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Moonlight meanderer
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It's good to have people to look up to for various reasons, but important too to remember that they were just ordinary humans too. That's what the GOOD detractors do: make you see the legendary figures as real people. :)

Thank you Ozone for putting far more clearly than I could have.

I don't tear apart historical people when I teach, only make them human so the student can identify with them and want to learn about history because it's a story of real people doing things and they're just like us and doubt and fear and are happy and sad just like us. (One favorite quote about George Washington's dispatches in the AWI: "The Man could depress a hyena")

Ordinary people in extraordinary situations. Some were talented and insightful but they were still ordinary with the same feelings as any of us.

Temujin, the Genghis Khan was a fascinating person. He set his goals and achieved them. He was also a keen judge of character and by some accounts; modest. He was no megalomaniac and his use of terror was calculated to avoid destruction not wantonly cause it. Separating the mythology from what really happened. :)

And my comic dropped 200 more places. 66 pages of worthless pixels. :(

Posted at

My apartment has wasps and it seems no matter what I do, I can't get rid of them! Every time I find a nest and spray it down, two days later I find another nest two feet away. The manager brought an exterminator in, and he couldn't get rid of them either. They keep getting inside somehow and wherever I choose to sleep they end up sitting there when I come home from work. I'm worried about my budgies, too, I don't want them to get stung.

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i fackin hate firefox. everyone's like "OMFG IT'S THE MOTHER FACKIN FIREFOX!!!ONE!!1" and so you know, being a fair guy, i thought i'd give it a try. i enjoy my open source products… although sometimes i can be a stickler for microsoft products. (they are the best after all)…

well so i downloaded it, and it has this stupid download page, which doesnt listen to anything i say, nor does it download anything. just says that those things were downloaded, and not put in a folder. also, whenever i tried to get my favoritist anime downloads ever, it wouldnt allow my client to download them.

and you can't save multiple tabs as a homepage, and it ran just as fast as IE, and the only major difference was that it used up less processing power….and not even that much…. grrrrrrr

Posted at

And you can't save multiple tabs as a homepage, and it ran just as fast as IE, and the only major difference was that it used up less processing power….and not even that much…. grrrrrrr
Making multiple tabs a homepage is something it's been able to do for a few years now man… Just open the pages you want in the tabs, go to the options area under main, and click the button that says "Use Current pages"

It loads faster than IE7 ;)
But it's really all down to personal preferences anyway. Seamonkey is still my personal fave, with the modern theme. My only complaint with both Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Seamonkey is that the original default themes SUCK HARD and Firefox keeps dumbing itself down, simplifying its options more and more with each new version.
Thank you Ozone for putting far more clearly than I could have.
No worries , thanks for the compliment :)
A lesson to be learned. Thanks Ozone, btw, you should do a comic strip about that.
I hadn't thought about it like that actually, but you're right.
Ooo, I'm pretty crap with producing comics actually, it's a good idea but it deserves a better comic maker than me… -_-

Now if I could just do my latest page….

Posted at

i fackin hate firefox. everyone's like "OMFG IT'S THE MOTHER FACKIN FIREFOX!!!ONE!!1" and so you know, being a fair guy, i thought i'd give it a try. i enjoy my open source products… although sometimes i can be a stickler for microsoft products. (they are the best after all)…

well so i downloaded it, and it has this stupid download page, which doesnt listen to anything i say, nor does it download anything. just says that those things were downloaded, and not put in a folder. also, whenever i tried to get my favoritist anime downloads ever, it wouldnt allow my client to download them.

and you can't save multiple tabs as a homepage, and it ran just as fast as IE, and the only major difference was that it used up less processing power….and not even that much…. grrrrrrr

you could try using google chrome. :B

Posted at

i searched for a while….maybe with firefox 3.0.1 they left that part out. (the make all tabs homepage).

i just heard of the google browser this week, and i'm done with open source internet browsers for a while….

also i have lunch with some big wig, and got over here to early…now i'm bored outta my mind…

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i searched for a while….maybe with firefox 3.0.1 they left that part out. (the make all tabs homepage).
No, it's still there, exactly as I described ;)

Posted at

you could try using google chrome. :B

Chrome's allright, but it's still missing some pretty important stuff. It's not nearly as customisable as FF or IE, and doesn't have an adblocker or an RSS area (I could go on). Hopefully those things will show up soon but I'm not too interested in using it myself until then. I don't like my browsers *too* simple.

