Yee-hah! Idea to very detailed outline with most of dialogue in place in one day at work. Now if only the finished script can stay under 15 pages.

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2015 Rant/Share/General Discussion thread
@Tupapayon- Well, in the movie he failed his test and tried to hide it. I actually GOT my license. And then my mother stepped in and told me I couldn't go anywhere without her consent and I was not to date at all.
And years later I'll probably never understand her. She wanted me to get married, but at the same time scared away any woman who she thought would try to get even remotely close to me.
And now years later after she passed on, the longer I'm alone the less inclined I feel to pursue any kind of romantic relationship. Especially now that all of my siblings are married with children. Oh, well… there's always the next lifetime… maybe…
I went through a phase when I wanted to watch all the Corey/Corey movies after I saw The Lost Boys. License to Drive was one of those films. It is actually a nicely done film about teenagers trying to get their license and Corey Haim had pretty mad driving skills. There was one scene where he had to drive down several blocks in reverse. I doubt I would have had the coordination, but I am not willing to test it out.
kawaiidaigakusei wrote:You never know until you try… just grab the car and go reverse down the street… you could make the news…
I went through a phase when I wanted to watch all the Corey/Corey movies after I saw The Lost Boys. License to Drive was one of those films. It is actually a nicely done film about teenagers trying to get their license and Corey Haim had pretty mad driving skills. There was one scene where he had to drive down several blocks in reverse. I doubt I would have had the coordination, but I am not willing to test it out.
@Lonnehart: (for some reason I always read it as Lone Heart) I know it wasn't the exact situation, but I ment to say it sounded lie the plot of one of those movies… and now that dating becomes a "problem" you are in a 90's romantic comedy… our lives are a series of movies…
@Lonnehart: My mother was the same way when I was growing up. Any hint that I liked a girl, or that a girl liked me, and she would go on the war-path and chase them away. It didn't stop until I put three time zones between myself and her.
@bravo1102: sounds exciting! I'm toying with some comic ideas myself, but I can't decide to go with a "mature" rated idea, or an "adult" rated idea. I'm big on promulgating a sex-positive message, but that "A" rating places such severe limits on one's audience, both here on the Duck and in the general webcomic world.
If our culture was more grown up about things then we'd have NO A rating because any comic could be full on sexy wihout hiding it. But the way things are everything has to be behind screens and logins or we'll get kicked off our host, our advertising would be cut etc… So very lame.
We have to pander to an imaginary lowest common denominator: the fictional hordes of impressionable kids that will have their live ruined by the mention of pubes.
I understand the instinctual need to want to protect the innocence of kids with all your might and beat down anything that you think could corrupt or spoil them, to protect them from all of the bad things in the world- I totally understand that primal, tribal drive (like Lonne's mum)… BUT, that's all it is. It's just an instinctual thing, it doesn't make sense when it comes to most things in realiy, especially the net:
Kids under 14 make up a small minority of the population in any developed first world country. And those are the places that use the net most. MOST people in those places are adults, NOT kids. The countries with more kids that adults have hardly anyone using the internet and out of the few that do it's almost exclusively the adults, so childproofing the internet makes ZERO sense. We're childproofing the whole of the net for a miniscule amount of the people that use it and the handful of religious freaks who have an issue with things that other grown adults don't.
ozoneocean wrote:Personally I'm more concerned with keeping things like excessive gore/really gross stuff behind, if not a wall, at least a prominent sign saying "THIS IS NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH AMONG YOU." By any standards I'm a fully-grown adult now, but I can still be pretty sensitive to that kind of thing especially if I'm not expecting it. The silly thing is that violence is often given more of a pass than sex, and they're nearly always lumped together in the same category.
If our culture was more grown up about things then we'd have NO A rating because any comic could be full on sexy wihout hiding it. But the way things are everything has to be behind screens and logins or we'll get kicked off our host, our advertising would be cut etc… So very lame.
We have to pander to an imaginary lowest common denominator: the fictional hordes of impressionable kids that will have their live ruined by the mention of pubes.
Although those kinds of ratings can also be useful for questions like "should I read this on the bus?" :P
I cleared a space on my desk for my tablet and notebooks, and it immediately became a cat spot. -_- Most of the time Annie likes to sit behind me on the back of my desk chair, so I'm trying to convince her that that is still a better spot.
