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Moonlight meanderer
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throwing this here because I didn't want to start a thread…

The Plug Forum… isn't it like having a cable station dedicated to commercials?
Would you watch it? Is it me or are the only ones going there are people who plug there comic and… that's it?

Perhaps, but I think it's better to keep it either way. Otherwise the commercials will return to being apart of our regular programming. NOOOO! =P

good point!
Didn't think of that.
good thing I posted it here and not as a thread!
over in 3 posts!

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Using pencils to draw and shade a cover is a LOT harder than I thought. Although the result is a lot better looking, and it's a lot funner to draw! Only problem is, it'll take more time…

Which means, if I keep doing the whole comic like this for a while, it'll take a long time to do! But ah well, it'll all be worth it ^^

Good news, my mom said that for my birthday next month, that I'll be able to get my favorite artist's next book! *Darkspeeds, if any of you were wondering*, and I'll also be able to order that Custom 3 T-shirt pack from Sam and Fuzzy! WOO!

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good point!
Didn't think of that.
good thing I posted it here and not as a thread!
over in 3 posts!

Though this does bring me to a rant about actual commercials.
I almost couldn't live without my On-Demand crap now. Commercials have gotten longer, more boring/obnoxious, and there is more of them in-between shows. Especially movies. I REALLY hate it when they give you about two minutes of movie and fifteen minutes of commercials.

I also hate how Comedy Central and some other channels cuts up good comedies to wee little pieces. Even the most mediocre Mel Brooks movies are robbed of every single decent moment that could actually be considered funny. And what they did to Shaun of the Dead? AUGH. (Not even just because of all the bleeped swears, all the good scenes are BAM. GONE.)

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I just got Spore, and it's great. I don't really like the Space stage though, because nearly every mission involves looking through every galaxy and planet, trying to find the one they were fucking talking about. I got bored when they named one that apparently didn't exist.

Also, I've had to reinstall it twice now. The first time because I thought it didn't install properly. Turns out it just didn't bother putting the start thingy somewhere sensible, so I had to dig through a mess of folders to get at it. The second time is still happening right now. I accidentally quit while trying to start a new game, and then an error kept coming up whenever I tried to start it again. Just tried it again, same problem.

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So i just tried out doing my speech bubbles the American way, it looks/feels so natural it's scaring me *_*
And i'm slowly starting to buy more american comics rather than manga, not the big beefy superhero stuff but the school stylish art slice of life stories. and also stories that look like manga- I did order scott pilgrim while i was at the bookstore though so lol

As a rant i seriously barfed when reading spider man loves mary jane, the characters are so cliche and 2d even a manga would not touch it -_- also they made peter into a fat loser kid but buff him up when he's spider man.

i'll probably order this one regardless:

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Does anyone know how to read a Microsoft Word Document?
I have not done anything to change any of my word documents. All I do is read them or add text. I have done nothing different to them. But now all I get is "Baawwwwww Baawwwwww file not available" I have not moved these files at all. I made them, saved them and opened them all on the exact same computer. All I did was the non-computer-massively-altering process of moving the computer to another building and now all my files are full of fail. Even new ones I create then open fail. I have not added or removed any programs since everything failed.
docx fails. doc fails.
But somehow, magically, I can open my documents on ANOTHER computer with the EXACT SAME word program.
I have tied opening the files in another program. Fail Microsoft! I wrote the documents in ENGLISH!! E-N-G-L-I-S-H!!

Should I just fuck Microfail and get a Mac?

All I want is to READ a word document. I don't want to have to abandon my religion for witchcraft just to see one fucking pixel of my files!!

Posted at

All I want is to READ a word document. I don't want to have to abandon my religion for witchcraft just to see one fucking pixel of my files!!

Sounds like you might have to reinstall.

Meanwhile, try uploading your file to Google Docs. They have an in-browser viewer which should be able to open it, and it will be available on any computer.

Posted at

As a rant i seriously barfed when reading spider man loves mary jane, the characters are so cliche and 2d even a manga would not touch it

I generally hate mainstream comics regardless of country of origin, why else would I be here? :) Although I applaud the expansion of horizons… even when they only serve as a lesson in what not to do.