Posted at

my word is final! i have removd firefox, and plan on not brining it back.

dam**t…the guy who sleeps in the room next to me, is sleeping right next to the wall we share, and he's sawing logs with a chainsaw…also, the airconditioner is broken, every half hour it'll blow cold air for 30 seconds, and then it dies to only blow warm humid air…on top of that, i actually have to work tomorrow, so today is not the day i wanna be missing out on 8 hours of good wholesome sleep.

also. halfway mark. sucks. balls. it just makes me realize how long it took to get here, and how much longer before i leave. blech. i'm tired.

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I've become addicted to Minesweeper. I honestly can't stop playing it.

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I did that with minesweeper a few years ago… I was trying to get them all in superfast times. I don't thik I could beat 8 seconds for the easy version… Can't remember what my times were for the other two, but they were decent :)


I'm a bit down right now… :(
I think I might buy some stuff online when I get home to cheer myself up. I've had my eye on a Cossak hat for a while, but it takes a while for them to custom make it and send it to you… It looks REALLY cool though, and it's really big and bloby. I love it.
I want a new sold state hard drive too… And one of those new Arc mice, but they're not out yet that I can find :(
-I need a new pair of uggboots too. Simon slashed a hole in the old ones and I can't be bothered to fix them.
-And I want a new laptop, but I don't know what to choose!

All those things are fairly expensive, but I can afford them easily. The trouble is that I'm so used to being careful with my money that it's REALLY, REALLY hard for me to lash out and buy stuff even when I can afford to and still not have to worry about the money.

Ugh. I need a new fridge and a drafting chair. Maybe I'll buy those instead?

Somehow I don't think buying stuff will make me feel better. -_-

II know what makes me down… working!

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I've got an english essay due at 2p.m. today, this seems like plenty of time if i wasn't already tired, didn't want to finish my comic page, and didn't need 2 hours to drive/get ready/shower.
but ah doo.

What i hate about it is it's one of those 'personal trait' essays. i dislike writing about myself on a personal level. i'll give my opinions and views on things all the time, but telling people about how i really am without knowing them just gets to me.
I'd use this as a topic but it's to personal.

Edit: i wrote only two sentences in the time elapsed.

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I participated in the Terry Fox Run/Walk/Wheel for Cancer Research. 10KM, finished 1:34:41. I personally raised $215. My body hates me from the chest down.

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I'm having weight woes. Partially brought on by my sister's happiness. She is quite happy that she now fits into a Japanese "large," which is like an American "medium." (She's currently living in Tatayama, Japan.) An American XXXL is snug on me. I feel terrible that it makes me feel bad when I should just be happy for her. Since college, I have never had any trouble with my appearance, but it's all the other weight-related things that bother me. Shopping is a nightmare. Even "fat women" stores don't carry large enough bras. When I find my shirt or pants size, it's always some hideous style, and, strangely, everything wide enough for me is not "tall" enough. On top of that is all my health complaints. My knees hurt. My back hurts. I fear for my heart and the possibility of diabetes. I have asthma and arthritis. I keep getting colds. – I know all of these issues are weight-related.

The worst thing is that I am actively trying to lose weight – but I gain it. I convinced myself if I lose 100 pounds, I would feel better all around. I could have nice clothes and less insomnia, etc. However, I just can't manage it. I'm eating 1500 calories a day. I drink nothing but water. I don't eat any bread or sweets. I don't even like potato chips. I exercise as much as my asthma and screwed up knees allow. I was walking 3 miles a day before the heat spell But I gain weight. My mom wants to take me to an endocrinologist (we ruled out polycystic ovaries at the gynecologist two years ago – when I was on my parents' insurance), but I have no health insurance and no money. And I can't shake the thought that it really is all my fault I'm so fat, and going to a doctor would just make me fat and broke.

So, anyway, my real complaint is my stomach hurts from the total lack of food. And everything else hurts because I am so fat. :-/

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I hate Encyclopedia Dramatica.
They totally talked about my favorite artist there.

