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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

Also Randal, isn't that the score you received on the free ONLINE IQ test? Bragging about a false score really isn't that impressive.

I also believe bugs should be fixed and stuff. Etc.

Posted at

Also Randal, isn't that the score you received on the free ONLINE IQ test? Bragging about a false score really isn't that impressive.

I also believe bugs should be fixed and stuff. Etc.

No, I later went and took a real one. Sorry for not revealing the minutia of my life to you, RS.

(To those unaware, Rockstar is snipping at me in here because I banned him from chat for trolling, which is what he's also doing here. A week long ban is no easy task. It comes after warnings, then three five minute bans, followed by an hour ban, and a day ban. His next one will last a month, if he still hasn't gotten wise, the one after that lasts a year. I've tried to make peace with him to no avail. I shall try again, but I'm not expecting a miracle.)

Posted at

you know what i wish they had??….a machine that could read your mind and seperate your thoughts….it'd be like…sit here…now think about the most pressing issue right now…then it would display what you just thought on a screen…some doctor would read thru them, and then smack you upside the head for every thought that had nothing to do with that issue, but you thought it did…(obviously)….then i would have that done multiple times and sit and stare at what really involves the problem….and then i would try to fix it….not try to fix it, when i'm not sure which thought is paranoia, and which thought is a legitimate concern…..

Posted at

Um am i even allowed to normal vent in here now? but i guess this thread is for venting about something outside your power…

the admins/mods here a honestly great, I've had my personal quarrels with some of them and they've handled it in a nice, non-egotistical way.(i.e. not banning me away like any other site mod would)
I find the complaining threads and drama more retarded than site bugs and the desolate front page. pq volte or something, maybe even on his personal site, not user admins.

…Ah I was gonna post about my hawt lesbian love affair but there I go getting swept up into things. :'(

Posted at

You know, I was trying to read everything that was being said but I can't anymore. I seriously can't keep reading paragraph after paragraph of people ripping up on Skoolmunkee who is by far one of the most hardworking administrators on this site. Who do you think uploads a lot of the features? Gathers a list of the bugs? Does the interviews? Makes the newsposts? And is more vocally active in this forum?

If you people want to rant about me that's one thing. I haven't been visibly around as much and I was the one that gave out that list (and at the time it seemed like a good idea but now I'm having second thoughts.) But Skool? What the hell?

For those of you who can't seem to understand why Skool is upset, let me just lay it out for you: the implied meaning behind many of those posts is that not only does Skool not care about the site, but that she does not do her job properly. Don't take it personally? If I was Skool, I would take it very personally.

Please do not tell us how we should be feeling. We are feeling frustrated, angry, lost, and some of us are almost desperate for answers. The only reason why some of you don't know about this is because we try not to rant it all out in public. I myself don't do it because it amounts to nothing but even more negative feelings.

Earlier in another thread, I shared with you guys what I thought I could share. APC, you asked to be corrected if that list was wrong. I corrected it. You may disagree with my corrections but the order of the list was not the order I relayed. I would not agree with YOUR list because that would be misleading.

Honestly if you people are going to use the information that I give out to club Skool on the head with, I rather not share anything. I value DrunkDuck and I care about the site. I value Skool and I know she does a lot for the site. I know that the day she leaves is the day this site knows what neglect really means. So the last thing I will do is provide things that I know will later be used against her and later indirectly to the site.

[Edit: And no, that does not mean you cannot rant. But we have warned people for attacking others or repeatedly making rude comments before. I do not know why some of you think admins are fair game.]

Posted at

Why is it that all these people always complain?


Posted at

You know, I was trying to read everything that was being said but I can't anymore. I seriously can't keep reading paragraph after paragraph of people ripping up on Skoolmunkee who is by far one of the most hardworking administrators on this site. Who do you think uploads a lot of the features? Gathers a list of the bugs? Does the interviews? Makes the newsposts? And is more vocally active in this forum?

You've answered your own question there.

She's being attacked because she's the most obvious target.

Posted at

APB wants answers and why should they give him answers? Drunk Duck and Platinum have a business they are running and multiple business partners with their interests at stake which far out way the opinions and rants of one user. But some people only look at the small picture. The reason they are being vague is because its not a simple cut and dry answer they can give. There are other things at work and involved with these others companies which may in fact be more important to the running of the company and the site than the opinions of one user. I purchase items from a number of companies and businesses but I am not banging on the door to the boardroom demanding answers and asking for details as to their the business plans and product development for the next year.

