Fistpound, brah.
Hell yeah.
To contribute, I can't stand passive-aggressive students. Today one of my classes ran about five or so minutes over. My professor doesn't really keep track of the clock once he starts his lectures, and it was 11:55 by the time he finally checked his watch after seeing much shifting, loud sighing, eyerolling, groaning and etc. from his lovely students.
Yes, I understand you're frustrated that class ran over time, but instead of being a silent dick about it, just raise your hand and say so, even if you think you're being rude! (For the record, all of the eyerolling and shit is a lot ruder than putting up your hand and saying, 'Excuse me Dr. Smith, but we're running over time.) Geeze, I had just noticed right before he did and was about to point it out when he beat me to the draw.
Aw the hell with it, just leave. I used to point at my watch. When lecturing I usually tasked one student to watch the clock and tell me if I was running late.