So I guess I could talk about my weight problems, but I don't really care.
Um. . . I was going to write out a big rant about how my brother is a selfish prick, but then he went and did something generous and ruined the entire thing.
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DD Comics!
Rant or Vent here
I've never had weight problems…I've been brought up in a very health-foody house. We don't watch tv, or buy junk food except on special occasions. I used to hate it when I was younger, but I realize now that it's a really good thing. It's not like I never eat junk food, but I understand how to eat healthy and find it pretty easy.
Also, I'm not big on structured exercise…rather than saying, "I am going to go out and walk 3 miles," I will I call a friend and we'll walk around for hours until we're due home, or I'll go to drop-in badminton at the Y. Something enjoyable so I don't really think of it as "exercising."
Rant: I'm really hungry for breakfast, but my throat is killing me and I can't swallow anything right now. :(
And I have to go in for school this afternoon because I have a math test, even though I feel awful.
My wife has the weight problem. She can't exercise because of physical problems (back, knee, ankle, shoulder) And here I am having started exercising a little and feeling GREAT and losing 12 pounds.
My sister has a psychological block (unhealthy coping mechanism) about losing weight and has had to start with a therapist who deals specifically with that issue. She's working on it.
The effectiveness of exercise in dealing with depression cannot be underestimated. It's conclusively proven again and again and I have enough anecdotal evidence to fill a filing cabinet. We mentally ill folks keep up with each others' condition and see the changes. The mood rises and you're amazed. The triggers remain the same, the stress level reamins the same, but coping becomes so much easier.
The past few days I've been suffering with some horrible migraines. The pain isn't so bad, but everything being too bright and too loud kills me. I know I have a lot of stressers but come on!
And I really wish election day was tomorrow so this endless political campaign would be over already. To a Democrat everything a Republican says or does is wrong. On the other hand everything a Democrat does is effectively ignored or is forgiven. Make it go away! Let's annoint Obama or McCain already and suffer the consequences.
OK :) I didn't mean to talk like you wouldn't know anything, I just went off the info you shared in the first post.Oh, I know. :) I wasn't upset at you. I'm upset with me because I feel like I should be able to do something about this as an intelligent human being. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, I guess.
The past few days I've been suffering with some horrible migraines. The pain isn't so bad, but everything being too bright and too loud kills me. I know I have a lot of stressers but come on!I have so much sympathy for you. :( I'd give you migraine advice, but no one's advice/cures ever works for me, so I doubt mine would work for you. On the small chance that it might, though, 1000 mg of acetaminophen and a can of Coca cola usually helps me a good bit.
My new rant is also my old rant. I'm so sick of job hunting. I graduated (grad school) a full year ago and ended up in a dead end, part time job that paid not a penny over minimum wage. (Meaning, I had enough to pay for rent, bills, shampoo, and top ramen…) I've been applying to absolutely every job that remotely applies to me – anything that requires a B.S. in the biological science – especially the "masters preferred." I spent over $200 having a resume professionally written on the off chance that it will actually be worth it. Past job hunting experience makes me disheartened, but my "professional resume" is giving me a nice placebo of hope. One application took me two and a half hours to fill out. I've written term papers that took less time and effort! Also, not a single job I've found is in my home state, the state where I currently live, or even any adjoining ones (in other words, way outside of my known universe). – Oh, and my uncle paid for the resume and has become an unexpected source of support and encouragement.
I'm considering looking into specific programs for vet tech or zookeeper accreditation. I don't really want to go back to school. I put in my time already! But, I need to get on a career path in one way or another. I'm also thinking about teaching myself Spanish to make me a more desirable candidate for jobs in other parts of the country.
On the plus side, my new laptop will be arriving next week. Nothing fancy. I just got it for mobility and career search (or future career? *hope*). It will unchain me from my desk, though. And it will be essential if I end up getting any job interviews in "distant lands" (like Arizona or Rhode Island). In addition to my laptop, I'm getting a very small tablet, which *might* relieve some of that mouse-related hand pain and will be handy with the laptop.
Blargh, I tooooooooo siiiiiiiiiiiick! I don't know yet whether I have a flu or just a cold…my biggest symptoms are a horrible headache(which is uncommon with a cold) and my throat really hurts(which is uncommon for a flu).
