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Moonlight meanderer
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Well, what do you think, what would HU file him under? Also raises the question, what does HU do with metahumans who are not part of HU? Would they monitor them? Maybe HU is just an elaborate metahuman monitoring organization… conspiracy theories abound :P

I have no idea. Do HU have a payroll or something for their operatives? Seeing as how he does all heroics at no charge, maybe that would mean less requirements? Then perhaps, "volunteer"? I'm not familliar enough with the HU structure to figure that one out.

I don't know, wouldn't be very heroic, would it?

It may not be heroic, but it does make some sense for HU, maybe they ARE monitoring other metahumans and vigils and the like, maybe to find who could be good enough to join their ranks, or analyze their potential to become a threat to the world or to HU itself, in the world of heroes and agencies that support them, there is always another motive that is sometimes more villanious than the guy running around with a death ray trying to extort billions of dollars from the worlds governments.

Course that's just my paranoid side talking :D

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In my opinion the most obvious thought is that every responsible government would have a plan B in case metahumans would band together and try to overthrow the current order. So it makes sense that HU, being a UN organization, wouldn't just be the metahuman equivalent of the UN peacekeeping troops, but also a way of monitoring metahuman activity on a global scale. While a high percentage of metahumans are conceived as "heroes" or "villains", there would also be more or less "neutral" vigilantes who'd refuse to cooperate with government organizations. So the question is, how would HU classify those? Probably as potential threats, I think. Just like real-life vigilantes would be classified as criminals. Most superheroes who take the law into their own hands would be criminals, after all.

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In my opinion the most obvious thought is that every responsible government would have a plan B in case metahumans would band together and try to overthrow the current order. So it makes sense that HU, being a UN organization, wouldn't just be the metahuman equivalent of the UN peacekeeping troops, but also a way of monitoring metahuman activity on a global scale. While a high percentage of metahumans are conceived as "heroes" or "villains", there would also be more or less "neutral" vigilantes who'd refuse to cooperate with government organizations. So the question is, how would HU classify those? Probably as potential threats, I think. Just like real-life vigilantes would be classified as criminals. Most superheroes who take the law into their own hands would be criminals, after all.

I could see many of the vigilante style characters that aren't with government facilities or ex-members of them would be seen as threats of organizations like HU, especially the ones who are ex-members since they know how these organizations work, how they operate and the like, so those types would have to be monitored and might even be considered top priority in case they have to be taken down.

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Hmm… The government, monitoring a certain group of people solely based on being different, some of them without a single criminal act on their record… Anyone else see the symbolism here? XD

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From my perspective - The HU would definately be secretly monitoring any being that they felt posed a high enough threat. The HU Commander is military and takes orders from her superiors.

As at it's position in Energize - The HU Initiative is part funded by the UN (for now) and part funded by Chegwin Tech but is Military controlled.
Members are voluntary

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Hmm… Then I guess Virtus would be pretty much an "unknown C-list hero not worth monitoring" if we are relating to power level when it comes to threat. This still doesn't answer my question about secret identities in the HU though.

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I always assumed that revealing one's secret identity is not a prerequisite for becoming an HU member. That's not to say that HU wouldn't secretly investigate secret identities of heroes they'd deem a possible threat.

Hmm… The government, monitoring a certain group of people solely based on being different, some of them without a single criminal act on their record… Anyone else see the symbolism here? XD
You may be talking about the Muslim community (or maybe that's just me), but this is basically what the X-Men are about too. But clearly, if someone can fly, see through walls, play mind tricks on you, has super-powers etc., they're worthy of being monitored, as they're not just any kind of "different".
I remember a report on German TV recently, where some group of paranoid nerds complained that the German government doesn't have a contingency plan in case aliens invaded (as it seems, some governments actually do!). So try to imagine how many would complain if we'd actually had supermen and -women walk among us.

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Yeah, that's pretty much how I envisioned it. But no matter what intentions, I think that there would be one or more metahumans complaining that it's racist, or at the very least discriminating to be under watch 24/7 (I could totally see Virtus going down this ranting route, especially if Shell were to drop one too many 'Super' remarks). Thing is, in a setting when constant surveillance is considered right, those against the system tend to be written off as villains rather than ordinary people that just happen to have powers. It's the classic clash of freedom vs safety at the cost of individual rights of privacy.

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I agree. However, when dealing with this sort of question in the context of HU/HA it's less of a question of right or wrong to me, but rather a matter of realism. Clearly, superhero comics don't have to be too realistic, but in my mind, they shouldn't be too escapist either. I need that certain level of realism to keep myself interested.

