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Ok, so I'm finally trying a trial of Photoshop CS3. CS1 served me well for a few years, but it just doesn't seem to work very well with my Cintiq 21UX. CS3 doesn't seem to have any trouble though.
It's mostly the same as CS and all the rest of the PS versions through the years, except for some stupid babying simplifications…
Why the F**K do programs ALWAYS go through a process where they "simplify" much needed really cool customisable more advanced features? WHY? It shits me. That's one of the main reasons I've not got a MAC yet. Every version of Windows does it of too course though; gets a little bit more brainless and bimboish as the years go by. But Photoshop? NOOOOOOOoooooo…
Bimoboified! D:
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Rant or Vent here
My optometrist wants to see me in 5 months to check the pressure in my eyes and basically do a glaucoma test. He says it's probably not an issue (some concerns based on my routine exam today), but it still scares me a little. I already have arthritis in my hands that prevents me from drawing/writing on some days, but I don't want to have those kind of visual complications. Most of my hobbies are visual. I'm just a little worried about the possibility (whether likely or not) that has been brought up – and I never even considered before.
Oh, and my new glasses are going to cost more than my new laptop. ??
Also, the atropine is still active from my appointment, so my pupils are huge, nothing is in focus, and light is *too* bright. … So, I'm gonna close my curtains and take a nap.
I'm finally going to the doctor tomorrow for all of my annoying health problems (most of it all involving my stomach or lower gut) that just keep building up and not going anyway.
For all I know I'll have to be going back again for a scan or something, but I hope they give me something if they get an idea of what it is. I've gotten to the point I can't sleep a full night anymore.
so i'm trying to get things faxed, and it's hard when you're on a seperate schedule from the other people. and i need these like now. so this is uncool
my wife lost her phone, so there's no way to talk to her. and that makes me a little sad. sigh, i'm tired cause my roommate is a douche and a half. turned down the air conditioner, and then said that it was turned up all the way, so he couldnt turn it up more. then his wife called. all 2 hours before it was time to wake up….the dude is getting on my nerves and i'm about to punch him in the face…
Ps cs3
Yeah from switching from cs2 i thought so as well, then i started using it and realized it's about 2x better this way. I never even bothered with brush presets before now i use them all the time.
It's way more organized i think.
But They sure launched the cs4 package fast though, i hear they actually fixed the dodge/burn tool. *o*
I never had the slightest problem with the dodge/burn tool. I use it all the time for photo retouching and get pretty good results. You just have to learn how to work it I think.
Happy rant today. I finally managed to get my room organized and put together, and where before it felt like I was living in a prison cell, it almost feels opulent and palatial. I finally even have a good place to sit down, relax and do my work in. That's something I haven't had in almost a year since I got my studio at my last school. :D
Eh, I make my own brush pre-sets, and all the rest… Custom is king! ^_^
My first impression is that-
-I've lost the lovely pallet dock in the top bar and got that stupid floating thing instead.
-All the easily usable layer linking tick boxes are gone. I seem to have to use the control and shift buttons instead and then click the damn link icon. WTF?
-When you merge linked layers they seem to ALWAYS merge to the layer above now -instead of whichever of the linked layers you happen to be on and want to have the others merge in that position.
-THAT'S because the damn option to merge linked layers is GONE and you have to first click "select linked layers" and THEN go to "merge layers".
-The nice open options for clicking the different workspace setups at the bottom of the tools pallet is gone… instead you have to FUCK around clicking through (or button shortcutting through) all of them until you get the one you want. There are only three, but it's still more unnecessary fucking around.
-And no more nice easy link to open a file in Imageready because Adobe bought stupid Macromedia Fireworks… so that's a big fat loss of workflow.
That's not streamlined, that's making it LOOK streamlined but making things more complicated! like all such bibmoisation… GRRRR
So, on the upside I've ported in all my brushes, pallets, gradients etc, and it works nicely with the Cintiq.
On the bad side, it's been a bit lobotomised on this version, so I'll have to get used to new work methods and cope with the fu***ing around…
I wonder what else has "improved"
They must hire the same programmers as Platinum…
Herms and car races make everything better.
- - - - -
I don't usually talk about family members on the internet, but my grandmother is driving me and everyone else completely insane.
See, recently my cousins granddad died, and the funeral was yesterday. By a startling coincidence, my grandmother's computer broke a few days before the funeral. She actually expected my cousin to skip the funeral and fix her computer. We thought she just forgot at first, but no, she knew the funeral was that day. Then again, she's incapable of admitting a mistake and really would rather seem like the worst person alive than admit she forgot.