I honestly think it's just the internet nerd's way to feel like a hardass.
Sorry to any of you that use it.

I also need to get in a good schedule.
Of doing homework, working out, and working on the comic.

Posted at

Shopping is a nightmare. Even "fat women" stores don't carry large enough bras.

I hate that! It seems anyone who isn't perfectly average in all their proportions has a hard time finding clothes. There's only one place in the city I know of where I can get bras, because I have a small circumferance and very large cup size…that place is great, the only problem is that my last bra cost $180!
And since I'm way shorter than average, I have a horrible time finding pants short enough to fit me. I always end up wearing out the bottoms of my jeans very quickly because they drag on the ground.

Don't blame yourself for your size, by the way, usedbooks. From what you've said, it definitely doesn't sound like it has to do with your lifestyle. You should move to Canada or the UK or something where you don't need stupid health insurance.

Posted at

I'm having weight woes.

Losing weight is much harder than walking more and reducing calories. You should talk to a nutritionist (NOT just a doctor). There is a balance of the type of food that needs to be in those calories. If you're just generally cutting calories, your body thinks you are 'starving' and just stores everything. Things that people think are good for them sometimes aren't, because your body digests them too quickly to get much use out of them, or leave you feeling hungry. People losing weight need lots of lean protien, so however much chicken you might be eating, it isn't enough. Eating at different times of day and different amounts of nutrients throughout the day are also important. Eating your protien at dinner is useless unless you go for a nighttime run.

It's virtually impossible for some people to lose weight without solid nutritional information behind it. Granted, the information is out there on the internet, but so much of it is contradictory it will take a long time to sort out what works for you. A 1 hour consultation with a weight nutritionist will A: save you time, B: reassure you that you can do it, and C: put you on a plan and/or give you solid eating advice.

Posted at

Losing weight is much harder than walking more and reducing calories. You should talk to a nutritionist (NOT just a doctor).
Thanks for the advice. Just to clarify, the doctor isn't for weightloss/diet planning. It's because my mom thinks I have a hormonal issue – based not just my weight, but my build, and a number of other hormone-related symptoms. Even if there is a hormonal thing and can be treated, I'll still have to do the diet and exercise.

My dad is helping me with the nutrition. He is diabetic, so he has a very strict exercise and diet regimen. I plan to get professional help if I can ever afford it. (I'm sure that being a different age and gender makes his nutritional information a little different than my needs.) I used to be really scared that since Dad was diabetic, it put me at a risk (in terms of heredity), but I found out that his condition was actually caused by a virus. Weird.

Anyway, a couple years ago, I lost 20 pounds over the course of two months, dropped two sizes, and I really did feel better. (I gained it back after I moved back to college.) I just need to rediscover how I did it. My dad helped me then, too.

I know I can do it if I put in the effort, but I hate the aches and difficulties I have in the meantime. And I hate that things that work for other people don't work for me – or are so much HARDER. Mostly, I hate feeling like a big idiot. This should be really simple stuff for me. I'm relatively intelligent. I have a master's degree in Biology. I know the boring and intricate mathematical, chemical, and molecular details of metabolism. By all logic, I should be able to do something as simple as losing weight. :-/

And since I'm way shorter than average, I have a horrible time finding pants short enough to fit me. I always end up wearing out the bottoms of my jeans very quickly because they drag on the ground.
My mom and sister have that problem. Then Mom gives me her hand-me-downs and they look like cargo pants on me.

I have concluded that the fit of all clothing is based on the anatomy of one person somewhere who is built unlike any other human being on the planet. Possibly an alien or an android.

Posted at

*Begins writing out rant on the kids of today*

*Anger makes my head explode thusly making me unable to type*

I swear I'm working myself into a depression. The more I think about, the more I hate the generation I was born into. Most of the people my age are EXTREMELY stupid. They're materialistic. Believe they're invincable. Couldn't live an hour alone in the desert armed with the clothes on their backs and a knife. They don't care about anyone but themselves.

Seriously, we might aswell all just give up. With the world in the hands of these people we're heading toward disaster. With politics the way it is, we're going to have the first war in awhile on North America. With Media the way it is, the world'll be one big fat blood-bathed whore.

