I'm considering changing my major more than I ever thought I would. I really do enjoy illustration, but I'm finding that I come very much from the fine art side of the crowd and all my teachers art definitely from the graphic design side. They all make it sound like being an illustrator is almost exactly the same as being a graphic designer and I already know from experience that I chose illustration because I like telling stories and jokes with my art, and I didn't want to go entirely into fine art but I knew graphic design wasn't a good fit for me. I kind of wish I knew exactly how much of being an illustrator was exactly like being a graphic designer or if it even matters worth a damn what degree I get when it comes to my eventual career, so long as I get one.
At least if I do change it, I know what to change it to. I've definitely discovered that I love working with my hands and forming things and I'm apparently really good at sculpting. I just want to know if illustration is nothing more than glorified graphic design once you get past college.
I'm considering changing my major more than I ever thought I would. I really do enjoy illustration, but I'm finding that I come very much from the fine art side of the crowd and all my teachers art definitely from the graphic design side. They all make it sound like being an illustrator is almost exactly the same as being a graphic designer and I already know from experience that I chose illustration because I like telling stories and jokes with my art, and I didn't want to go entirely into fine art but I knew graphic design wasn't a good fit for me. I kind of wish I knew exactly how much of being an illustrator was exactly like being a graphic designer or if it even matters worth a damn what degree I get when it comes to my eventual career, so long as I get one.
At least if I do change it, I know what to change it to. I've definitely discovered that I love working with my hands and forming things and I'm apparently really good at sculpting. I just want to know if illustration is nothing more than glorified graphic design once you get past college.
This is the same kind of dilemma I faced a few years ago (ahem) Iba: it's a really tough one because your goals don't really fit squarely into either camp. I took the fine art route and I'd advise caution on this. Unless fine art courses have changed a lot in the last few (ahem) years, you'll find that any kind of cartooning or graphic storytelling is going to be frowned upon as illustration work, and you'll end up hurling buckets of paint at a 12ft canvas just to get by.
When I finished college it took me years to learn to draw in an 'illustrative' way again. The fine art faculty will teach you ways of approaching drawing which will improve your skills, but make it much harder for you to finish a comic page.
From what I've seen of illustration courses, they are gearing you up to work in the cut throat arena of the professional illustrator, which is similar to graphic design from the point of view of securing a steady flow of work, although it's usually freelance. I assume they're not trying to impose a particular style on you, but trying to make you commercially viable. In some ways, it's probably closer to what you want to do, but still a good way off.
I'd probably stick with what you're doing, for the fact that you're already doing it, for the market awareness and self discipline it will give you, and for the fact that fine artheads like me will envy you for not ending up in a government office (and that's my rant!).
I wish I could listen to an album of forgotten dream songs.
You're not missing much… they're all one hit wonders, the kind that get into your brain and make you sick before you can finally get rid of them -_-
Dreams are doing you a favour by making you forget lol!
That's so spot on! One time I was singing that song that goes "It always feel like somebody's watching me" in my sleep.
I was so happy because I'm ahead in all my classes, all my projects are turned in for the first reporting period and everything…even for art class, and I'm really slow. I've been working pretty hard. And then today my LA teacher asked me where some expository paragraph is. Which I had no idea about. It shouldn't take me long, but still. I was looking forward to not having any homework for the next few days and especially the thanksgiving long weekend.
To rant or not to rant. I really could, but instead I'll keep pounding out pages to my formerly abandoned comic.
A mind is such a changeable thing especially when your reasoning wasn't all that sound in the beginning. There is probelm solving and then there is my life. ;)
so i haven't heard back from my college option….bass turds prolly want me to call so they can use the voice effect.
almost home. and now i'm going somewhere awesome maybe….well they said i was. but yeah, not much longer.
also i was thinking about starting my comic over. and just redux. also i'm hungry for more steak….outback steakhouse sent a bunch of workers over seas with boxes full of bloomin onion's and steaks and made lunch for us today….and chocolate cake, or cheese cake….it's the most i've eaten in a while….it was delicious…
I don't know what to do about my digital multimedia class…I can't just keep skipping it, but I'm not just going to keep staring at my screen blankly class after class. The teacher is too lazy to give me a special project or anything. And it's too late to drop it for another class.