With all honesty, its a free site. If someone is not happy how things are being handled, then they should leave. Pack their bags and leave the site. No one is forcing that person to use the site and mostly they are not making money off it. Go to Smack Jeeves or some other comic site. The complaining is getting old. Real old. If after 18 months there has not been results then why the hell are these people still hanging around? Their complaining hasn't made anything happen. Man, its like someone dating a girl who complains a lot. Sooner or later one of them has to cut their losses. The bitch is gonna nag and complain. Hell if I would put with it.

Posted at

It's okay to suck if you don't charge for it.

Posted at

It's okay to suck if you don't charge for it.

Well Spitzer paid thousands… :/

Posted at

It's okay to suck if you don't charge for it.

Well Spitzer paid thousands… :/

Well yeah, but did you see the photos of the chick?

Posted at

APB wants answers and why should they give him answers? Drunk Duck and Platinum have a business they are running and multiple business partners with their interests at stake which far out way the opinions and rants of one user. But some people only look at the small picture. The reason they are being vague is because its not a simple cut and dry answer they can give. There are other things at work and involved with these others companies which may in fact be more important to the running of the company and the site than the opinions of one user. I purchase items from a number of companies and businesses but I am not banging on the door to the boardroom demanding answers and asking for details as to their the business plans and product development for the next year.

That's the thing, though. APC isn't demanding upcoming product development and business plans, he's wanting to know when they'll fix what's wrong with the service they have out RIGHT NOW.

It's not like he (or any other user for that matter) has just begun complaining about the bugs, either. People have been frustrated with the site, literally for months, while the only things we've kept hearing are 'it'll be fixed, it's on the list' when hardly anything gets crossed off that list, and there's no updated as to how things are getting fixed.

I don't blame the mods or admins, either. The reason people are beginning to lash at the admins is because they're the closest thing to the people in charge we can get contact with (see: APC's Snicker's bar analogy). I'm sure even the admins are frustrated with the non-info their getting regarding the fixes, and that's compounded when people get all over their backs about it.

I'll admit I'm still a real DD newbie, and I don't use the site much past uploading my comic and moving along. But when I keep hearing about all these new bugs, getting mySQL errors and sometimes just plain not being able to upload my comic at all, I don't have a lot of faith that anyone's even taking it seriously anymore.

"What the hell are you complaining for?! It's a free site, if you don't like it, then leave!"

I've seen this argument pop up a few times too whenever someone asks for something to be done. Seriously, that's probably the most flimsy defense I've seen. I work hard on my comic. I try very, VERY hard to make sure each page looks good, reads good and is satisfying every day. It's not a stretch to say I take pride in my work. It would be nice if the service I use to display my comic would try to do a little bit of that as well.

The truth of the matter is, if things keep going the way they are, people WILL get fed up and they WILL leave the site, and DD will be generally seen as a cesspool of bad scripting, bloated, broken code, and plenty of people just dropping it for something else. That is if they don't already. I'll even go so far to say that the only thing really keeping DD afloat right now is, other than Comic Genesis, it's the only other worthwhile free comic host, in addition of so many other people using it as a mirror for where their comic is REALLY hosted.

Posted at

Let's have a rant, unrelated to the Skool situation 'ey?



What does it give me? Spanish subtitles…and dubs…
Dragon gives me hope, with a link to videos that work! Hooray! Then half way through it starts stabbing my eyes with rusty nails and stops working.

And now when looking for a good site, I had to close Firefox when it wasn't responding, and now I lost all my bookmarks.

Jeez'. If this keeps up, I'm gonna have to watch it…LEGALLY.


Posted at

Hey everyone,

Please stop the infighting and especially attacking the admins.

Everyone here has this made up preconception of how the admin line of communication goes with me personally, and with Platinum Studios.

Truth be told, while they DO pass on information to me, and they DO ask questions, they are basically powerless to affect anything that I personally can't get to at a given point in time. No matter how much you complain at them or abuse their servie, you're only really just making things harder on them and yourselves unnecessarily.

That aside, i do have a list of bug fixes and improvements for DrunkDuck. I also happen to have about 8 other time sensitive initiatives that are highly important for a variety of reasons and so my time has become a bit of a precious commodity.

Look, I get it. There are some fucked up bugs on the site. They need to be addressed, and fixed. We are FULLY AWARE of them and are trying to figure out a way to budget in another person who can help us smooth out the issues we're running into. But as annoying as these things are, and as important as they ARE to fix, our department is in the middle of a resource crunch which is causing a very high pressure situation. I know there are things that cause the site to run rough right now, and hell, there always has been. It's never been a smooth and perfect experience. It seems that the more people TRY to address the issues, the more resentful and rude many users get. It WOULD be easier to just ban trouble makers annd send them on their way, and truthfully, while I haven't done it, i'm fairly suprised that some users haven't already been booted. Especially any users with a track record of adding little to no positive value.

