Hey, keep it civil, guys. Amelius, I really don't think Skullbie meant to personally insult you. I've noticed she can be a bit blunt sometimes, but I seriously doubt she's trying to hurt anyone.
I am in serious need of some good food right now. My mom was away for a couple of days and my dad has been too rushed to make supper, so I've been having alphagetti and stuff. And then today we ordered in pizza. I need some wholesome stuff!
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DD Comics!
Rant or Vent here
Well I think this is talking about things like going on a blog to comment solely to comment negatively on her comic or suggesting Charby fans are going to go berzerk(SP) if something climbs over charby etc. etc.
A lot of comments you've made like that seem very negative.
I'm not saying I'm impartial but I've got to wonder why you didn't also comment on say my comic Cwen's Quest or any of the DD comics there. Maybe the fact that you singled out her comic is why she feels like you are singling out her comic. Plus looking over this thread it seems to me you were the one who brought names, particularly your own, into this. Amy didn't say anything about you by name or anyhing to single you out, but you certainly decided to say something about her personally and her comic very blatently. Why so defensive over what your suggesting is a mole hill here that might not even have been about you? Maybe you are operating in good faith here, but as they say actions speak louder then words.
Plus really is it so odd to interperate negative comments in a poor light, particuarly when they seem to come out of the blue and blind side someone? I mean consider if you will the other perspective. You come out of no where to basically chime in on a mixed review saying her comic is a comic people should avoid and, as I read it, rather quietly agreed it was fetish and don't comment on anything else. That rather seems deliberate and certainly calls into question past comments that might have seemed negative but otherwise innocent.
I mean if you hate vampire comics enough to mention it constantly, put it in your profile etc. why would you go around offering your opinion on vampire comics of all things? I mean that is like me offering my opinion on Yaoi. Being straight & rather prudish odds are, no matter how well done, I'm just not going to be into it. So why would it make any sense for me to go around offering review and commentary on it except if I was being deliberately bias against it and trying to keep it down because of my bias?
If you feel your actions are being misread maybe you should consider why that might be?
The blog Witchfinder is my favorite webcomic blog and i've left plenty of comments before, it was not solely to single charby out. I know what i've said about that comic and it was never horrible enough to deserve this. Stop making baseless accusations for chrissakes please?
I mean shit all i said on Mike's blog was:
OpenID skullbie said…
I pick para ten for being original i guess, Arr Kelaan isn't my thing(though i know one of the authors and he's a very nice guy^^) and charby is vampires and gore, def. no-no to me^^
I was under the impression you loathed fantasy so i'm surprised how tame this was :)
awwwww….looks like i missed all the fun…
10 days left to go….
this time is always bad….because i havent spent a moment alone in the past sixty days…and i really miss my wife….so when i get home, i'm going to be torn between wanting to cuddle…(yes i cuddle, it's still manly when you're married) and wanting a peacefull moment to myself…
sigh, and also, the last week is always the slowest, because your schedule frees up as the replacements take over….so you have nothing to keep your mind busy till you're feet down on the ground in the states….sigh…why's it still gotta be another 10 days??
my rant:
I had scheduled to relaunch my comic this fall.
well, I got caught with life and redesigning my comic that it has been pushed off indefinitely which is frustrating and exciting at the same time if that makes sense. I decided to redesign the main character within the last 2 months which has taken time to get down. I wonder if I will ever get this comic back up and going some where. I can only hope.
I feel you dude, It's been quite crazy for my these past two month. Not only that, I'm also thinking in re-doing my comic since my secondary character its becoming more appealing to readers than the main character but right now I'm also dealing with personal matters that interfere with the creative process.
I'm only working on my comic on my free time and after I finish my personal stuff. Another thing you can do is trying to work in your comic one day a week. I know one day doesn't sound like much but at least you're working in your comic and you don't feel stuck on a hiatus.
I feel you dude, It's been quite crazy for my these past two month. Not only that, I'm also thinking in re-doing my comic since my secondary character its becoming more appealing to readers than the main character but right now I'm also dealing with personal matters that interfere with the creative process.
I'm only working on my comic on my free time and after I finish my personal stuff. Another thing you can do is trying to work in your comic one day a week. I know one day doesn't sound like much but at least you're working in your comic and you don't feel stuck on a hiatus.
Thanks for the idea.
I wish I could do that as well… dedicate one day to working on the comic but having a full-time job in another field and a 2 year old makes quite difficult.
Quite difficult to draw while watching The Wiggles and Yo Gabba Gabba!
Thanks for the idea.
I wish I could do that as well… dedicate one day to working on the comic but having a full-time job in another field and a 2 year old makes quite difficult.
Quite difficult to draw while watching The Wiggles and Yo Gabba Gabba!
LOL, yeah it's hard, I remember when my kid was that age… sadly things wont be easier as your son grows up. For example, my wife and I rotate task in the house, some days she studies with my son while I cook and do the dishes and vice-versa. I had the same problem with TV. It's hard to draw in front of a TV but for me it was worse not drawing at all. So I bought one of those small TV dinner tables that can be "angled" and a small lamp. That way I can draw on commercial breaks. It's not the best of solutions but at least it helps me working on my comic.
