I keep trying to start making a comic, but always hit some kind of snag that causes me to quit.
I know if I can just build up some momentum, I should be able to work on one for a long time, but I always get cut off by something stupid just as I'm starting.
I keep trying to start making a comic, but always hit some kind of snag that causes me to quit.
I know if I can just build up some momentum, I should be able to work on one for a long time, but I always get cut off by something stupid just as I'm starting.
Also, all the smexy ladays are taken… :cry:
haha what.
Hmmm… maybe I should have put an "i" in their, after the first "a" in "Laidays".
My artwork has been completly abandoned. My comics have been abandoned for almost TWO MONTHS!! Why? Becouse I have NOTHING to make them with. I am currently in DESPERATE need of an art programme. A free one would be nice. I have many options: -Paint.NET - Missig a few features that will be quite useful. Such as a 'select colour' feature. Or at the LEAST an ADD TO SELECTION BUTTON! Meaning I have to spend almost half an hour manualy selecting white areas. And it's a little too babyish for me. I want to be more proffesional comic, not one that looks like a 12-year-old that recently learned how to use the soften tool did it. -Open canvas - doesn't have a text option. My comics are not silent comics. -Gimp - everyone wants to have sex with this one for some reason. I Installed then uninstalled it on the same day. I simply clicked on the icon and it never loaded. This happened TWICE! I had it on an old computer. It was retard slow. Took half an hour to start up. Then we got Photoshop on that same computer. Took only a few minutes O.o Obviously not the computer. Don't really use that computer anyway. Even if I did. PS isn't even on it anymore. -MSPaint - ARE YOU ON DRUGS???
I am willing to spend $600 on PhotoShop! I could if the stores in my city actually knew what it was!! Buying off the internet is out of the question, unless I had some magical internet money. BZ doesn't want to do anything illigal either. So, I'm probably going to have to wait another two months for people in my city to figure out what an art programme is. So until then, my not so adoring fans, I'm sorry, you will never find out what happens to Jack, or what gender he is…
In the meantime…I'll just waste megabites playing games on my computer. Thin it will become searching for porn since that is the only reason for BZ to be on a computer, since she has no art. Later on I would probably fall off the wagon, abandon my religion, slip back into old habits, start working the streets and eventualy commit suicide becouse without art Bimbo Zombie isn't even worth living.
In conclusion: BZ will sell her own body, yes, she will become your personal hooker if you somehow manage to get a decent art programme in her hands.
-Open canvas - doesn't have a text option. My comics are not silent comics.
I can see your point with that one.
-Gimp - everyone wants to have sex with this one for some reason. I Installed then uninstalled it on the same day. I simply clicked on the icon and it never loaded. This happened TWICE! I had it on an old computer. It was retard slow. Took half an hour to start up. Then we got Photoshop on that same computer. Took only a few minutes O.o Obviously not the computer. Don't really use that computer anyway. Even if I did. PS isn't even on it anymore.
like you said, it was on an old computer. works better on new ones as that's what it's made for T_T
actually it can come in handy… you just need to learn to use it.
I'm getting increasingly suspicious of locker break-in after my Algebra II textbook mysteriously disappeared (World History textbook disappeared weeks earlier)
If someone DID break into my locker, I'm gonna kill him- no, I'm gonna SUPER kill him. There's no way in hell I'm paying $120 to cover the loss.
I guess my love for webcomics has returned. Its been awhile since I had so much time back in college between 3 hour break periods when I had all the time to read webcomics. :(
So yeah. If anyone has noticed my sudden comeback to these forums lately… if anyone noticed that I've been posting alot lately after a looong dead silence… If anybody noticed that… (*man I better shut up now. Who cares. Like I'm such a big deal here. lol! *)
While I was on vacation, my job was destroyed by a fire. They are planning to rebuild, but until it is done, I've had to get something in the meantime. I signed up with a temp agency, but it would seem there seems to be some dragging of feet. I *supposedly* have one, but the work order has to be made or blah blah blah. It's waiting that I #%^@ing can't STAND. My love life is next to nil. There's a woman that I'm all cuddly with, BUT SHE LIVES WITH HER BOYFRIEND. I havent "hit it" because of the boyfriend (she's a swinger, he isn't). Though I'm getting to the point that I might say, screw it. There are a LOT more to the above, a lot more details, but I dont want to bore you all. Unless of course you ask :P …and I want more people to read my comic. And make comments. I don't mind the fact that some people have posted a nice rating, but I don't seem to have any comments. ;__;
My rant is those lazy mothers who are more interested in going out and getting drunk or "taking care" of her next boyfriend then their children. Several of my friends have mom's like this. I want to smack these women. I want to shout at them to find their own identity and stop waiting for some random jerk to come along and make everything magically better. Their in their 40's! If you still can't keep a relationship going after a few months maybe it's time to take a step back and rearrange your priorities! All the women I've met like this usually have a bunch of loser kids and one realllllllllly good one. The others would be better, but they need a real mom. Not a drunken whore. It pisses me off to see this. All I can think is "Do these women realize how much suffering could be avoided in this world if people where just BETTER PARENTS!!" I can't understand how their children could ever take second to their social life! And they all same the same thing…"I just don't want to be alone!" Oh and your kids do? Of course! You bring them into the world and they raise themselves! That's how it's suppose to work right? NO!