HippieVan wrote:Good luck convincing a cat of anything…
I cleared a space on my desk for my tablet and notebooks, and it immediately became a cat spot. -_- Most of the time Annie likes to sit behind me on the back of my desk chair, so I'm trying to convince her that that is still a better spot.
About adult content in media:
I had a good laugh when GTA San Andreas got mentioned in the news. It's a great game where you can kill police officers in order to gain experience and weapons, headshots to innocent bystanders, stab people and see them bleed to death… but the priblem was the minigame "coffee time" or "Hot Coffee", where your character dryhumps a girl… once they took that out, everything's OK…
On a side note, I forgot today anniversary… 2 de Octubre, no se olvida… Tlatelolco, October 2, 1968…

I am all for insulating children from sexually explicit material. Exposing children to stimuli that they aren't equipped to process is a form of abuse. My comic is here because readers here have to jump through at least a few rudimentary hoops before getting access to adult comics. Hoops which their parents could theoretically control. On many other websites, you just have to click on one "I agree" button and you're in. I didn't feel comfortable with such lax barriers.
As far as I can tell, all open and honest discourse about sexuality seems to be problematic to some degree or another in our society. Anything too explicit is stigmatized and even persecuted. (Look at England's absurd new censorship laws, or, as OzoneOcean points out, the strict policies of web hosting services). At this point in history, explicit sexual narratives, culture, and education can be shared, but it can only happen in a semi-underground manner. And then, even those underground sub-cultures have their own heirarchies and injustices. It seems to me that the creator's dilemma is whether to be unconstrained but within a tiny, obscure underground, or to reach many viewers, but submit to various forms of constraint. Either path is good, it's just a question of which battle one chooses to fight.
Wow…. society is complicated. I'm gonna need a brain upgrade…
I'm pretty sure that long before organized churches showed up that sexuality was never an issue. It was probably a natural thing. I remember reading somewhere that when kids saw their parents doing that they thought nothing of it. Except that they'd have a new family member soon.
Yesterday was a 'First' for me.
Earlier this week, I woke up one morning feeling happier than I have ever been in a long time. I received a message from an old friend who was in Los Angeles for a few days and wanted to see me. If time has taught me anything of substance, it is the importance of seizing the opportunity to catch up with incredible people in my life. I am willing to put in the time and travel far distances because making friends is easy, but keeping them takes real effort. But this time the one factor that was holding me back mentally was the eighty mile freeway drive to Los Angeles.
Freeway driving can be a daunting task. The roads are filled with giant trucks that create wind tunnels, other drivers speed like mad demons out of hell, the several lanes all lead to different exits, and the I-405 is notorious for bad traffic. Oh wait, did I forget to mention the possibility of death or serious injury from driving at high speeds?
Friendships take effort. And that is the one reason I found myself alone in my car at 4:30AM Thursday morning ready to embark on a twenty-three hour adventure.
After driving through the night, I made it to Los Angeles right when the sun began to rise and I'd have to say that the view of the Downtown Skyline is so pretty that it can be distracting for drivers. I had lived in the City for so long, but this was the first time I had wheels to get around.
I went grocery shopping for breakfast in South Central; drove to Pershing Square in the heart of Downtown; slowly cruised passed all the J-walking vagabonds in Skid Row; was treated to beef and udon in Little Tokyo; commented on every exhibition space at the newly built Broad Museum; walked down Angel's flight to Grand Central Market; hung out at the Hipster-saturated Art's District; enjoyed pecan Irish cream & brown bread ice cream at Scoops; watched the sunset all over Los Angeles from Griffith Park Observatory; drove through my old neighborhood in Koreatown; ate nachos at La Barca near USC; ventured down the I-10E to Harbor Freeway to Long Beach; and ended the night watching a late night concert at a University.
At 2:00AM Friday morning, I entered the freeway and everything was pitch black. I drove miles down the I-405S with seven empty lanes and no traffic. I was tired as Hell, but the exhilaration of freeway driving while blasting my favourite music from my speakers removed all anxiety. I turned onto the road leading to my house and I thought, "There is no place like home." But something felt different because now I know I can go farther than I thought I could go yesterday. I am slowly tearing down the walls of fear that overprotection has built over the years.
