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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

That's the thing, though. APC isn't demanding upcoming product development and business plans, he's wanting to know when they'll fix what's wrong with the service they have out RIGHT NOW.

The thing is he is demanding that.
He wants to know what's going on in these meetings, what are the plans, how are they going to be completed, when are they going to be completed…
sounds like he wants to be the project manager looking for a promotion. :)

"What the hell are you complaining for?! It's a free site, if you don't like it, then leave!"

I've seen this argument pop up a few times too whenever someone asks for something to be done. Seriously, that's probably the most flimsy defense I've seen. I work hard on my comic. I try very, VERY hard to make sure each page looks good, reads good and is satisfying every day. It's not a stretch to say I take pride in my work. It would be nice if the service I use to display my comic would try to do a little bit of that as well.

The truth of the matter is, if things keep going the way they are, people WILL get fed up and they WILL leave the site, and DD will be generally seen as a cesspool of bad scripting, bloated, broken code, and plenty of people just dropping it for something else. That is if they don't already. I'll even go so far to say that the only thing really keeping DD afloat right now is, other than Comic Genesis, it's the only other worthwhile free comic host, in addition of so many other people using it as a mirror for where their comic is REALLY hosted.

I hear you.
I agree with you to some extent. But there is something to be said about being part of the solution and not being a part of a problem. Complaining continually about the same thing for 2-3 months is a bit over done. I don't think for one moment Volte is sitting with his thumb up his ass doing nothing. He is aware of the issues and has been aware ever since they switched to the new layout.

As to the defense, I was not defending anybody but I was pointing out the fact that it is a free site to host your comics. Yeah it has its flaws, but honestly its has got to be one of the best sites out here right now for hosting your comic. And again, its free. And I believe there are plenty of others artists who take as much or more pride in their work than you, poinko, but they look at the benefit DD provides, with its flaws and all, and celebrate the opportunity and support this community and site provides…which is free.

I mean seriously, I understand taking pride in your work and you expect others to do the same, but I feel there is much more going on behind the scenes which dictate what can and when things can be done and has nothing to do with pride.
I think if people could shadow Volte for a day they would find he has much more things he has to juggle and handle apart from addressing the bugs on the site.

I say we shut up and let Volte and others do what they need to do.
I think all that needs to be said has been said.

Posted at

It's more that it's pretty much the most calm way I can express that every time these meetings are held and we get an update, there's no real update to it.

Then you need to find another calm way. Seriously. Just because you don't know what we do behind "closed doors" doesn't mean you get to suggest that we're irresponsible in our jobs.

I know I was once full of good humour and maybe even better diplomacy but I am that frustrated. But even in my frustration, I would not call any of you names or make unflattering suggestions.

You've met me in person, so you probably have a better grasp on the fact that I am really not normally like this, so you can probably see that this is a level of stress that is getting to all sides on this. Even the stuff I am saying in my posts I am very much holding back how much this is seriously pissing me off. "It's being worked on" as a reason really, in a sense, comes across as us being treated like we shouldn't know anything about what's going on behind the scenes in a community where a lot of us have been here long enough that we remember being told what's been going on behing the scenes. Also run-on sentences.

Doc, calm down, have some dip. The situation with the duck really isn't that bad. As soon as I get the ability to delete favorites, they'll be few differences between the old version of the site and the new one, so I'm not really upset over it.

Besides, do you really want to know the intimate details of what they're doing? While I'm sure you care, some of us just don't. Just fix one bug, and I'm happy with how things are.

Posted at

Drunkduck is to nice for it's own good.
On any other site what that guy is saying would have been ass-smacked with a perma-ban from a mod/admin.

You know what lowers stress levels? Getting away from the thing causing the stress.

Posted at

Hey :)

I've been asleep for two days, what'd I miss?

Holly fu**…!!?? O_O

Jebus. Ugh. Well, glad I missed most of it. ^_^

Just moved a necro thread away that is tangentially related. Really people. Quit. -_-

Posted at

Hey :)

I've been asleep for two days, what'd I miss?

Holly fu**…!!?? O_O

Jebus. Ugh. Well, glad I missed most of it. ^_^

Just moved a necro thread away that is tangentially related. Really people. Quit. -_-

I have a rant.

Your avatar's moustache is too long and it emasculates me.

Posted at

That's because Skoolmunkee drew it.
Really, she did :stache:

Posted at

That fucker's knocking on my door again, only now he's doing it during the fucking day as well, before it was fine because I could ignore it, but now people are getting pissed of at me because I stopped answering my door. I also missed a fucking delivery and had to walk all the way into town to pick it up.

I'm going to have to work out a way to catch him at it, then I'm going to politely ask him to stop. If he does it again after that, there will be violence. I'm not usually a violent person, but the bastard is driving me insane.