I am so glad that I'm getting out of here on Sunday.
Because of Hurricane Gustav and Ike.Couches have always been pretty dang expensive, natures period don't change that.
….shit is this an inside joke? shiiiiiiit.
not inside joke.
everybody knows hurricanes have been the reason for the gas prices going up.
Why not furniture prices, groceries, milk, eggs, and everything else?
Are you saying the media and big business is lying to us? ;)
And here I am still using Photoshop 7. Really funny because the last few places I interviewed at for graphics were still using it. Scary. And now they're up to cs4?
I wonder if they know that CS is the designation for military crowd control super tear gas? (Just like regular tear gas but much, much worse. You have a cold? Breathe the CS in and the cold will be on the floor along with all the rest of the mucus in your sinuses)
My wife is still sick after 2-3 weeks. I'm going to another doctor and I found out the results of my Glucose tolerance test! I fell below critical in the 3rd hour. Now I have to another doctor to look at it.
Rest in Peace Go a Viking.
This isn't even a rant. It's more of a "Holy crap, this is going to be the best night ever" kind of post.
Anyway, I pushed my computer desk over, moved my drawing desk away from my window to face my TV, and I hooked up my Super Nintendo, popped in Turtles in Time, put my keyboard and mouse on my drawing desk, along with said Super Nintendo, whilst drawing a picture of the first boss fight in Turtles in Time, and having some delicious pizza, and Pepsi.
Only way this night could get better, is if a certain girl calls me.
Honestly, this is just so amazing! :D
I had a good night, but
I'm dog tired and my feet are killing me…
It's 10:30 am now, but I've only had 2 hours sleep since 5am yesterday.
I went to a friend of a friend's gallery show yesterday evening and then spent the rest of the night at a party that most of the people went to. -Talking, dancing, loud music, Lying next to an outdoor fire, listening to bad sex jokes and drinking mulled wine… etc
I left this morning, with the sunrise. Walked to the trainstation… Train said it wasn't coming for over an hour! Shiz…
I hought to myslf "I can get to the city in that time by walking!" And I did… Must have been 12 or 14 Ks. the train beat me by exactly 1 minute. But I dawdled along the way to document the walk in pics, So I would have beaten it… I'll have to put those pics in a blog or something.
CS military grade tear gas
they got us with that in basic. we had to dress up in our chem gear, and that's how they tested we put it on right and it was sealed. then they made us take off our mask, take a deep breath, and tell them our favorite fast food. with what on the burger, what kind of coke, etc. it was horrible. i've got a pic somewhere of me.
i have just thought up plans that will change history….
not really change, but expand upon current technologies, i'm about to google to see if it's already been thought up….if not i'm sure it could make me some moneys……hmmmm…(and no i'm not going to tell, cause this is a public forum, and i'm sure there's someone out there with more time and knowledge to work on this)
Hey do you guys wanna help me out with something? I didn't want to make a whole topic about this….
I am probably going to have to change my domain name. It's a long story but my current name,, has been lost and will probably take a long time, longer than I want to wait, for it to open up again so I can get it back.
Do you think I should just make another domain revised (I'd probably either use or; with only one 'L' in vermilion this time.)
….or use my name as the title? I've been considering, (yes, snart), and plain ol' I've considered others too but many titles with my name are taken. =/
Don't want to use, since I host more than one comic there.
i would go with something completly random and out there…
since we're on the subject of asking for help.
i have a passport now, but i signed up for it saying i was going to one country…i plan on visiting france next year, and i've been wondering if i need to fill out more paperwork, or if just having a passport is good enough….(american by the way, for those of you who dont know)
ozone - you're a fast walker!
seventy- just having a passport is fine. The only time you need to do anything special is if you're going to visit someplace like Syria, and that's usually an application to them, not the US.
Sarah- don't use the misspelled version, that will confuse people and/or make them think you can't spell :) I'd go for one with your name in it, it is about your work after all!
My rant is that I went to bed at 3:30 and woke up with my alarm at 10, ok, but after letting the dog out went back to bed and now it's 2 and a huge chunk of my day is gone. >:[ And all my dreams from 10-2 were annoying ones involving people I don't like (and the dreams were about my not liking them) so now I am grumpy and have a headache before I've even done anything.
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