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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

so, me and my wife decided to stay together. and one of the conditions was that she gets a job, so she doesnt get board, and can be active, so she doesnt start complaining about how much the city sucks. (we're both country folk born and raised). and she got one. but they're making her work nights and weekends. which means i only get to see her right before bed and when i wake up. and now i miss her, because i'm leaving again soon, and i'm not going to get any time with her…. :(
If it's an imortant trip go, but if it can do without you, stay.

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He might have to go ;)
He's in the air force.

Oh I knew it was Japanese, I was teasing :P

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actually i'm doing whatever it takes to not go. i'm stabbing people in the back, throwing my friends under the train…etc.


i wouldnt last very long if i did that. these are people that you have to rely on, and you dont want somebody who may have your back, thinking you're a douche bag. i put it out there, that i'd like to delay a bit, but i'll go if no one can fill the spot. and i wont know if i'm going untill i'm on the plane and gone.

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He might have to go ;)
He's in the air force.

Oh I knew it was Japanese, I was teasing :P

Oh asperger's syndrome sucks >_>

I missed that :P

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Doh >:x I'm inking & screentoning in photoshop cs2 for the first time, the inking part went great but the screentoning…has a learning curve from GIMP. It sucks because i've pretty much mastered Gimps pattern system(for sho yo) and now on photoshop it's like 'wat?'.

I suppose i'll see if it improves in a few more pages, if not i'll try color. (photoshop coloring is easycake).

Yeah, Photoshop's a little harder to use. But once you get used to it, it's pretty easy, and looks pretty good.

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i like Photoshop i find with inking hard i'll master inking one day

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I realized, inking with tablet is unbelievably much faster than inking with pen tool. Still haven't finished one I started on April.

And I finally started looking into HTML coding. My layouts could use some more fancy now. (Ever since I started to play video games at higher settings I started to care more about the graphics)

It's going slow, but I'm learning.

Posted at

Nah it's probably all the bee poison.
Those evil little black and yellow shits ruin everything -_-
Japanese would be my guess.
I was thinking American…

To tell the truth so was I, maybe one of the Southrn'American dialects or Brooklynese.

Croi Dhubh
Croi Dhubh
Posted at

Every time I go to do regular updates on my comic, shit comes up! Now I can't do regular updates, yet again, for a while. I've even been asked and asked and asked to do the third installment to The Game Ranger…so I'm going to do that. This'll be the last update for a while again…ARGH

Posted at

I'm 22, have a bachelor's degree in both Psychology and Film, graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, and I am currently unemployed, and didn't get into any psych programs. Yeah it kind of sucks to be me.

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Not to be a giant floating cunt but it would be easier to get a job if you didn't major in thing that aren't very closed off at the moment in our lovely little job market.

Which is what brings me to my rant. i had to move to fucking Utah to get a job, since Indiana's market was just tanking like crazy. While I still dont have one here, I've actually found places that are hiring, contrary to my previous location.

Also windows Vista is probably the worst OS I've ever used. It keeps shifting my little tyiping thing into the middle of whatever I just got done writing, it keeps asking me if the sites I'm going to are trustworthy (even after I select "dont show this message again"), and it like closing windows out on me. Or hey deleting my entire post that was pretty fun, i enjoyed that. I typicially look for the best in things, I really do, with the way my body has been falling apart due to stress I sorta have to. But there are just some things where you dont need to nit pick because their problems very obviously overshadow their positives. Vista would be one of these things. I've looked, hard, for three days now for something to like and all I've come up with is "man this sure is pretty I guess."

also my spelling and grammer while never quite perfect have just gonoue to fucking hell thanks to this "woop relocating your cursor" things or whatever the fuck so i just dont care anymore fuck this seriously

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But it looks pretty, and as everyone knows looks are more important than functionality!

Posted at

My layout is going ballistic.
I still need with mess around with the name.
My buttons aren't working for me.
I can see random noise that wasn't even in the image, but when I saved for web, it magically appeared.

And well. It's frustrating.