Posted at

My two cents.

First, DD is really in poor shape right now. I think we can all agree on that.

Second, we're getting awfully butthurt about a website.

A website about webcomics.

A website that crappy amatuers can post their mediocre comics on, surrounded by like-minded 'creators' who make just as much crap as others who circle-jerk and who rarely have any drive to make better comics.

So… we're getting upset over THIS? I'd be upset that we're letting such an unimportant thing get on everyone's nerves. If DD doesn't fix the glitches, that's fine. They'll start losing users and build a poor reputation. There's no point in being the bright-eyed knight trying to rescue the site from itself. I understand that people may have a certain investment in the site because they've been here a long time. I've been on as long as anyone else has, only I know when to let things that are out of my hands stay out of my hands.

The thing is, on the grand scale of things, DD will do whatever it wants. The users are unfortunately along for the ride, unless they decide to get out, sinking-ship or no. You can only yell for so long before you lose your voice.

We've voiced our grief with the site, now it's up to DD to decide what to do. We can't force them into anything since there's no financial incentive. (Users aren't paying for the site after all.) For every one person who is annoyed enough to leave DD because of the errors, there are 9 who don't really care. Doesn't seem like a huge chunk taken out of advertising revenue.

Just look at all the drama that has resulted. We're BAWWWWWWWing back and forth about a site to post comics. For some reason, I have a distinct impression that there are more important things to worry about.

Posted at

I'm going to have to work out a way to catch him at it, then I'm going to politely ask him to stop. If he does it again after that, there will be violence. I'm not usually a violent person, but the bastard is driving me insane.
I'd say put a lot of stickytape on your door and then rip it all off, leaving the sticky stuff behind.
It's a petty revenge, would only give a slightly unpleasant feeling, and would get more innocents than guilty… but it'd be fun nevertheless.

Yoink, off to work now…

Posted at

I'm going to have to work out a way to catch him at it, then I'm going to politely ask him to stop. If he does it again after that, there will be violence. I'm not usually a violent person, but the bastard is driving me insane.
I'd say put a lot of stickytape on your door and then rip it all off, leaving the sticky stuff behind.
It's a petty revenge, would only give a slightly unpleasant feeling, and would get more innocents than guilty… but it'd be fun nevertheless.

Yoink, off to work now…

No, no, here's what you do:

1. Find out which car is his.
2. Go out and hire a prostitute, whether or not you have sex is up to you
3. Kill the prostitute
4. Upon killing the prostitute, jimmy the lock to his car truck
5. Put the prostitute in the truck
6. Rig the trunk so that the slightest impact will send it flying open
7. Cut his brake lines

Now when he's driving, he won't be able to properly brake, essentially ensuring an accident. When he gets into an accident, the trunk will fly open, revealing the prostitute. The police will take care of the rest.

Posted at


I'm surprised you've left this unlocked. :|

Posted at

I feel it necessary to recount that I witnessed APC (one of my highest ranking and widely respected channel operators) rant here in the rant thread about DD's Bug issues out of frustration, which is what this thread is for. I then saw Skool attack him with threats instead of addressing his issues professionally, using a "I'm going to get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!" tone. So I felt the need to editorialize that lapse in professionalism. I mean, sure APC can be an asshole, but do what I do and use that to your advantage. He makes an excellent watch dog. But in this instance, he was doing what the thread allowed… ranting in frustration and was chastised for it.

Back to Skool. (heh, punny) I'm not saying she doesn't do a good job for DD (that was her misinterpretation). I think the all the admins do quite well with the paper-clips and tinfoil they've had to McGuyver this site with. The admins aren't the problem, this whole thing has been about bug fixes, not admins. It has been long established that if you're bitching about the bugs, your bitches are not directed at admins, but T. Dylan Squires (aka Volte6) and the Platinum management team… which does not include DD site admins. To make a long story short, after some heated back and forth, I tried to make peace and in return got my intelligence and stature within the community insulted, a whole bunch of people missed the point which got lost in a rabid mudslinging fest. All because of a rant about bugs that go unfixed. Nobody said, "Skool, this is your fault." She came to that conclusion on her own. It is unfortunate that she assumed this gross misunderstanding. At no time in his original rant did APC say "Skoolmunkee".

She flung the first mud and cried foul when someone (me) called her on it and flung it back. Yes, after that, things got personal… because she changed the focus and the rules of engagement. Again, crying foul when someone called her on it. Normally, she's a good admin and I'm not calling her dedication to DD into question here. I never did. She should feel proud of her standing in the community and as an administrator. Because of this, she needed to take the higher road and didn't. That's all I'm saying. Instead, she's gotten you all to lose focus of what happened here and turn it around so that you're all now ganging up on APC (and to a lesser extent, myself). He's been a part of Drunk Duck for a long time. He has invested a lot of time and energy into this community and like a lot of us, he is frustrated that it is broken and not showing signs of being fixed. So please stop treating he and myself as upstart trollers who just cropped up to cause trouble and need to be ran out on a rail.

