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Moonlight meanderer
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I just had a dream where I was getting chased by some white rapper with a switchblade. He finally cornered me in an alley and he had his knife up to me face and there was a shocking twist where he was like, "Want to know how I got these scars?", and he pulled down his pants and I saw that he had cut off his own penis. Then I realized I was Batman, and I said, "No. Fuck you. I'm Batman," and I punched a hole in his face.

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I've had dreams ranging from killing myself, watching others die, talking to ghosts on Ouiji and having sex with a bear after I transformed into one (like in Animorphs).

Mind you, I've not had these dreams for at least 5 years, except for the bear dream that I had 3 months ago…

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I had the wierdest dream ever. I somehow found a porno VHS tape that was literally in the internet. So I put it in my VHS player, which I actually have in the dream, and it's this big black guy saying he's gonna go get some white pussy, meaning this was an Ethnic fetish video. So the woman comes in, and looking back, I realize she was Blasian, but in the dream world, I thought that made perfect sense. I can't remember anything past that.

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Okay I'm a drug dealer in my dream and my car was just stolen. I find my car and look in the truck to make sure my drugs are okay. I find icecream which I assume is the drugs, but someone put caramel on it so I'm not happy. Then a police officer comes over and I say, "this is my stolen car, someone put drugs in it" Eminem walks on by and I accuse him saying how the icecream can't be mine because it has caramel on it. So the officer arrests Eminem who is confused and talking with a english gansta accent saying how he's been set up. Then I woke up.

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Oh! Last night I had a dream that I went to my school, and went through the window because doors are for chumps. I saw a school nurse, and I was like "Hai" and as I exited, I saw a rotting guy. He wasn't a zombie, he was a rotting guy. His face was a skull. It was terrifying, and he was a nurse D:
I think when your school nurse has a skull for a face, you should worry.

Anyway later they interviewed him, but because his face was a skull, he couldn't move his mouth, so he communicated by tapping morse code. He was also deaf and blind. Oh, and had no arms or legs. Well, fake ones atleast.

He was terrifying D8

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I dream an real doozy this morning.

I dreamt that the end of the world came. It started when I was moon gazing outside at night. for some reason the moon seemed on fire, was getting bigger and then all of a sudden it exploded. the explosion was so bright that the night turned into day.

the shards of the moon was flying everywhere, into the earth. there started to be massive earthquakes, floods, etc.

So I started to run inside to gather my family so that we could go to some kind of shelter where hopefully we could be safe from all that.

But then portals started popping up everywhere and this little girl came though, asking for my help. so I picked her up and kept on heading for where my family was located. and along the way the little girl told me about this super secret government underground base from where she had came from….

since that sounded like the most safest place on earth, I headed there soon as I made sure that my whole family was with me.

but as soon as I got close, those secret agents grabbed my family and was holding them hostage to make me return the little girl I had to them. I couldn't help but wonder why they couldn't just had taken the little girl from me instead of my family since how at the time she had been right there in front of them.

I was about to give the little girl back to them, when all of a sudden Space Gorillas appeared in their spaceships and told us that they were collecting human specimen for their rare species zoo now that we were all about to become extinct thanks to the moon exploding.

They said that they was going to start a breeding program too, since how they could only take a limited amount of humans back with them. They said that in order to avoid incest and inbreeding there had to be at least 500 humans that was completely unrelated to each other from each conitent.

So I was forced to leave my family behind, and I still had that little girl with me. in the cargo, it was completely crowded and full of people from all over the world. I wound up sitting next to Mana and Gackt somehow, and they seemed to be yelling obscenities at each other in Japanese. Somehow I just knew that they were blaming each other for this happening, and it was also the other person's fault for the malice mizer band splitting up.

That's when the actors who did Light and L from the live action movies came over and told them to shut the fuck up, that they were giving everyone an headache.

Then we all had to go in a straight file to our assigned rooms in the bunker, and it turned out that they wanted to do a male/female pairing each room. I wound up rooming with the actor who did light. I was like: "Nooo!!! I don't even like him…. he wasn't attractive at all as Light… even his fingernails are nasty! Why could it had been gackt?? This is the worst day of my life EVER!"

That was when I woke up.

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i was sitting in an airport with a bunch of people i didn't know. we were waiting for our flight. the airport was huge. it stretched forever in both directions. i got bored waiting so i decided to walk around a bit. i noticed this very short woman with a pith helmet overseeing a line of people who were waiting to get dropped into lava. i talked to her for a minute. she hated her job.

i then walked over to some doors but they were locked. i went back to the short woman and made a deal with her. if she opened the doors i'd give her job advice to get a promotion. she opened the doors and i told her to look for people in her line that didn't deserve to be dropped into lava.

inside the doors was a hallway off to the left. i walked a short way down the hall. about 50 yards down was space. like outer space. there were planets and stuff but they were all much closer together than they are in real space and much smaller. about a meter across. i got scared and didn't want to fall off into space so i went back to where i was waiting to get the rest of the people.

when i got back they were watching a movie i never seen before. there was a pile of coke bottles in front of a victorian home at night and they blew up. one guy mentioned that this movie looked down on over the top as if from a great height. after that we all went over to the hallway to space.

when we got to the edge i noticed that space went on forever in all directions. i especially noticed the down direction. i stepped out into space but didn't fall. everywhere you walked was solid to your feet but your body could pass through it. to walk down just lean forward and walk. i then woke up.

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I just woke from a very weird dream. I'm on a boat smack dab in the middle of the so called "International Waters", very far away from any country. While fishing I find a shipwreck with no identifying marks and a lot of treasure. I could've been rich in my dream had I not surfaced only to find ships from the U.S.A., Australia, China, Russia and the Philippines pointing their guns at me demanding for me to leave as the ship belongs to them. O_O

this is what I get for falling asleep with the TV on; the show "Treasure Quest" was playing as I was waking up…

El Cid
El Cid
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I had another kinda weird dream last night, where me and my friend were fishing between two creeks and a fish just came slowly floating through the air above us, all wobbling around in slow motion. My friend reached up and caught the fish and threw it into the creek. Then he catches it on his hook, pulls it out of the water and starts gutting it.

Well, it was a lot weirder than it sounds! Especially since I haven't gone fishing in years!

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Im a heavy sleeper and i almost never remember my dreams.

This one may sound obscene and teenager related, but it had no sex relation in it.

I was in some strange unfamiliar to me city with really tall buildings. I was wearing only a tshirt and shorts, and my legs were ridiculously hairy… not hairy, but furry! Then i found a newspaper on the ground that had a headline Times New Roman (i guess that was its name, maybe some reference to Times) it had only one page that was a blank white sheet with eyes drawn on it. These eyes were waiching my every move.
I dont remember what happened to me next, because ive seen that dream many years ago, but after some blank space in my memory, i remember me being given a mission to… ahem… take off my pants and scare people with vulgarous deeds… And if i wouldnt do that i was going to be killed be the person who hired me for that. But every time i took my shorts off, they popped back on me, and i was taking them off and off and off slowly realising that soon im gonna be killed.
After that dream i was afraid of going to the toilet in shorts for some time…

I also had a dream, when i was scared to death by some ghost, and i had my friends sleeping in the next room, but i couldnt run or call for help because of my panic attack, and he slowly glided towards me, trying to reach my throat with his long hands. Then for no logical reason ive decided that im so fucked that the only way to save myself is to scare the ghost myself! I thought that if i say booo in a scary tone, it will scare the ghost away. Buy because of my fear i could only mumble something that sounded like 'B'.

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Moonlight meanderer

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