Ostrich is groovy ^^
I tried on a few pairs of cowboy boots, but most weren't my size. They had some nice lizard skin ones there.
Hell yeah girlfriend!Heh. Ugg-boots are for men and women in Australia. ;)
It's only when some wanker surfer stole the name, sold it to Rivers and they popularised them in the U.S. with female celebs that some yanks mistook them as a female thing. But they've never changed here.
I need replacements after my cat gashed the side of my old favourite pair. And they were damn good quality too… :(
The cow hide ones were ok, but badly shaped at the ankles and the soles were shitty. I'm going to get down to the factory to see if they can put the better quality soles from my old ones on them and shape the the legs a bit better… AND pick out a better looking hide. ^_^
I hope for the best.