This is not me stoking the fire. This is me asking you to all put your torches and pitchforks down, take a step back and look at the situation as a whole. I'm not asking you to turn on Skoolmunkee. I'm not asking you to stick up for APC. Take a look at the title of the thread. "Rant or vent here" not "flame the users who voice legitimate frustration." Look at that. Recognize that his initial rant was legitimate… that it is aimed at Volte6 and Platinum, not admins like Skool or Spang or Ozone… and let it go.

Hmm. It would appear for the most part you have and I chimed in a little late. Still, I feel it needed to be said and will not retract my post. Also… no, I wasn't trying to reopen wounds or get tempers up or point fingers, though it may look that way if you don't pay close attention to what I wrote.

Moving on, I think a partial remedy to the tension would be a weekly blog from volte6, just one to five minutes of his time each week, where he covers what's going on with the bugs, which ones he's focusing on, when he expects them to be handled, or even "sorry, no time to work on it this week."

Posted at

This is me posting from work…


:) now I'll go back to work…

Hmm, nothing in my inbox…

I think I'll do some Pinky TA instead :kitty:

Posted at

Wow that guy is such a drama queen…Christ. I know how to beat a dead horse but at least i don't say 'I'm not beating it lol' and post a 6 paragraph essay on said dead horse…

Posted at

Wow that guy is such a drama queen…Christ. I know how to beat a dead horse but at least i don't say 'I'm not beating it lol' and post a 6 paragraph essay on said dead horse…

Easy to say for someone who isn't as longstanding or prominent a member, and hasn't had said status trivialized. Even easier to say for someone who wasn't ganged up on by several members, site admins and the site founder just for sticking up for someone. Also, as anticipated, you read it as a drama rant and not as a petition to stop a witch hunt.

Tempers were still hot when I wrote that, but I forgot to hit send, fell asleep and hit the post button when I woke up. In conclusion, bite me. :)

Posted at

Still nothing to do… Well I had some things to do, did them, ate a cheesecake and here I am again.

That's enough on this ting now please Randal.
Please? :)
It's not good :(

I know you're just 'splainin things to Skull, but… all the others are explanations too.


Heh, I remember back when Randal could goad me into having to 'splain myself like that. Man, that was ages ago. I was a noob then… :(
Still I didn't mind, he was one of the first guys to comment on Pinky TA :)

Posted at

Still nothing to do… Well I had some things to do, did them, ate a cheesecake and here I am again.

That's enough on this ting now please Randal.
Please? :)
It's not good :(

I know you're just 'splainin things to Skull, but… all the others are explanations too.


Heh, I remember back when Randal could goad me into having to 'splain myself like that. Man, that was ages ago. I was a noob then… :(
Still I didn't mind, he was one of the first guys to comment on Pinky TA :)

There there, ozone. You'll be a noob again someday.

*rests hand on shoulder, stares into eyes with looks of false hope*

Posted at

I'm a normally shy guy who would barely speak and stutter alot. At least for most of my early life.

But now I have no problem getting into "lecture mode" when I'm talking to a group of people. And when I talk I just seem to have this magical ability to get everyone to focus their attention on me.

Strange isnt it. Opening of the throat chakra? Cellular memory (this is the whole concept of learning the ability of an ancestor who has long been dead before you are born)? I had this grandpa who was a lieutenant in the Phil Army during the American occupation. During WW2 he was a commander of a resistance cell against the Japs. After the war he had a short lived career in politics. Became a congressman at one point.

Then during the time of Ferdinand Marcos, he somehow fell out of favor. You know… dictators are fond of playing favorites. He wasnt killed or imprisoned… he just lost his political status in society. Otherwise I woulda been a rich kid or something if he didnt lose his political status.

He died 3 years before I was born. As a poor man.

And you know what, I highly suspect that people like Marcos… and perhaps most of the Philippines ruling elite are affiliated with the Illuminati.

Back there, I kept on hearing stories of insane hazing rituals in order to join a so-called 'frat'. Then later on I learned about skull and bones. And wtf. I thought its just Filipino frats who do those crazy shit since we're such a badass race or something. I was proven wrong.

Anyway I suspect that he fell out of favor because he didnt have the heart to do evil. You know, things like 'disappear' the political opponents and other acts of corruption.

So I think if I didnt spend most of my younger life as a friggin school loner and focusing my thoughts and energy towards negative suicidal thoughts… and instead focused on developing that skill at an earlier age, who knows what I could be by now.