Instead of being such a pathetic waste of space, how about going to a PTA meeting once in a while. Or finding out what your children are interested in and why. Or…oh I don't know…checking on their grades and the kinds of friends they have. I have actually heard one of these women say they can't believe how much of their life their children eat up. Well DUH! THEY ARE CHILDREN! You have to feed them, cloth them, and care for them! What the heck did you think it was about? Oi.
I'm storing up a lot of four letter words. So I'm going now before I release them into the wilderness of drunkduck, and get into trouble. Stupid lazy bad moms. Grrr….
Alright, I fucking hate my computer! It's got low memory, Dial up, And it fucking freezes more than a n00b makes Britney Spears/Michael Jackson jokes! When I had tried to get rid of one of my computers three flaws, (Dial Up) I called up AOL. They said they were going to put a broadband line or some shit out here…It's been a year or two since I called, No goddamn broadband! People tell me "If your computers keeps freezing then just go buy a new one." ….What the hell!? With what money!? I'm friggin unemployed here, too young to get a job, I can't even work as a Win-Dixie bagboy! And the closest place to get a job is at the gas station nearby but they sell beer and you have to be over 21 to work there (So I have been told by my elders -_-).
Being young sucks! Can't drink, Can't drive, Can't watch porn (with others in the room), It's insane! People have said to cherish your youth, bullshit there's absolutely nothing about my youth that I should cherish! I'm living in a house full of 40-70 year old women, The only game systems I have are a PS2 and Nintendo DS(both bought with my own money), And I don't even make an allowance (yet still forced to do stuff around the house) Cook! Clean! Do the mother fucking laundry! Once I'm 18 I'm getting the hell out of here, renting an apartment, earn money for college, and finish this worthless and pathetic excuse for a life! God damned childhood!
Arrrrrrgh! Having dual skill and perspective in a mono-perception, singular skill world!
Should I explain that or just let it squat here as enigmatic as a toad on codeine?
I've worked for many years to develop both graphic skills and writing skills, though my writing skills definitely outstrip my graphic ability. Still, I'm a dab hand at using a pencil and getting on page something that looks pretty much the way I want it to look.
What gets to me are the people who think that because they can correctly spell their own name two tries out of three that they know how to write or have any real idea of just what words can do to reality and with reality in our world. Most people, however, simply have no idea.
I've just engaged in extended, and borderline acrimonious debate, with established artists who are comparative neophyte writers - and I'm being both kind and overly generous here – and I experienced that terribly frustrating sensation of trying to hammer new concepts into a series of stone walls.
turn off the computer, go buy some cool toys and play in your room, or go ride your bike and find some crazy adventure to get into.
I mean, wow.
Enjoy it before it is gone in a flash and before you know it, you are a cog in the machine!
I was in the Wally World Mart down the road the other day…
for gods sakes… this
is one of the new toys out.
and they have Judge Dredd and the Savage Dragon! and all those really cool Starwars toys! and you can get paint ball guns and camping gear really cheap. You should be worrying about haveing fun and doing nothing.
Listen, what the hell is worse? What a person says, or how they say it?
I swear, yeah, so the fuck what? People swear. If I swear while saying someone is being a tool, I get warns and PM's and blah blah blah. But if someone says without swearing that my wife should leave me because I don't really love her… well for some fucking reason that's okay.
Nope, I have no use for those "Dolls".What do you expect me to do play "HAHA AIRPLANE WEEE YAY LOLZ!" with them? Basically All I do it eat, sleep, draw, and talk on the computer….hence why im 6'2 and only 148 pounds.
All this from the love god Icecream van driver? Ha I knew you were a fake. No more NSFW for you buddy
Yep, confession time, 15 year old atheist who is always depressed, diagnosed with asperger syndrome, and mentally insane.
It's the unambiguousness of the language I'd say. That way of saying it is about nothing except "fighting words", and it's very obvious. Whereas other ways of saying it are only offensive if taken a certain way, and even if they are entirely offensive, at least they don't look that way.
Come on TNT, I've seen you get people's backs up without a single offensive word, if you want you can bury a clever insult with the best of them! :)
rant: I bet Glarg isn't even a real Mexican. What a con -_-
Why in hades does it take me such a long time to figure out what I am doing wrong?!
In this DD incarnation I started up a daily political strip and then pulled it off of DD just as it was approaching the fifty uploads mark merely because I got some artistic criticism from visitors that I wasn't in the mood to accept at the time. But this is not what's bugging me. I'm used to being a bit flaky and emotionally unstable.
What's bothering me is that I did not recognize the pattern, the signs of stress until it was too late to halt the downward slide into a major screwup. You see, it's not the slam into the ground of reality at high speed that gnarls my knurd but the fact that I should have seen what was happening to me before it happened.