I think the main problem with mainstream comics is that there's too many people working on any given comic. The person with the initial vision doesn't stay on the project, and more often than not the comic suffers because of it. I mean, can you imagine what would happen if someone just suddenly took over YOUR comic? It's a surefire way to ask the suck to fly. Of course if someone is stagnating, or just plain tired of the comic, then a new writer can bring fresh life to a series. The problem being is unless that person is competent or passionate about the comic, personal vendettas, styles and interests trump good storytelling or character development. Then there's the pressures to pander to the lowest common denominator or chase a trend in order to push the paper. Little wonder it's hard to make a good mainstream comic.

I'd just as soon make NOTHING off my comic, and have a small fanbase, than stuff it into that kind of meatgrinder.

Posted at

So in one week my comic rank went from #706 to #996. I feel like John Adams (obnoxious and disliked)

I'm considering homicide again. Just shot my comic in the head and put it out of my misery. lol!

Maybe start again with a script that is halfway decent. (like one I didn't write) ;)

Just have got to laugh.

Now I should have been graduated out of the program for my depression (group therapy and coping skills, yes, I'm working on not being such an ass) ;). Instead I was extended again. Guess I'm still insane (and an ass, I guess that's why they're mental health professionals and I'm an out-of-work social studies teacher. Why are all holders of Masters Degree of Social Work so cute?). :)


Gotta love this shit.

Posted at

So in one week my comic rank went from #706 to #996. I feel like John Adams (obnoxious and disliked)

How dare you say such things about our great second President!

I mean, how the hell could anyone follow up Washington? America was bound to be disappointed but he did a pretty good job :[

Plus that thing about him being friends with Jefferson, then being enemies, then being friends again, then dying on the same day, is pretty cool.

Posted at

I saved a bird on the way to work just now :)

A wattlebird: grey, with a yellow and white breast, sharp thin beak, and two bright red earing-like wattles on the sides of its head.

As I was walking to the train station, it got hit by a car. I saw it fall like a rag, then it rolled about on the road with its legs in the air and its neck twisted sideways as the cars rushed passed just centimetres away. I picked it up, straightened it out, sheltered it from the rain and kept it warm. At first I thought I'd have to leave it to die safe in a bush somewhere, or knock on someone's door and ask them to take it, but then I thought it best just to take it with me. So I carried it to the train station and kept stroking it and checking that its neck was ok, that its wings were fine, that its legs were good… Everything seemed ok actually, it had just been stunned and needed some time and space to get itself back together, but would have been squished on the road, might not have lasted in the bushes…

So it was all good, it didn't want to let go of my hand and it took a lot of persuasion to get it off me, its claws were wrapped tight… but eventually I got to to walk free, and after more coaxing it actually flew away! :) :) :)

Yay! \^_^/

And I caught the train as normal, on time. lol!

But at one of the stops, a wattlebird flew down and landed on a tree branch, peering into the train windows… It wouldn't have been the same bird, but it was a nice thing to see. ^^

Posted at

Ozone: That is not a rant, but it is a nice story so I will forgive you.

My neighbourhood doesn't seem very safe lately. The other day some gross drug dealer was hitting on me(Him: Want some weed? Me: Too late! Him: Want my number? Me: runs away) and then today I saw Kermit the Stalker walking past my house(I thought he was still in jail). Maybe I should get a big muscly boyfriend to protect me. :P

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Nice stories are better than rants ^^
You need to do some serious dick-punching…

My bird looked like this

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i'm tired. and my job is wearing down on me. i'm almost halfway thru and i think that's the problem. same as when i'm about 20 minutes into my run. i start wearing down…and it lasts until i'm about 3/4 the way done…..blech…it's like this everytime…

in good news, i get to meet someone very important…however, i dont know who it is. just that i get to have lunch with them. oh well, prolly some four star that's trying to get a good rep….

also i miss my wife very much, and i hope that i can meet someone that can allow me to change current programs, so that i can join them, and not miss my wife so very much….

for those of you who don't know me and my wife are giving it one last shot….

Posted at

So in one week my comic rank went from #706 to #996. I feel like John Adams (obnoxious and disliked)

How dare you say such things about our great second President!

I mean, how the hell could anyone follow up Washington? America was bound to be disappointed but he did a pretty good job :[

Plus that thing about him being friends with Jefferson, then being enemies, then being friends again, then dying on the same day, is pretty cool.