Anyway, the more pressing question is: where do you see Virtus after chapter 2? Would he simply be on stand-by, sitting in Sweden right next to a red phone, waiting for Bombshell to call? (I'm exaggerating, of course :P)

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I think he'd pretty much be doing his own thing at home in Sweden, the usual vigilante stuff. If Bombshell calls, then he'll answer. Although I pretty much have nothing planned for my so far empty Virtus folder that I would ever want to tie into HA, so that's the best description I can give off it.

So don't be surprised if I some way down the road, perhaps in five - ten seasons or so ask you to kill off the HA incarnation of Virtus for the sake of drama or out of my own frustration if people get confused with the separate continuities of the web-comic Virtus and the HA Virtus.

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ok, I know this is going to sound weird, but just go with this.

I was watching the History channel and they had on Gangland, and I was watching the episode around Neo-Nazi's and I got to thinking, what if there was a gang of Metahuman-Supremicaist who wanted to just cause violence and terror against regular humans and try to recruit people to join their hateful war.

I kinda thought of the Brotherhood from X-men but more militant and more of terrorist group.

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I'm all for a metahuman supremacist group for the HA to fight.

(Please don't refer to me as my creation. He's heavily based on me, but I don't do RPs here.) Yeah, something along those lines.

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I believe it's a given that if enough metahumans exist, there'd be a metahuman supremacist group. My basic assumption about the HU Universe was: Well, there are a lot of metahumans, and so far we've seen only few of them. We might base a chapter on this idea, or include this idea somewhere. Let's see. Of course anyone is free to develop this into a story concept.

A few words on "canonical character-usage": I don't think the HU/HA Universe and the world I'm just starting to explore in the Bombshell comic fully converge. So I don't really see why we shouldn't take some liberties on HA in general. Of course, every creator has the right to withdraw their character, and they will have the final say on how their character(s) are used. I'm just saying, working on HU I've had some experience with varying degrees of control exerted on some characters by their creators, and it's hard to please everybody and still deliver a good story. This problem also plays into another one, namely the fact that some of our characters aren't that well explored yet, so in the hands of other writers, a lot of guess-work will be involved.

Of course, what prompted me to write about this problem was Seb's remark about (possibly) killing off Virtus (eventually). But I'm also writing about this because I had to make that decision about Bombshell very early on - should her depiction in her own comic completely match her appearances elsewhere? And to me, the obvious answer seems to be: Probably not, because… why go to all that trouble? Personally, I don't see the need to streamline the character in all of her incarnations. There are some basic, essential truths about her, and people have been picking up on those pretty quickly (remember that Nepath wrote her first appearance on HU, at a time when I had just created her, and some very basic personality traits - but he got her completely right, and so has everyone else who wrote her since). I'm happy if we can coordinate all the details about all of the characters, but the only justified expectation should be that the core of the character is portrayed in the right way. I think that on a team-up book, the more iconic qualities of each character should be played up anyway, leaving the more subtle traits to be explored in their own comics.

Just my two cents!

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"Canonical character-usage"
I agree with Abt. Let's just use the more basic elements of each character, looks and personality, and not worry too much about consistency in more intimate details of their personal history.

Death in Heroes Alliance
On another note, just a suggestion, if any significant characters are going to die in this webcomic, I suggest that it should be planned well ahead of time rather than kill-'em-off-on-a-whim. So, sorry Seb, that means no unprecedented bailout for your Virtus. Heh heh. This suggestion doesn't just go for our heroes, but also for our villains. Why do I say that…? Every death should have some impact on the continuity of the HA universe.

Ex. If Virtus died, someone will want to know how and why… which will probably lead to "something must be done to prevent that from happening ever again/we can't let his death be in vain…" which would then probably lead to some sort of moral conflict…

Now, if you just want to refrain from your character making an appearance for a while, that'd be something different, and easier to justify. (He was busy with more local matters, he's decided to stay neutral on the matter, he's sick with a mild case of diarrhea, etc).

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People get a bit too hung up on the death part of my post rather than my concerns for a shared universe, which Fuku and Abt got the jist about and calmed my nerves.

When it comes to crossovers, I've always felt that comics especially tend to lack any real impact of one universe intersecting with another, it's almost always handwaved away as an "alternate universe similar to the mainstream one" that get to play with crossovers. What I mean to say is, that when I open the door for canon crossovers at some point in the future that have large or small repercussions storywise on both sides of the dimensional barrier, I hope that readers will be able to tell the difference between that and the non-canon crossovers, like DeviantArt Secret Wars and Heroes Alliance. I only justify my love for getting involved in non-canon crossovers with that I haven't managed to find time to push for my private projects.

Fuku - I SAID ten seasons or so, at the rate we're currently going that should be far ahead enough to plan a death. Plus, who says that any death I'd script in a sci-fi setting would be something the usually stages of grief would apply to? I would make it permanent no doubt, but that's not what we're discussing here, it's as you put it, canonical character usage. But on my last comment on the death card, it was far from an easy getaway card, a whole chapter sprung from that idea of a death on the team as well. But I more or less threw it in the trashcan.