I don't know what to do about my digital multimedia class…I can't just keep skipping it, but I'm not just going to keep staring at my screen blankly class after class. The teacher is too lazy to give me a special project or anything. And it's too late to drop it for another class.
Wait a minute; this could be the opportunity you never have again: a screen in front of you, time on your hands, no one to disturb you - you could make a…..a……WEBCOMIC!
What in the name of all that's holy am I talking about?! Ignore all of the above; I am heading for the booze cupboard now!
I don't know what to do about my digital multimedia class…I can't just keep skipping it, but I'm not just going to keep staring at my screen blankly class after class. The teacher is too lazy to give me a special project or anything. And it's too late to drop it for another class.
Wait a minute; this could be the opportunity you never have again: a screen in front of you, time on your hands, no one to disturb you - you could make a…..a……WEBCOMIC!
What in the name of all that's holy am I talking about?! Ignore all of the above; I am heading for the booze cupboard now!
I could make half-arsed drawings for a webcomic. I can't really write.
I could make half-arsed drawings for a webcomic. I can't really write.
No? You'd better pass on my regards to whoever wrote your strip then. It made me laugh lol!.
My rant:
I can't start my comic because I've got these fanzine pages to finish. I can't finish these fanzine pages because my kids keep getting up all night. I can't keep my kids from getting up all night because they know I'm up. Trying to finish these fanzine pages. It's a circle. It's vicious.
…About a hippie can that goes on adventures. I loved the pirate hippie van for pirate day ^_^
This could be top ten! Van should open up a topic for ideas: you could have time travel even, or Space Van…Undersea Van…there's no limit to where that brightly coloured van could go, or who you could meet. They'll love it, young and old.
my rant: I had scheduled to relaunch my comic this fall. well, I got caught with life and redesigning my comic that it has been pushed off indefinitely which is frustrating and exciting at the same time if that makes sense. I decided to redesign the main character within the last 2 months which has taken time to get down. I wonder if I will ever get this comic back up and going some where. I can only hope.
…About a hippie can that goes on adventures. I loved the pirate hippie van for pirate day ^_^
This could be top ten! Van should open up a topic for ideas: you could have time travel even, or Space Van…Undersea Van…there's no limit to where that brightly coloured van could go, or who you could meet. They'll love it, young and old.
It sounds like "Magic School Bus" but with less education.
I've had a pain in my hand for years, and in the last months a lump that moves my tendons around and screws up my drawings because it snags them and makes my hand jerk, and it hurts like a beast! Found out it's a cyst and I need it surgically removed, which means when I can afford it I'll have to be out of commission for drawing while it heals! Not fun! (I'll probably keep drawing anyway, I still made pipe-cleaner sculptures when I broke a finger, so I work through pain anyway!)
You know what really ticks me off? The way that Anne Rice and Stephanie Meyer and their ilk have bastardized vampires so badly that people avoid my comic not realizing it's actually meant to make fun of stupid, badly-written vampire stories (and horror movies). And I really, really hate when people who didn't even read my comic say it's nothing but "Vampires and gore" (which is the most MINOR ELEMENT of the story, as anyone who has actually read it would tell you) and then make the ridiculous claim that vampires are somehow a "fetish" thing. Yeah, if you're writing yaoi vampire torture-porn, which I'm NOT. Why can't you accept that some people actually like the story I write because they like making fun of B horror movies and cheesy sci-fi adventure and fantasy? Or that they were also fans of Chuck Jones cartoons? Or they like Monty Python and Bruce Campbell and Mad magazine? Gimme a break, if you really think something with a title like "vampirate" is about bishi vampires moping about in their gothy clothes and seducing each other….(no wait, I had the name first, before that other comic!)