Maybe you should bestir yourself to read some of John Adams' correspondance rather than… (oh shut up Bravo and stop being such a resentful ass, face it your comic is pure unadulterated shit and deserves to have fallen that far.) lol!

Everybody bought the McCullough biography I have a feeling I'm the only one who read it. :) (As well as some of the Adams papers. Adams and Abigail's relationship is very touching.) Also you're falling for the mythology about Washington. He wasn't very popular in his second term.

Try un-teaching the mythology about the Founding Fathers sometime.

Posted at

Try un-teaching the mythology about the Founding Fathers sometime.

I don't see how there was anything very educational about what I said, it's not like I said much of anything about him at all :)

My rant is, why is everyone in the last 10 years so keen on criticising every moment and person that has ever happened in history? Suddenly there is no one you're allowed to admire without people thinking you're uneducated, or that you sympathise with killing half a million natives. It's not really fair to hold historical figures up to standards other than the ones they lived in themselves. Any time you try to talk about a historic figure, there's always someone who just has to say 'they weren't that great, they had sex with their slaves' or something. OK, but can't I think he's pretty cool for writing the Declaration of Independence? :[

This isn't aimed at bravo btw. :] It's just reminded me of a trend I see happening more and more often. It's at the point where I just don't like talking about history with people because someone always wants to just look at the worst parts.

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I've always thought Genghis Kahn was a pretty amazing Mongol ruler and a pretty amazing historical figure all round. No one can convince me otherwise. :P

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I've always thought Genghis Kahn was a pretty amazing Mongol ruler and a pretty amazing historical figure all round. No one can convince me otherwise. :P

I totally agree. He was immensely creative. The amazing work he could do with a jean jacket, a Bedazzler and embroidery… breath-taking! Oh the other mongols would tease him but he didn't let it get to him or let it get in the way of expressing himself. Truely a genuine kind of guy! I really don't understand why Kirk hated him so much!

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I think that not knowing is probably one of the worst feelings to have (when it deals with relationships)….

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Try un-teaching the mythology about the Founding Fathers sometime.

I don't see how there was anything very educational about what I said, it's not like I said much of anything about him at all :)

My rant is, why is everyone in the last 10 years so keen on criticising every moment and person that has ever happened in history? Suddenly there is no one you're allowed to admire without people thinking you're uneducated, or that you sympathise with killing half a million natives. It's not really fair to hold historical figures up to standards other than the ones they lived in themselves. Any time you try to talk about a historic figure, there's always someone who just has to say 'they weren't that great, they had sex with their slaves' or something. OK, but can't I think he's pretty cool for writing the Declaration of Independence? :[

This isn't aimed at bravo btw. :] It's just reminded me of a trend I see happening more and more often. It's at the point where I just don't like talking about history with people because someone always wants to just look at the worst parts.

You're right, skoolmunkee. It's like this generation bashes everyone but the imaginary heroes because the real ones seem to be all gone. It's sad to see people so cynical.

Posted at

I think hero's are still out there. Just they aren't known yet. A lot of the ones we are told about in the military were dishonorably discharged, and or hated my command due to the fact they stood up for what they beleived no matter what the cost. Yet now a days they send you to a briefing to learn about them. There was one guy in particular who criticized the Navy's vulnerabilities openely during world war 2 and he pretty much predicted pearl harbor. I can't remember his damn name though.

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It's good to have people to look up to for various reasons, but important too to remember that they were just ordinary humans too. That's what the GOOD detractors do: make you see the legendary figures as real people. :)

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EDIT: wait i actually have all my software 0-0 So it wasn't a virus after all yay

Actually i'm not even 100% sure it was a virus, i think windows just gave my computer shitty updates that messed it up 0_o but it could have been one easily since the day before i'd opened a keygen willingly and norton flipped out. i just figured /all/ keygens are viruses.
Rapidshare needs to scan files better.
I'll my important stuff is on my laptop so no damage was done.

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I am ILL. I'm never ill! this is ridiculous, feel like crap and missed my college's walk in the park event, I'm gonna have to catch up with so much work… rats.

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… Everything seemed ok actually, it had just been stunned and needed some time and space to get itself back together, but would have been squished on the road, might not have lasted in the bushes…

A lesson to be learned. Thanks Ozone, btw, you should do a comic strip about that.

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Moonlight meanderer

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