I think I'll go with a similar description as literacysucs1 when it came to Acrobat in the HU, as I see Virtus in HA. "The character is an alternate duplicate for crossover purposes."

Thing is, I tend to use the character a lot more for crossovers than I've had the chance to do with him standing on his own two legs. And I'm just worrying that the HA version will turn out to be the defining perimeter for the character, and that those used to that version will not approve of the version that gets a bit more character development. Especially if the others want to print HA at some point.

Then again, that's a risk I'll have to take now.

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Ah, you're right. I've gone totally on a tangent there. Sorry.

So… I don't suppose death by boob suffocation in the fanservie chapter will be an issue anymore.

Oh no! tangent again! Disregard that last thing.

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Lol, isn't fan service supposed to please the readers and not the actors? As long as there is CPR administered in time. XD

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Fuku (…) it's as you put it, canonical character usage.
Noooo, it was me! I introduced the term!! >:I
(Just kidding. I mean, I'm not kidding about the fact that I did, but… you know what I mean)

But on my last comment on the death card, it was far from an easy getaway card, a whole chapter sprung from that idea of a death on the team as well. But I more or less threw it in the trashcan.
Right. Let's not get hung up about eventual deaths. I'm not against letting characters die though. I'm just against considering it before posting even the first page of our epic ^_^

I think I'll go with a similar description as literacysucs1 when it came to Acrobat in the HU, as I see Virtus in HA. "The character is an alternate duplicate for crossover purposes."
Hah! Lit always finds the right words… That's exactly what I wanted to get at when talking about Bombshell.

Thing is, I tend to use the character a lot more for crossovers than I've had the chance to do with him standing on his own two legs. And I'm just worrying that the HA version will turn out to be the defining perimeter for the character, and that those used to that version will not approve of the version that gets a bit more character development. Especially if the others want to print HA at some point.
Do you have an audience of your own hidden somewhere? I don't wanna be mean to our readers - I appreciate every one of them - but when making webcomics, I primarily think of my own interests, and rarely about the audience. The only real exception will be hardcore fans, because the very existence of them is enormously flattering. Well… the other exception being girls ^_^ I'll sell out in a heartbeat for female hardcore fans. No wait, that could come across the wrong way. You know… can the term hardcore still be used for something other than porn? Or is it just me? @_@

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Yes Abt, it can be fanatical and I'm sure anyone of us would sell out for a nice conglomerate supported on just girls. and I'm a fan of Sebastian's stuff on Deviant Art.

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Am I late too the party?

Dinosaurs being revived by an evil magical cult and empowered with vast mystical powers in a bid to lay siege to the American countryside and purge it of disbelievers? (3)

Hero, I think I have a good idea for a story that uses your proposal here as a base, would you mind if I used it?

The purpose of the story is

1) To establish how much the team needs coordination (I'm thinking a small team of secondary characters would be good to take center stage here)

2)Detailing the underlying fear of supers that Shell touches on, but with a more extreme reaction.

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Go for it. I wrote it to be written.

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ZananIV: Sure, I'd love to see that story fleshed out. Feel free to consult me, Sebastian_Sandberg and/or fukujinzuke about continuity stuff, or just post any questions you might have right here in the forums.

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I've only written one story, Joachim. I think you and Fuku have a better idea of what happens in HA #3-4 than I have. XD

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ZananIV: Sure, I'd love to see that story fleshed out. Feel free to consult me, Sebastian_Sandberg and/or fukujinzuke about continuity stuff, or just post any questions you might have right here in the forums.

Cool. I've got one

1) How is the HA organized? I'm thinking of this as a "side-story" and want to know if the characters are ordered to respond to this crisis (maybe because the core team is busy fighting some intergalactic threat) or just happen to be in the area.

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I've only written one story, Joachim. I think you and Fuku have a better idea of what happens in HA #3-4 than I have. XD
Well, each of us has written one story, so I thought it was only fair ^_^

1) How is the HA organized? I'm thinking of this as a "side-story" and want to know if the characters are ordered to respond to this crisis (maybe because the core team is busy fighting some intergalactic threat) or just happen to be in the area.
I think for now it would be good if a team member was simply in the area. HU is not disbanded or anything, so I figure "intergalactic threats" would be handled by HU rather than HA. Being part of the UN, I imagine that HU can be a bureaucratic monster (something I tried to touch on in EGO), while HA can be a quick (even undercover) task force. There might be some informal links between HU and HA though - like, the HU Commander can't afford the hassle of long negotiations, so she gives Bombshell a hint, who would in turn take care of it with HA.

But, long story short, you go with what you like best, and we'll find a way to make it work :P

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Moonlight meanderer

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