I get there is frustration about whether it takes 2 days for your avatar or page to change out, and that's first on my list to fix. I get that there are security bugs, and trust me, that's right up there. I'll be slotting this monday through friday to knock off as many of these as I can.

Listen, if you want interaction between the site staff and the users, you have to state your points and wait. I know each person individually thinks that 5 posts about a matter is no big deal, but when every damn person with a temper and a keyboard starts chiming in, you have to realize you quickly overwhelm any ability to address or respond to issues. You will freeze up the process. Save your responses for ONE post, and keep it short and to the point. If you don't, I promise you it will be glossed over or missed.

Relax on the admins for a while, they've been under a lot of pressure. I suggest to them to step aside until many of these issues have been addressed and they can help in the ways they are best inclined (and willing) to.

For now, if you want to discuss this with me directly (succinctly!!), I encourage you to contact me at Don't send me giant 20 point lists who's only real purpose is to vent out more anger. Instead keep to the most important issues, and I'll do my best to stay on top of it. I would do this via the forum but I know exactly what would happen - We'd end up with a giant 20 page exchange in the first hour.

Anybody who continues attacks on the admins will be disregarded or dealt with as unfortunately necessary, and I do encourage any users to act as a liason when emailing me.

Posted at

The dub is fine, Crocty.
When I found one, I thought it was in Japanese, but it was just bad English. ;__;
Anyway, thanks for finding me a site.
I am no longer unhappy.


Posted at

Let's have a rant, unrelated to the Skool situation 'ey?



What does it give me? Spanish subtitles…and dubs…
Dragon gives me hope, with a link to videos that work! Hooray! Then half way through it starts stabbing my eyes with rusty nails and stops working.

And now when looking for a good site, I had to close Firefox when it wasn't responding, and now I lost all my bookmarks.

Jeez'. If this keeps up, I'm gonna have to watch it…LEGALLY.


I once downloaded a torrent of TV rips versions of Trigun saying they were english subs. They were portuguese subs. On the Spanish version of the show.

Posted at

How the hell do you change a thumbnail graphic for your comic hosted here???

I go to the main page for the comic, under the thumbnail that's already there, click on "BROWSE" to specify/select my file for the new thumbnail, then I click "SEND" and it doesn't upload the new one!!!

I made sure it is 80 x 100 pixels and even made sure it was under 8kilobytes (5.14kb for the new one)…

WHat am I missing?

Posted at

How the hell do you change a thumbnail graphic for your comic hosted here???

I go to the main page for the comic, under the thumbnail that's already there, click on "BROWSE" to specify/select my file for the new thumbnail, then I click "SEND" and it doesn't upload the new one!!!

I made sure it is 80 x 100 pixels and even made sure it was under 8kilobytes (5.14kb for the new one)…

WHat am I missing?
It's a well known bug.
Clear your cache to fix it and whatnot.

Posted at

Everyone here has this made up preconception of how the admin line of communication goes with me personally, and with Platinum Studios.

Come on, admit it, you guys do lines of coke at those meetings and throw rolled up $100 bills at each other, don't you?

Truth be told, while they DO pass on information to me, and they DO ask questions, they are basically powerless to affect anything that I personally can't get to at a given point in time. No matter how much you complain at them or abuse their servie, you're only really just making things harder on them and yourselves unnecessarily.

We don't want them to change the world, we want them to give us the answers that we're getting in this post right here.

Look, I get it. There are some fucked up bugs on the site. They need to be addressed, and fixed. We are FULLY AWARE of them and are trying to figure out a way to budget in another person who can help us smooth out the issues we're running into. But as annoying as these things are, and as important as they ARE to fix, our department is in the middle of a resource crunch which is causing a very high pressure situation. I know there are things that cause the site to run rough right now, and hell, there always has been. It's never been a smooth and perfect experience.

These are the kind of things we want to hear! I mean, not want, but are better to hear than "It's being worked on." If something is going to take a long time, we want to know why. It's like getting closure on the issue. If somebody asks me to repair their computer and it takes longer than expected, they usually ask me why it's taking so long. I don't say "There's some issues, it'll be done eventually", I tell them "I'm waiting on the replacement part I need to come in, but it's on backorder" or whatever the reason is. Sure they're grumpy about it sometimes, but they get the info.

