarily.
When the sides of good and evil are too clearly explained (add some dimension or at least show the story from the "bad" guy's side for a change).
When the heroes have ungodly powerful weapons like a handheld nuke-launcher (not making this up; I've seen it before). Now if you give them a simple weapon and make them masterful wielders with it or have them know how to use it in unique ways, then that's actually kind of cool.
When the characters yell out their attack before or as they're doing it. When you're trying to kill someone you don't tell them what you're doing! It's for this reason why I hate most animes.
Every cliche in Hot Fuzz except for the Board of Shadowy Figures. XD
Really well done montages. I won't sit there and watch you (hopefully) experience your epiphany if the cinematography sucks. (Continuous fancy-dan cutscenes and the like.)
Female leads that are there to get something DONE.
Female leads/secondaries that are specifically there as:
- chesty arm candy for the 'hero' or 'villain'
- the infinitely tooooo butch/beefy for their own good bodyguard/Epic!Final Boss
- have the deus ex machina for the movie (secret knowledge that suddenly reveals itself, "oh, I totally have the key for that gate to Hell in my purse~!", knows who the bad guy is and how to defeat him without breaking a nail, etc…)
- or that are so dense that they cannot be used as a flotation device in the event of an emergency.
Chase scenes that end without some innocent bystanders' car getting flipped, smashed, or cut in half.
The Old Master that can beat the crap out of you with his BEARD. Especially if the lead is supposed to have 'no previous training' but ends up kicking the old man's butt in the second or third fight.
I truly hate the one angsty, long-haired guy who gets all the girls, wins all the fights, kills most of the main villains, and acts the "coolest."
Goddamn anime.
I kind of like the anime clichee where the evil organization is led by a council of some stereotypical number.(Seven, thirteen) Actually, it's mostly because coming up with such a story element is fun to do when I'm making my own story.
at the moment i can't stand the whole flawless protagonist thing.
the main reason for that is because a buddy and i watched rocky balboa, one of the most unnecessary movies ever made… and we realized that sylvester stallone is a total hero.
anyone else who saw that movie will know what i'm talking about. the way he gives away food at his restaurant, the way he discouraged racial slurs (that part of the movie seemed thrown in at the last minute just so that sylvester stallone could assert that he is in fact against racism), not to mention that woman's son…
"oh that must be your son"
"no, THAT'S my son…"
*pointing to black kid*
"…OOOHHHH well that's okay by me" or whatever the hell he said…
yeah. i hate that.
i can't think of anything i love, but i just had to rant about that somewhere.
I know this probably isn't a cliche but in terms of webcomics, BL is being over used and is getting annoying. Some people don't even try to fit it into an actuall storyline
Oh yeah and I hate flawless characters. They don't exist in real life so if you want your comic to be beleivable, then don't put them in.[Not talking to anyone in particular]
Oh but I like bishies
I was just listening to a radio adaption of VI Wachowski with Kathleen Turner (a female detective), and it was just SO full of stupid cliches:
*She has a friend in the police force who has enough rank to help her, bend the rules for her and who is really protective of her because he's enamoured by her.
*All the bad guys he interviews and all other suspects are also enamoured of her and no matter what their social status they treat her as a social equal even if they're the most snobby bastards in the world, just because she's a detective and they find her attractive.
She has a friend who's a doctor and when she gets injured the nurse is being mean and not letting her make phonecalls and such (stupid cliche in itself), when her friendly doctor lady comes in and babies the hell out of her…
Oh man… I was all set to enoy the thing but cliche after cliche… I had an overdose :(
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