And I can't miss any more art classes because I'm already behind…so staying home tomorrow is out. At least my first class isn't until 11 tomorrow, so I can sleep in a bit tomorrow. I kind of just want to sleep forever right now. Except that last night, every time I had to swallow my spit, the pain in my throat would actually incorporate itself into my dreams.
It seems no matter how much I sleep, that I'm getting more and more tired. I really need to think of a way to bring some natural-like light into my room. I don't have any windows. Even if I can simulate a sunrise with a automatic dimmer and a timer that will work.
And for those of you trying to lose weight, I have the perfect solution: Work in a sculpture lab that does sand blasting and metal carving. I lost a whole pound last night from throwing up all the stuff that got through my respirator while I was cleaning. It might even help you pick up concerned girls. ;)
I happily balance that stuff off against the fact that I don't have my old fear of being trapped in Iowa for the next 6 years because I couldn't pay for college. Milwaukee is an awesome place to live and I don't think I've ever been so happy to wake up in the mornings and go to work. I'm even happy about the fact that I haven't got a spare second in my life to sit down. I'd kind of forgotten what being excited about life was like.
I've never had weight problems…Yeah yeah yeah… And I often eat junkfood for dinner (bags of chips etc.), have a small cake every day for morning tea… and I'm still stick thin.
But that kind of thing isn't a gift, good fortune, a talent, or being lucky. You have to be aware of your body at any weight really. ;)
It seems no matter how much I sleep, that I'm getting more and more tired.100 situps and 50 pushups wakes me up perfectly in the mornings. Doesn't take very long or and it works so well.
i'm thinking about going to europe next year….any suggestions??
i've already been to england, and plan on at least 3 days in paris, and maybe throw some ireland in there……
also, i went to the gym an hour early because i thought that it was an hour later than what it was…and now i'm just killing time till soccer, or for you non americans, "fut ball" did i say that right?? XP
UGH. Jet Set Radio is my favorite game ever. And I'm having trouble unlocking everybody >.<
And I really want Mercenaries 1 for the Xbox. It'd just be something nice to play in between working on the comic and such.
I also need to make new avatars. For the comic.
Also need to get to work really hard on it. I need to get my comic a-goin.
Anybody else noticing Drunkduck getting slower? And the errors and stuff are more frequent :(
I hope everything gets fixed soon :(
Anybody else noticing Drunkduck getting slower? And the errors and stuff are more frequent :(
I hope everything gets fixed soon :(
I've been trying to post something all day about how dumb Drunkduck is being lately, but I couldn't because I couldn't stay online for more than a few seconds.Currently the server can't handle the traffic. I'm assured though that we should be moving to another sever soon.
But because of where the programming team are located now, Hurricane Ike has caused some delays to that.
Apparently, in some parts of Houston, they've said the power won't be restored for upwards of three weeks. Three weeks! Some of my coworkers live in Houston, and they've had to temporarily relocate to Austin and share living quarters with us…and their families… because all the hotels are booked solid.
=[ Yeah, that's my rant.
so i've gotta hand out with my old friend on Saturday, only he's a douche. maybe i'll just cancel, or not call him, then i will be the douchyest of them all
Stupid DD…malfunctioning on my update day. at least my comic displayed at times so i could check the comments. *licks comments*
i made this totally badass comic tutorial site. Well it's for my dreamweaver class, and i cheated by using photoshop… and it's not up and working….
oh well
fcuk grammar
hey! DD works cause it's late-ish over here!
I'm shitting bricks over this:
ebay ID: 120306046782
I'm shitting bricksLucky it's located in "Flushing" then… Phew!
What a funny name for a place. Although we have some bad ones here, there's a suburb called "Dog Swamp". I don't think it has an actual swamp in it though…
here, i've seen a "Chocolate Road" but it's not made out of chocolate. D:
Awe. half of the comments on Friday's update vanished, the images aren't showing up (yet?), and I have to re-upload two buffer pages. :( But YAY for DD being back! Hopefully working smoothly again? Dare I hope?
Ack! No "Add Page" button. Guess I'll have to wait to get those buffer pages up.
Got around that. Mwahaha! Thank you, "View Page Source!" ;)
It seems the site was migrated to the new server… Guessing here, and the last backup was used, which didn't include the stuff done over the weekend.
Now that's pretty bloody slipshod if you ask me… Very crappy.
But if it has moved to the new server, at least that's something.
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