I'd much rather just be drawing the comic itself :\

Posted at

I'm using Vista and it works fine for me. Except for when it shuts off my internet connection for no reason. Or when it randomly decides it doesn't want to shut down, or when it turns off my virus software, again for no reason.

Um. . . never mind.

Posted at

Huh i've never had a single problem with vista aero, i think the layouts kinda wonky but i could just switch to 'classic' if it really annoyed me.

Aero Vista really is pretty and fast though *ww*

wall of teeeeeext brigade about life purposes and a book

I finally found the source of happiness and peace after years of stress and self-hate, and the most significant part is it's actually going to last me my lifetime.

I basically read this book(Awakening your life's purpose) over the course of the month, it's changed my whole outlook on life just like it promised. I'm no longer dissatisfied with myself or react to stupid insignificant things, and my ego's shriveled to a persimmon.
It's freaking amazing what a book can do…i haven't even finished all the chapters yet…

It's funny cuz the book had a small excerpt on other people being able to sense other 'pain-bodys' subconsciously and react without knowing. The moment mine changed all the negative people i know started reacting before i even said/done anything- even over the net. And all the positive people i know started to want to be around me more- it's nice, i didn't have to dump the negative people they just slithered away themselves. *o*

Positive people are better for you life and health no mistake

I was thinking 'if only i'd had this book sooner, those years of bitterness would not have happened' But then i thought about how i first threw the book down after reading 3 chapters- but i picked it up again after having a downright awful day, treating the people i loved like shit and wondering what the fuck was my problem.
I realized I probably wouldn't have adopted the mindset so willingly before- too stubborn.
It's nice to have found a permanent source of happiness, or rather…gotten rid of all the things that blocks it from coming in.

(I've still got a bit of the book left to read too…)


Also this comic accurately sums up the conversation my Mom and i have daily- then we start giggling c: Then she gets upset that i'm never serious, then we giggle more c:

Posted at

My layout is going ballistic.
I still need with mess around with the name.
My buttons aren't working for me.
I can see random noise that wasn't even in the image, but when I saved for web, it magically appeared.

And well. It's frustrating.

I'd much rather just be drawing the comic itself :\

alllllllright send me the code…
we'll fire up dreamweaver :)


Now for my rant…

Although, i'm feeling creative i just can't do any real work.
I always feel the need to draw, but when it comes to sketches and real designs I just can't do it.
I'm not sure what's up, i just want to run away and never design again. I want to quit very very very badly.
I've never wanted to quit anything so badly before, and at the same time I know that's not want I really want.
I just keep thinking about all the things I need. Suddenly, there a lot of things that are completely impossible to obtain and I have to get them no matter what. It's like there's a looney toons anvil over my head about to drop at any moment. :/

Posted at

My layout is going ballistic.
I still need with mess around with the name.
My buttons aren't working for me.
I can see random noise that wasn't even in the image, but when I saved for web, it magically appeared.

And well. It's frustrating.

I'd much rather just be drawing the comic itself :\

alllllllright send me the code…
we'll fire up dreamweaver :)


Now for my rant…

Although, i'm feeling creative i just can't do any real work.
I always feel the need to draw, but when it comes to sketches and real designs I just can't do it.
I'm not sure what's up, i just want to run away and never design again. I want to quit very very very badly.
I've never wanted to quit anything so badly before, and at the same time I know that's not want I really want.
I just keep thinking about all the things I need. Suddenly, there a lot of things that are completely impossible to obtain and I have to get them no matter what. It's like there's a looney toons anvil over my head about to drop at any moment. :/

Mishi, I know exactly how you feel.
That's actually how I quit drawing after I started.

I got into drawing, but I drew so much, I just got sick of it.
I used to make a comic book *during that time*, *wasn't very good either, but still*, and I drew seriously about 5 pages in the matter of 10 minutes.
And about 10 issues in about 2 months. I over-worked myself. To the point of doing the comic wasn't nearly fun, it was almost worse than school.

So, I quit, I gave up.

