I have 5 projects to do over Thanksgiving break. 4 of them are due Monday after Thanksgiving.
I feel like the school's trying its best to prevent me from going on vacations.
But then again, trying to unclog the toilet with my hand did well in discouraging me from taking another vacation.
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DD Comics!
Rant or Vent here
i know all americans know about double spacing a essay, but i always thought it was a an american thing.
my laptops warranty expired yesterday….but untill 3 seconds ago, it had stopped making that sound. since the warranty is up, i should take it apart and look at the harddrive….that sounds like a grand idea.
also….i was being chased around my house by my dog..(all in good sport)and i tripped on my falling apart jeans, and slammed my head into the wall…it was fun
Writer's guide and various style manuals say double spaced. Most colleges in the US go with the standard style manuals which say: double spaced. Most publishers (across the English-reading world according to my contacts in the publishing industry) want double spaced. It is the standard manuscript format. Therefore, I always demanded it of my students.
And now for a word from a visiting lecturer:
What are you something special? The whole rest of the world does it one way and you have to do it another way? What the %$#@ is the matter with you? Get down and give me twenty! Beat your face! Count out loud! I can't hear you! They can teach Marines how to read maps these days but you haven't figured out how to type papers according the style guidelines? What kind of university student are you? Now unass my Alpha Alpha.
Sorry the sergeant in me leaked out. :)
Never had the double spaced thing in any academic field of study I've participated in here in Australia… well, apart from high school. Whether teaching or as a student. And if formatting was a problem, you'd just be asked to fix it, you wouldn't be crucified for it. -how fricken easy is it? Just a bloody option in Word isn't it?
It was always funny to me that the formatting and style was often just as or more important than the content to many lecturers… Until you become one and then you don't really care what carp they write as long as you can read it and they sort of get it right. :)
Why is it that people who confidently claim themselves to be one thing simultaneously prove themselves to be the exact opposite???
That's so iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrritatinggggggggggggggggggg!!!!
But what is truly irritating - I am certain that we will agree - is the repetition of vowels or consonants to imply the elongation of certain phonemes! Intolerable.
You see how I seek amelioration through mediation. I am, indeed, a veritable paradigm of diplomacy. -bow-
I'm down right now because a pet died, but I feel silly about it and dare not mention it to others because he was a pet rat, only 2.5 weeks old, and the death was not unexpected (six siblings already died). So, I'm stuck grieving alone and feeling stupid for grieving an animal that was two inches long and didn't even live long enough to develop a personality. I've been playing with his mom and brother (the one survivor out of a litter of eight) to try to cheer me up. (Here's a picture of them a few days ago.)
I'm down right now because a pet died, but I feel silly about it and dare not mention it to others because he was a pet rat, only 2.5 weeks old, and the death was not unexpected (six siblings already died). So, I'm stuck grieving alone and feeling stupid for grieving an animal that was two inches long and didn't even live long enough to develop a personality. I've been playing with his mom and brother (the one survivor out of a litter of eight) to try to cheer me up. (Here's a picture of them a few days ago.)
My condolences. I wouldn't be happy if my pet turtle croaked right now. I probably should get a pet cat because living by myself with just a turtle doesn't give me much to interact with. Unless I go join a couple friends at their favorite bar (and risk getting thrown out a glass window by a drunken Marine AGAIN)…
This weekend I ate tons of icecream, cake, a large pot of tomato soup (cause my brother was going to visit someone with his family and they didn't want to throw out the soup they'd be eating otherwise so I got all of it) that was just a little bit too fat… and some other things (which I can't remember at this point anymore). Result? Three days of upset stomach :/
But at least I got a lot of time to read comics :D
Meanwhile I have finished resizing/retouching all 128 pages (I screwed up my template and in the end decided to go with manga/digest format which meant I had to retouch or trim the bleed areas)… currently relettering everything, as I decided to go with a bit different font (A.C.M.E Secret Agent instead of Letteromatic) and had to change the size anyway… my previous 6 font became 4.46 after resizing and I decided to bring it up to 7 anyway. Also, having a friend spell/grammar check the entire thing. And then I'll have to figure out page numbers, add title/cover/credit/bonus pages and finally make a cheaper b&w edition… And I'm really scared about how the pages will look in print. Won't the colors be too light? But they should be lighter as everything darkens in print, right? But maybe I should darken it anyway, but then it might come out too dark. ARGH!
Oh well, back to photoshop.
Never had the double spaced thing in any academic field of study I've participated in here in Australia… well, apart from high school. Whether teaching or as a student. And if formatting was a problem, you'd just be asked to fix it, you wouldn't be crucified for it. -how fricken easy is it? Just a bloody option in Word isn't it?
It was always funny to me that the formatting and style was often just as or more important than the content to many lecturers… Until you become one and then you don't really care what carp they write as long as you can read it and they sort of get it right. :)
That's because Australia is on the wrong side of the world. :) You see Americans get everything right we're on the right side of the world. :) Gosh you're even a day ahead of everyone else. Can't even get that right. ;) And that accent, you can't decide to be Irish, Scottish or English. Admit it you really all talk like Americans. Why else would all Aussie/Kiwi actors find it so easy to do American accents? Kind of obvious to me. lol!
Actually because of word processors the whole double spacing thing is passe now, just like typewriters. I was yearning for a lost world.
And as for the whole onion gravy thing, no probelm when you wake up on the bus with a shaved head and pulling into Parris Island… you'll wish your head was cut off and in onion gravy.
lol! How about a person who is exactly what he/she seems and is totally genuine, but everyone thinks he/she is pretending? You never know, you could always be wrong with the identity you are projecting onto another. People are people. :) Don't let the bastards get you down.
Everything is going great.
Actually pencilled Page 8 and about to finish pencilling page 9 for the comic. Gettin pretty far, and don't want to quit. So this may be the one (well, for those who don't know, I've quit several times, and restarted, this is the 6th time)
Talking to a really REALLY cute junior girl. Who apparently thinks i'm incredibly amazing. So I'm like :O, so let's just hope things will turn out.
As for my rant:
GunZ, is an amazing game.
Except for the fact that, if you do not learn a style, you can't expect to win, at ALL.
The game is so hard.
I swear, if you don't keep moving, shooting randomly, and blocking every single second with your sword, along with the dashing and rolling, you'll die about 30 times. Maybe more, in one match.
Have lots of coffee so you can be a wide awake drunk!
Coffee doesn't sober you up, it wakes you up. But when everyone else in first formation is drunk or hung over who's to notice? The platoon sergeant, the first sergeant, the platoon commander, the XO, the company commander… your girlfriend, your wife, all your friends, their wives, their brother's cousin's nephew's former roommate…
Is this drink now really worth all the shit I'll have to go through later?
20s: most of the time, where's the beer?
30s: I'll stay sober so I can watch you then make sure you get home, you look so funny puking your guts out.
40s: Hey when did all my old drinking buddies join AA?
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