No, it's a comedy/adventure modern fantasy comic about all kinds of creatures, human and non-human, and it's only rated T because I don't need people whining at me over a little dark humour. I've put a lot of work into this, and it is infuriating to have one's work condensed to two elements that are of no importance to your story at all, by someone who hasn't even READ the darn thing. I can accept when people read it and just didn't care for it, but to judge something from the one page you looked at or even worse, just the title? It's just stupid.
And I really hate when people act fake-nice, but you see their name pop up every moment someone says something idiotic and untrue about your comic. Competition turns people into morons.
I hate when people make stupid assumptions. And that's all I got for now.
I've read most of your comic and i still think it's vampires and gore, not as wonderful and deep as you're chalking it up to be. But that's my opinion and you've already heard it from what i gathered in that rant. lol! ————————————-
My essays are actually coming along now, seems when lack of time ways in i actually do something productive. It's still a pain that i've got so much to do, i wonder what people taking full credit honors classes do with themselves *shiver* I'm not going to be taking any honors classes next semester, the experience was nice i guess.
I hate when someone i know/friends with asks me to do peer review with them, they always glance over at their paper every 40 seconds to see what i'm doing or my reactions without really grading mine.
Vampires and gore? Didn't really come off that way to me, seems to me the primary element is humour and funny characters. Weird how different people see different things.
Thanks ozoneocean, I know most people who obviously read my comic whether they liked it or not say the same thing. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and it's not her opinion that bothers me, it's her stealthily badmouthing my comics AND my readers that I'm sick of. What makes DD great is generally most people don't do stuff like this, because we're all in it together even if our tastes vary. She's obviously not stupid, she's just saying that to flame-bait, because obviously she thinks I am. I have enough of an inferiority complex without her help and mocking insults. I'm sure she's delighted that I'm having a nervous breakdown. Thanks for reminding me that there's still people that are genuinely nice here. ^_^
Skullbie, if you have a personal problem with me, just go on and say it. I haven't done anything to you, I've never spoken an ill word to or about you and up until recently I had a ton of respect for you, so I can't imagine why you're wasting your time hating me and my comic. If you'd focus that energy into your own work you could easily get to the top of the list, but instead you'd rather insult my work behind my back. So you read it and didn't like it? Why not tell me so I can improve it, instead of telling everyone else? Is that the way a community member acts? If you care so much about the community here, then stop stabbing your fellow DD members in the back. I don't have a problem with you or your comic, but I'm sick of your little vendetta against my work. You don't see me trying going to other sites and trying to sabotage your career.
it's her stealthily badmouthing my comics AND my readers that I'm sick of. What makes DD great is generally most people don't do stuff like this, because we're all in it together even if our tastes vary. She's obviously not stupid, she's just saying that to flame-bait, because obviously she thinks I am. I have enough of an inferiority complex without her help and mocking insults. I'm sure she's delighted that I'm having a nervous breakdown. Thanks for reminding me that there's still people that are genuinely nice here. ^_^
Skullbie, if you have a personal problem with me, just go on and say it. I haven't done anything to you, I've never spoken an ill word to or about you and up until recently I had a ton of respect for you, so I can't imagine why you're wasting your time hating me and my comic. If you'd focus that energy into your own work you could easily get to the top of the list, but instead you'd rather insult my work behind my back. So you read it and didn't like it? Why not tell me so I can improve it, instead of telling everyone else? Is that the way a community member acts? If you care so much about the community here, then stop stabbing your fellow DD members in the back. I don't have a problem with you or your comic, but I'm sick of your little vendetta against my work. You don't see me trying going to other sites and trying to sabotage your career.
What the hell are you talking about? huh!? I said i think your comic has vampires and gore and it's not my thing, you either have the wrong person or are completely batshit. I'd never do anything as awful as those last few statements to anybody, got that?:mad:
Fff, You act like this and wonder why people are out to get you, whatever. It's not me who's doing it, Though i can't say i feel sorry for you right now.
If you want to continue this do so in PQ.
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