Ah, Iagojester! Join us!!!! Join us! All should join us for we are the good looking team! Everyone on Zac's team gets a $10,000 clothing allowance. That equals a cart load of custom pirate coats and feathery hats. ;)
…nope, I'm not tall, that camera was just a bit low lol!
Oh-ho! You think you can tempt me with your evil bribes of piratical coats and feathers? … well… well you could if it weren't for the fact that I have an entire comic devoted to people who don't use their real names… and my entire purpose would be lost if I switched sides. So… I can't. Sorry.
Wait! I'm not sorry! I'm mad at you. Very mad. How dare you try to trick me! It should be you that comes to this side. You… you… yea, I don't have a good reason except I'm on this side and that's just gonna have to be good enough.