… but, Family is first. I assume that your decision its based on that premise.
Must remind myself to never, ever ever post things in the forum when I'm deeply depressed, it's as bad as drunk posting! I had a whole slew of bad news last week and combining that with no sleep, not eating, and being sick with worry over one's own state of mortality, I was rather out of character (and out of my mind).
Apologies all around, of the sincerest variety.
Must remind myself to never, ever ever post things in the forum when I'm deeply depressed, it's as bad as drunk posting! I had a whole slew of bad news last week and combining that with no sleep, not eating, and being sick with worry over one's own state of mortality, I was rather out of character (and out of my mind).
Apologies all around, of the sincerest variety.
I do that when I have a migraine (or*cough*PMS) I end up exaggerating things, wording things wrong, making rampant emotionally-driven statement, and basically getting my foot in my mouth whenever I try any kind of communication. The next day I'm issuing apologies left and right. -_-
So i withdrew from my dreamweaver class… gah. It was just too much for me i guess.
I turned in my portfolio today, spent all last night and this morning working on it. I'll probably only get a 4 because one of my essays was shit -_- I hate personal trait essays.
I feel kinda empty because i don't really have an obligation to do homework all this week. I guess i could start on the stuff due next week…or my comic….
also i saw that girl today, seriously what the fuck, am i ever going to be free of her? i hope she not taking classes there. ffffffffffffff-
they waited two weeks to tell me that i have to go down to the embassy to sign paperwork for my passport…the two weeks it would have taken to get it finished…when i got the email, i thought that my passport was in…but noooo…i gotta wait.
also, i went downtown yesterday and i love going out there…it's always fun, it's nice to not be in uniform for a couple hours…i bought my wife a diamond ring…it's really beautiful. i bought my self a watch….and yeah…the only problem is, the trip lasted so long, that when i got back, i had an hour to get ready for work. (i work night shifts)…and now i'm dying, and i can't sleep for anonther 8 hours…
I feel your pain Amelius. I've done my own B-movie spoofs that some just never got and I know from their comments they never read past the first page. It's a theme that runs through all critique for all forms of art.
It's like when an authoris interviewed about his new book that the interviewer hasn't bothered to read.
My problem are the crickets that chirp so loudly because I get no comments at all. After all I have several strikes against me to begin with. :) I took the criques to heart and worked hard to improve the damn thing. I guess I should be grateful that I've gotten no nasty comments on this one.
As for a rant: I'm back to work, it's overnights so lots of time on my hands, but I always dread that something just might happen…
Any why can't I stop rewriting my comic and adding more stuff? It looks like I have a script for about 300 pages of comic. o-O
I don't ever recall agreeing to this, but it seems I'm going to be playing jazz guitar at a kitchen showroom reopening, which is also an art exhibition and lasagne tasting.
I know that sounds like it should be part of some wierd dream thread, but it's tragically real.
Maybe if I keep pinching myself……..
From my last 3 years, I have come up with my yearly mood cycle.
January to March - Fine
April to May - "Oh shi- ZEE FINAL EXAMS!"
June to July - Clueless towards passing of time
August - Bummed that I blew entire summer doing nothing- again.
August to October - Depression
Mid-October to December - "I can take on the world" mood
So far, it's been going just as planned. If I can manage to keep this up, I'm certain that I'll lead the most unexciting life ever.
I don't ever recall agreeing to this, but it seems I'm going to be playing jazz guitar at a kitchen showroom reopening, which is also an art exhibition and lasagne tasting.…Sooty doesn't have any fingers.
I know that sounds like it should be part of some wierd dream thread, but it's tragically real.
Maybe if I keep pinching myself……..
It's a trap!
I sense failure… D:
Lucky you. Every time I meet a cute girl, she has a boyfriend. lol!
Which pretty much leads to where I'm at. Normally the word boyfriend comes out and I lose all interest. Not this time. For whatever reason I'm finding myself unable to simply not care like usual. It probably has to do with the fact that our normal joking around involves tickling each other and basically acting like a couple even though we're not so far as I know. I've never really ended up in any relationship whether it's friends, dating or otherwise where we ended up clicking together in that way. I'm rarely, if ever at a loss for words, ( as anyone who's ever read one of my posts knows. ;) ) but I truly don't know what the hell to make of this situation.
Which pretty much leads to where I'm at. Normally the word boyfriend comes out and I lose all interest. Not this time. For whatever reason I'm finding myself unable to simply not care like usual. It probably has to do with the fact that our normal joking around involves tickling each other and basically acting like a couple even though we're not so far as I know. I've never really ended up in any relationship whether it's friends, dating or otherwise where we ended up clicking together in that way. I'm rarely, if ever at a loss for words, ( as anyone who's ever read one of my posts knows. ) but I truly don't know what the hell to make of this situation.
My advice would be to steer well clear, unless you get your kicks from being used as a great big tickling stick. 8D
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