And took a long, but much needed break.

And you know what? Here I am today.
Still not that successful, but a ton better.

I pretty much had to re-teach myself to draw. So, in reality, I've only been drawing for a little over a year. Not the 3 or 4 years I try to tell myself.

But still, Take a break. It helps :)


My rant is. I'm almost out of deodorant. I loved the kind I just got, it was Axe Dry Phoenix. But now, I'm afraid, it's life-span is almost ended.
Time to get a new one :)

Oh. And I'm angry at the fact that I keep making little changes in my characters, which make me have to re-draw pages. Even though it was only one little change, and I only have to re-draw 2.

And I have to color a cover…

And upload today's page…

And think If I still want to do color…


I honestly wonder where I would be if I hadn't stopped my first version of Ryu's Krew…

Oh, and my typing speed often gets people annoyed :\
I think I was about 90-100 words per minute.

Posted at

Never before have I seen Drunkduck load this fast (The front page loaded immediately). I have to say I'm impressed- although I'm not sure if something changed or not. But heck, it's a lot more convenient.

Now, to my rant.

I become increasingly aware of my rather obnoxious laziness over the summer break. I should have been working. I should have been studing. I should have been taking vacations and relax my ass off, but none of them have been happening (Well, I can't work because I still haven't gotten my Green card). Something tells me that I should practically shoot myself in the foot if this goes on. Christ, once I try to be lazy, I become disappointed in myself. It just feels that satisfaction is neither in effort nor procrastination.

And that leads on to my comics and its obvious lack of updates. I practically ceased to enjoy just about everything I used to enjoy so much when I was much younger and savage. But discontinuation of the comic I'm currently working on is much different from previous comics I've discontinued up to this point. I've gotten so far into the comic that wasting all these ideas would be rather unacceptable, if not disappointing (Hell, I even came up with backstory taking decades into the past, glossary, and broad range of developments- that are actually typed down).
In the end, things ended up as a burden more than turning it into an exciting experience. Well, I guess experience is the same regardless of how they're attained.

Lastly, God help me if I ever get this HTML/CSS thing going just using notepad.

Hey, I feel my drawing sense rising again. It's scarce, but it's definately there.

Posted at

I'm 22, have a bachelor's degree in both Psychology and Film, graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, and I am currently unemployed, and didn't get into any psych programs. Yeah it kind of sucks to be me.

You have a BS in psychology? There are thousands of jobs waiting for you in America. Get your social work credentials and the world is your oyster. If you want to work in special education you can get a classroom assistant and work towards special ed/psychology degrees.

You gotta look and not for cloud-cuckoo land "starring" roles but little shit counseling jobs that are lots of hard work but are a paycheck and very valuable experience. You have degree in a field that is expanding; psychology. Make it happen.

Film? Forget it unless you can come up with a great indy film idea like maybe a couple of slackers in NJ who work in a convienence store.

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My rant ate my rave and now Im out in the cold with a pencil and a fu$#%^& sheet of paper eating a peanut butter and sardine sandwich,oh and I have gas too!

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… I'm losing respect for the mainstream media. To me, they have less credibility compared to alternative media.

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I've never been one to get nervous about anything in my life, but I've got less than two weeks until I'm supposed to move to my new school and the loan company still hasn't decided what they're doing with my loan application. They approved my credit almost instantly, but they're dawdling along with the final approval and every time I call them to ask about it, they just tell me it's pending.

I already gave my two weeks notice at work, so if I don't get the loan I'm stuck in s**thole Iowa for at least another year, if not indefinitely, and without a job this time. The word pending has developed this evil, vile connotation to it. The feeling that I might get stuck here for a third time in a row is one of the most horrible things I've felt in years.

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my rant you ask?

i'm disinterested. in everything. food, comics, guitar, video games, work. i'm just not interested.

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I need to take a shower.

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Next up on Oprah's/Skullbies Book Club

Also, I'm tired of reptoids trying to pose as my friends, I know it's them so why do they bother?

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Moonlight meanderer

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