I have my grandpa to thank. I think I inherited his skill and its still in its infancy stage of development. I still have a problem organizing my thoughts and conveying them into words. How could he have been a guerilla commander and have a political career in the first place without the skill of talking to people.

Posted at

But now I have no problem getting into "lecture mode" when I'm talking to a group of people. And when I talk I just seem to have this magical ability to get everyone to focus their attention on me.

Are you sure it has nothing to do with you being absolutely fucking nuts and that lunatics stick out in a crowd?

Posted at

Lol internets. So many people, so many tiny ego's.

I feel guilty lol, I looked up a girl I had a crush on a year ago on myspace and my face was '<8D' when I saw she had new pics with cleavage. I feel guilty because i feel like i've moved on-yet I actually looked up her myspace hoping for pics. -.- (She's a real looker- I'd post her pic for people to drool over but then I'd officially be an ultra-creepy perv.-_-) it's not official yet lol

Posted at

But now I have no problem getting into "lecture mode" when I'm talking to a group of people. And when I talk I just seem to have this magical ability to get everyone to focus their attention on me.

Are you sure it has nothing to do with you being absolutely fucking nuts and that lunatics stick out in a crowd?

being nuts is relative.

For example, David Icke is considered insane by mainstream society. I thought that at first when I first heard about him for talking about lizards running the planet, hating jews, and for calling himself the 'son of God'. The normal human reaction for that is HAHAHAHAHA HE'S BATSHIT INSANE!!!

Then I realized he was misunderstood by this dumbed down 'mainstream' media. His basic philosophy is that all humans are infinite consciousness. That we are part of this same big whole. Therefore we are all one and the same and we are all like sons of god. Including him including you. Thats how he was misquoted.

And the anti-semitism when he says lizards, he MEANS lizards and NOT jews.

I got curious and actually read his books and listened to his radio interviews and watched his presentations. Then I was like "hmmm… interesting".

Then I done research on his stuff. While I disagree with him on some things I still think he is a BRILLIANT man and we'd probably be friends. He is not insane to me at all.

People who are insane are people who call for the death and destruction of a particular group. Icke didnt call for something like an armed rebellion or mass riots. Otherwise he would have been arrested long ago. His whole idea is to generate the frequency of LOVE in the world in order to destroy the evil conspiracy. Its not just the illuminati and the lizards but also the 5-sense conspiracy and the whole human perception of this reality.

Posted at

But now I have no problem getting into "lecture mode" when I'm talking to a group of people. And when I talk I just seem to have this magical ability to get everyone to focus their attention on me.

Are you sure it has nothing to do with you being absolutely fucking nuts and that lunatics stick out in a crowd?

being nuts is relative.

For example, David Icke is considered insane by mainstream society. I thought that at first when I first heard about him for talking about lizards running the planet, hating jews, and for calling himself the 'son of God'. The normal human reaction for that is HAHAHAHAHA HE'S BATSHIT INSANE!!!

Then I realized he was misunderstood by this dumbed down 'mainstream' media. His basic philosophy is that all humans are infinite consciousness. That we are part of this same big whole. Therefore we are all one and the same and we are all like sons of god. Including him including you. Thats how he was misquoted.

And the anti-semitism when he says lizards, he MEANS lizards and NOT jews.

I got curious and actually read his books and listened to his radio interviews and watched his presentations. Then I was like "hmmm… interesting".

Then I done research on his stuff. While I disagree with him on some things I still think he is a BRILLIANT man and we'd probably be friends. He is not insane to me at all.

People who are insane are people who call for the death and destruction of a particular group. Icke didnt call for something like an armed rebellion or mass riots. Otherwise he would have been arrested long ago. His whole idea is to generate the frequency of LOVE in the world in order to destroy the evil conspiracy. Its not just the illuminati and the lizards but also the 5-sense conspiracy and the whole human perception of this reality.

Once again, no.

Posted at

Um. Wow. Just… wow. I've so totally been proven wrong. It's you that's sane and the rest of us that are crazy. Thanks, Kyupol, for putting it into perspective for me.

Posted at

People who are insane are people who call for the death and destruction of a particular group. Icke didnt call for something like an armed rebellion or mass riots. Otherwise he would have been arrested long ago.

No, he's insane because he thinks that there are reptile people secretly running the world. Besides if he called for the destruction of the lizard people I'm not sure he'd attract a large enough group to help out, besides how would he know if they were real people or hybrid lizard people trying to take him down?

Posted at

Kyupol is the internet equivalent of the crazy hobo who yells things at you on street corners. Don't attempt to reason with him, or tell him he's nuts, because he'll just throw a whiskey bottle at your head.

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Moonlight meanderer

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