I get there is frustration about whether it takes 2 days for your avatar or page to change out, and that's first on my list to fix. I get that there are security bugs, and trust me, that's right up there. I'll be slotting this monday through friday to knock off as many of these as I can.

GOOD! DATES! THIS! THIS IS WHAT I WANTED. Hard, concise statements about when stuff will happen. NOT getting this is what pisses people off. Look, the Duke Nukem Forever school of information is not a good way to deal with things. "When it's done" is never a good answer.

Listen, if you want interaction between the site staff and the users, you have to state your points and wait.

That's just it. We HAVE been waiting, waiting in some cases for two years. Take a look at the thread called "DD is back! AWSOME! But I have a very important question". It's a necro'd thread from two years and three months ago where spang tells us that premium accounts are coming back. At the same time, I went back into the depths of the forums and I think I saw you state the same thing to somebody else 3 days later. As I mentioned earlier, another member asked me to help him test an exploit that he reported at least 6 months ago that's still there. We have been waiting a very, very long time and now it's starting to wear a little thin.

I know each person individually thinks that 5 posts about a matter is no big deal, but when every damn person with a temper and a keyboard starts chiming in, you have to realize you quickly overwhelm any ability to address or respond to issues. You will freeze up the process. Save your responses for ONE post, and keep it short and to the point. If you don't, I promise you it will be glossed over or missed.

The glossing over happened when tempers weren't flaring over and I wasn't even posting on these forums. The thing is that when we've been getting updates even before the whole platinum thing there's been issues. Platinum has only made things worse, and in some cases, a little shady.

Relax on the admins for a while, they've been under a lot of pressure. I suggest to them to step aside until many of these issues have been addressed and they can help in the ways they are best inclined (and willing) to.

We're under pressure too, but we're not in any position where we can do anything about it. If we can't upload a page, edit one, make a post, stay logged in, delete favourites, or our comics come up as "This comic has no pages yet!" we have to sit there and bear it while the site doesn't perform it's advertised function.

For now, if you want to discuss this with me directly (succinctly!!), I encourage you to contact me at Don't send me giant 20 point lists who's only real purpose is to vent out more anger. Instead keep to the most important issues, and I'll do my best to stay on top of it. I would do this via the forum but I know exactly what would happen - We'd end up with a giant 20 page exchange in the first hour.

What's the maximum length for passwords? I typically keep mine at at least 128 characters now.

Posted at

Come on, admit it, you guys do lines of coke at those meetings and throw rolled up $100 bills at each other, don't you?
I get that you think it's humorous, but under the current high stress situation, for your own benefit, you would do well to avoid those comments.

Posted at

Come on, admit it, you guys do lines of coke at those meetings and throw rolled up $100 bills at each other, don't you?
I get that you think it's humorous, but under the current high stress situation, for your own benefit, you would do well to avoid those comments.

It's more that it's pretty much the most calm way I can express that every time these meetings are held and we get an update, there's no real update to it. It falls into a lot of what a lot of us are taking issue with. It's taken this long and this much to get a substantial update to the situation when for years, even if there was a long time between fixes/features we could at least rely on getting information from somebody for what's going on.

Posted at

It's more that it's pretty much the most calm way I can express that every time these meetings are held and we get an update, there's no real update to it.

Then you need to find another calm way. Seriously. Just because you don't know what we do behind "closed doors" doesn't mean you get to suggest that we're irresponsible in our jobs.

I know I was once full of good humour and maybe even better diplomacy but I am that frustrated. But even in my frustration, I would not call any of you names or make unflattering suggestions.

Posted at

It's more that it's pretty much the most calm way I can express that every time these meetings are held and we get an update, there's no real update to it.

Then you need to find another calm way. Seriously. Just because you don't know what we do behind "closed doors" doesn't mean you get to suggest that we're irresponsible in our jobs.

I know I was once full of good humour and maybe even better diplomacy but I am that frustrated. But even in my frustration, I would not call any of you names or make unflattering suggestions.

You've met me in person, so you probably have a better grasp on the fact that I am really not normally like this, so you can probably see that this is a level of stress that is getting to all sides on this. Even the stuff I am saying in my posts I am very much holding back how much this is seriously pissing me off. "It's being worked on" as a reason really, in a sense, comes across as us being treated like we shouldn't know anything about what's going on behind the scenes in a community where a lot of us have been here long enough that we remember being told what's been going on behing the scenes. Also run-on sentences.

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Moonlight meanderer

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