Then tonight I received some very happy news-
The official results from last week's four hour exam were posted and I passed all three sections with high marks on the first attempt.
Perhaps finding that gecko in my house last week really did bring me some much needed luck and good news.
kawaiidaigakusei wrote:That's really nice… I feel happy for you.
Perhaps finding that gecko in my house last week really did bring me some much needed luck and good news.
But please, mail me that gecko ASAP!!
That sounds ideal Kawaii!
On Saturday we had our first Vampcast. It was also a a costumecast too: Pit, Tantz, Banes and I wore full costume and were on video while we recorded instead of the usual audio only. It was VERY distracting! Normally we only do vid stuff AFTER casts.
As part of the party atmosphere I was drinking wine… but got
FARRRRRRRRR too drunk on it and could barely get through the Quackcast.
Very annoying.
I think it might be a good idea to record the second part again. and maybe do it all video next time.
We recorded some of the video action in this but only a few mintes at a time because I just didn't know the software well enough.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun and everyone's costume was fantastic :D
Like it or not, sex is POWERFUL!! And it should rightly be controlled to some degree - I simply think parents should be the sole owners of that control, or nearly so… I'm torn about how 'public' sex should be. Ancient cultures (Roman, Greek, etc…) had full-on porn plastered on walls and statues everywhere and I never get any indication their children got overly-addled, but still I am a product of my times, and if I saw true adult material on billboards, where my kids would have to close their eyes to avoid it, I'd raise holy hell!!
and FC, I am sooooo hoping you follow your urgings and do another comic!!
Call Me Tom wrote:In some cultures that's a sign of good luck…
Well I got craped on by a bird today.
Call Me Tom out!
I wish there were magic talismans that could influence probability in your favour. That would be so amazingly awesome :D
Probably one of the top tier superpowers.
But think - it has to do two things: 1. change probability; 2. change it in a way that benifits you.
I think that's a bit too complex for magic to handle, unless there's a powerful thinking angency behind it that knows how to manage the task, like a demon or a god.
But you COULD manage it with technology too, probably way better: if you had a massively powerful computer that controlled a fleet of little micromachine nanobots, virus programs, bot-nets, etc, then it could caculate what you need (before you need it in some cases), and work out wht small change would be needed to make that thing go right for you - without any direct, obvious intervention.
That could be a cool setup for a Sci-fi story. ^_^
Actually I think I was a bit incorrect on this! Probability is a LOT easier to game, especially for social matters:
Say if you're white, go to a school with a good reputation, get lots of qualifications, have wealthy parents, you're errudite, dress well, you're male… etc etc, all those things are massive kicks in your favour and point toward you being a lot "luckier" than people without them because the probabiliy of better outcomes for you is greater. :)
Like Marge in the Simpsons when she found a "lucky" Chanel suit in a thrift store. Suddenly all the rich country club people thought she was one of them and she started mixing in better circles, more oportunities were offered to her then…
@OzoneOcean: I think some stories have had that good luck/favorable probability influence… I thinik it was in The Half Blood Prince where Harry Potter used a good luck potion… I can't remember the exact explanation, but it was stated that it wasn't good luck in itself, but affected the way you made decitions and your attitude… or something like that…
It also made me think of Asimov's Foundation series… Psychohistory… But that was more about predicting events…
I'm really worried about my little sister lately. For the most part she seems okay…when we're just hanging around the house or out and about she's her old lively self, but she's really struggling with school. She seems to be having a hard time coping with the stress and says she's anxious about it all the time. At the same time she's having a hard time motivating herself to do much…she says that the earth is just a tiny speck and whatnot, and therefore she sees no reason to spend her life doing things she doesn't like. It's hard to know what to do for her. I want to support her in whatever she chooses to do ultimately, but I don't want her to underachieve just because she's too anxious/depressed to reach her potential. She's very smart (she had top GPA in her grade last year) and I'm sure she could do whatever she wants if she didn't get so anxious about everything. And from personal experience I think the anxiety is probably contributing to her lack of motivation. I also just hate the idea that she has to go through all the same brain garbage that I went through as a teen.
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