Of course all of this is just venting…

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*Begins writing out rant on the kids of today*

*Anger makes my head explode thusly making me unable to type*

What's so bad about the kids of today?

Posted at

losing weight….
asthma issues…

some asthma medicine contains steriods, so in fact when you begin to exercise, it can in fact bulk you up and cause you to gain weight. so you may wanna talk to your doctor about any medicines that you may be taking….

i've recently gotten back into the gym….(last month) and i've already taken my hard 1.5 mile run to a five mile run that i can recover from in half an hour, and play some basketball. i've been losing weight at a steady pace. and while i really dont need to, i just want to look athletic for as long as i can, cause there will come a time where i'm going to have to stop going to the gym as frequently…and my weight's gonna climb…i've also increased all the weights i use at the gym..and while it's still not a whole lot, i'm only doing lower weights because it's better to get the exercise right, then look like a BAMF…that way the muscle eventually builds up, and then i look like a total BAMF… i also do not use supplements as, eventual your body will grow to depend on them, and you'll need more to get the same effect, or when you work out without them, you wont be able to do as much…

Posted at

*Begins writing out rant on the kids of today*

*Anger makes my head explode thusly making me unable to type*

I swear I'm working myself into a depression. The more I think about, the more I hate the generation I was born into. Most of the people my age are EXTREMELY stupid. They're materialistic. Believe they're invincable. Couldn't live an hour alone in the desert armed with the clothes on their backs and a knife. They don't care about anyone but themselves.

Seriously, we might aswell all just give up. With the world in the hands of these people we're heading toward disaster. With politics the way it is, we're going to have the first war in awhile on North America. With Media the way it is, the world'll be one big fat blood-bathed whore.

Of course all of this is just venting…

This is true of every generation, they just don't seem that way because they grew up before you got to know them.

Posted at

Weight, exercise… I tend to be too thin. Which is also not good for the health, even though people imagine that it is. You should see what happens to ME when I get a cold… When you don't have many reserves to begin with, a cold will make you look like an HIV patient and recover almost as slowly. So I've been trying to exercise as well as eat more so I can have some useful bulk… And I noticed creases on my stomach.

FAT rolls!
I couldn't believe it… I just couldn't imagine where they came from. How could I have them…? How? o_o

Duh… I don't know for how long I've thought I had fat rolls… Ages. I finally realised it wasn't fat. So the exercise is actually working. :)
But unless you're really doing it seriously, taking something, or have a really physical way of life it takes quite a while to make changes to your body. So yeah, as Skool says, it's more than just eating and walking, it depends what you start off with and how much effort you put in. It's hard work…

And will it make you happier in the end? If it makes you feel better physically, then yes, probably the psychological boost wont be as mush as you'd think, but feeling healthier is always good anyway. So something like that should be what you aim for as well, not just the sizes thing. I know that's what's kept me going; it makes it a lot easier to get out of bed for work in the morning! Without that I'd have likely stopped long ago.

Posted at


OK :) I didn't mean to talk like you wouldn't know anything, I just went off the info you shared in the first post. Some of us have had to learn the hard way about the nutrition thing and it's very frustrating! :)

There are probably hormonal problems (most overweight people get them simply because they are overweight, like hypothyroidism) so yeah, a doctor for bloodwork is probably a good idea.

Currently I am in a stall and have only lost 2 pounds in the last 2 months :[ I am very sad but still trying to stick with it. It doesn't help that my coworker is always talking about how much better she feels and how she's gone down a size this month. T_T

Posted at

my mom is going through the same things usedbooks is. she can't exercise like me because of her asthma and most of her back aches and other problems are all from her weight, i encourage my mom all the time in weight loss but nothing ever seems to work other than diet pills. If she didn't have the asthma i think it would have been better, then i wouldn't have to worry about her getting a heart attack or somethin :c
There's always expensive liposuction though

I on the other hand lose weight very fast, jumping on my trampoline and a brisk walk with my dog keeps it off- dogs are the best way to get into walking, even though my dog is freaking slow.

My rant is i failed. I'm so used to not failing at important things. This sucks.

Also i saw this gif about how big our sun is compared to the largest known star so far VY cannis majoris. Freaks me the fuck out.

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Moonlight meanderer

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